Yaxley going back to jail

Sure. I get it. It is embarrassing to have someone report on the horrors that your policies inflicted on the UK citizens.

Someone doing that, needs arrested far more promptly than mass rapists.

That is your nation. That is what you support.
This explains it very well.
Dame Victoria said Robinson's right to freedom of expression "could not justify an interference with fair trial rights".

And she is spot on. A fair trial goes back to Magna Carta. It is our right. I suspect it may be a right in your constitution.

Where was she when thousands of your nation's young girls were being raped and the cops were looking the other way?

What was Dame Victoria doing about their right to not be raped and tortured and enslaved?

Or does she save herself for the big fights, like locking up reporters?

You are all over the place now. Why dont you explain why the judgement is wrong ?

You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
Where were you ?

I was against the policies and culture that caused it to happen, because I knew that they would cause shit LIKE that, though I had no idea of the massive scale.

So, I repeat, where was she?
I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.
The British government until relatively recently just got serious about this important issue. If there are gangs out there still plying their trade of addicting and raping young girls who fall somehow under their influence it's due to the lax attitudes of officials afraid of being accused of anti Muslim attitudes.

It's vigilance that's lacking..not evidence. That Yaxley-Robinson still has a target on his back for exposing the duplicity of British officials is proof of that. Convicted, sentenced and put in prison all in a matter of a few hours.
Proof positive right there!
Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.
Utter bullshit!
The problem of grooming gangs has been almost entirely a Muslim one. Look at who has been prosecuted if you doubt that. Talk about white Christian rape gangs is a diversion and a weak one at that.

75% of these sex criminal gangs are "Asian". Only 21% were all white or mostly white. What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
Clearly 3/4 of the problem is caused by Pakistani immigrants to the UK. That remaining quarter consists of scumbags already residing as natives in the country and little can be done about them (with regard to limiting their numbers).

So where should the focus be if not on the vast majority of the problem? Figure it out, smart guy. When a fire is put out should most of the attention not be paid to 75% of the blaze? Jeeezus you are lame.

Robinson is talking about limiting further damage, quite rightly, and
controlling the problem with the only variable that can be managed. Can you not understand this?

Were this true, I'd agree with you, however the CEOP reports of 2011 and 2013 clearly state that the data was incomplete and inconsistant enough so that it was impossible to draw national conclusions about the overall ethnicity of abusers. The 75% figure is at best inaccurate, at worst, made up.
So, are you supporting Muslims raping British children because you are a Muslim who knows this is traditional Islamic behavior to intimidate and demoralize the people of the culture they are supplanting or are you supporting Muslims raping British children because you are so intimidated and demoralized as to help them supplant you rather than opposing them?
But what else can you say? Do a photo search, as I did, of those arrested and convicted of being in grooming gangs.

You are saying you did a photo search of over 60,000 perpetrators (according to 2017 UK statistics)? Wow, I'm impressed. Care to provide links to back up your assertions?

What policy changes do you support to avoid having such rape rings in the future?
Here's a link to the highly respected Snopes fact checking site regarding Yaxley-Lennon
FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
So anyone not a RWNJ, can get the real facts as opposed to agenda driven conspiracy theories. Cue RWNJ rants....go!
You support the rape of children, so call people who oppose the rapes "right wing nut jobs" to try to convince others to support the rape of childten, too.

Heaven forbid that anybody would reject kiddie rape with a legion of you rape supporters calling them names if they don't .
You are saying you did a photo search of over 60,000 perpetrators (according to 2017 UK statistics)? Wow, I'm impressed. Care to provide links to back up your assertions?
Nope. Not saying that at all but I guess it helps your weak case to pretend I did.

Let me offer support (that you have failed to disprove) once more that shows the problem of "Asian" grooming gangs has been well known and that the reactionary fools who want to put fingers in their ears as they lock Robinson/Yaxley away out of sight have done nothing to diminish his message. British-Pakistani researchers say grooming gangs are 84% Asian

It exist whether you lock up the messenger or not. You only make yourself and your ilk look like losers.
Here's a link to the highly respected Snopes fact checking site regarding Yaxley-Lennon
FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
So anyone not a RWNJ, can get the real facts as opposed to agenda driven conspiracy theories. Cue RWNJ rants....go!
Snopes is only "highly respected" by the leftists who enjoy the cover Snopes has invented for itself as a non biased disinterested arbiter of the truth. The facts show otherwise. Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
Here's a link to the highly respected Snopes fact checking site regarding Yaxley-Lennon
FACT CHECK: Was a Far-Right Activist Jailed for Breaching a Court Order Designed to 'Protect Muslim Pedophiles'?
So anyone not a RWNJ, can get the real facts as opposed to agenda driven conspiracy theories. Cue RWNJ rants....go!
Snopes is only "highly respected" by the leftists who enjoy the cover Snopes has invented for itself as a non biased disinterested arbiter of the truth. The facts show otherwise. Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger

They refer to Tommy Robinson as a " far right" activist. This is a framing device calculated to create a negative impression among their readers.

Do they ever refer to any "far left" activists? No, of course not because they pattern themselves after the mainstream media in the careful selection of language.

All they did was ask the government why they arrested Tommy Robinson. This is the SAME government responsible for abetting the rapes in the first place.

of COURSE they told Snopes he was arrested for contempt of court since that is their official story as well as that of the child rape supporters in this thread

Nowhere was the question of legitimate justification even addressed .
You are saying you did a photo search of over 60,000 perpetrators (according to 2017 UK statistics)? Wow, I'm impressed. Care to provide links to back up your assertions?
Nope. Not saying that at all but I guess it helps your weak case to pretend I did.

Let me offer support (that you have failed to disprove) once more that shows the problem of "Asian" grooming gangs has been well known and that the reactionary fools who want to put fingers in their ears as they lock Robinson/Yaxley away out of sight have done nothing to diminish his message. British-Pakistani researchers say grooming gangs are 84% Asian

It exist whether you lock up the messenger or not. You only make yourself and your ilk look like losers.

Ah, the Quilliam figures, old news and since proven incorrect. The Quilliam Foundation came out with this statistic in December 2017 however subsequent analysis of the study’s methods show that its conclusions are, at best, dubioust. Specifically, the study underestimated, by more than six times, the number of white men convicted of child sexual exploitation offences and implied a racial motive for the selection of victims, information that didn't exist in the cases they looked at.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon wasn't locked up for being a "messanger"; stories have been constantly reported in the MSM years before he crawled out from under whatever stone he came from; he was locked up for demonstating contempt for Britains's legal system and putting a fair trial at risk. The scumbag could have been responsible for letting the vermin convicted, getting off scot free.
Really? Who's being disingenuous again?
You are. Your mendacity is amazing.
I searched photos featured on UK newspapers because they are the only ones I have access to.
Your absurd straw man acts as if I claimed to have access to a law enforcement data bank.
I don't and no rational honest person would presume I somehow did gain that access.

Your claim is supposed to make me look ridiculous. Guess who wound up looking like an ass himself? That's you.
. Were the perpertators finally brought to justice? Yes.
ALL of them? EXCLUSIVE: How UK Authorities Cover Up Child Abuse by Muslim Grooming Gangs
That's a bold unproven claim (falsehood).

Did Yaxley-Lennon jeoparise the process? yes.
Right. :113:Because bringing attention to a severe social problem always jeopardizes solving the problem.
That's just common sense. And the corollary is the girls who were repeatedly raped by these gangs jeopardized their situation by not being somewhere else.

Just like Yaxley/Robinson they contributed to the problem by bringing attention to it.
Everyone knows that.
What attention did Yaxley bring that wasnt already there?
You are saying you did a photo search of over 60,000 perpetrators (according to 2017 UK statistics)? Wow, I'm impressed. Care to provide links to back up your assertions?
Nope. Not saying that at all but I guess it helps your weak case to pretend I did.

Let me offer support (that you have failed to disprove) once more that shows the problem of "Asian" grooming gangs has been well known and that the reactionary fools who want to put fingers in their ears as they lock Robinson/Yaxley away out of sight have done nothing to diminish his message. British-Pakistani researchers say grooming gangs are 84% Asian

It exist whether you lock up the messenger or not. You only make yourself and your ilk look like losers.

Ah, the Quilliam figures, old news and since proven incorrect. The Quilliam Foundation came out with this statistic in December 2017 however subsequent analysis of the study’s methods show that its conclusions are, at best, dubioust. Specifically, the study underestimated, by more than six times, the number of white men convicted of child sexual exploitation offences and implied a racial motive for the selection of victims, information that didn't exist in the cases they looked at.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon wasn't locked up for being a "messanger"; stories have been constantly reported in the MSM years before he crawled out from under whatever stone he came from; he was locked up for demonstating contempt for Britains's legal system and putting a fair trial at risk. The scumbag could have been responsible for letting the vermin convicted, getting off scot free.

He only did what mainstream newspapers have been doing for years. And getting away with it.
Really? Who's being disingenuous again?
You are. Your mendacity is amazing.
I searched photos featured on UK newspapers because they are the only ones I have access to.
Your absurd straw man acts as if I claimed to have access to a law enforcement data bank.
I don't and no rational honest person would presume I somehow did gain that access.

Your claim is supposed to make me look ridiculous. Guess who wound up looking like an ass himself? That's you.
How did you find these pictures if the stories are not being reported ?
Really? Who's being disingenuous again?
You are. Your mendacity is amazing.
I searched photos featured on UK newspapers because they are the only ones I have access to.
Your absurd straw man acts as if I claimed to have access to a law enforcement data bank.
I don't and no rational honest person would presume I somehow did gain that access.

Your claim is supposed to make me look ridiculous. Guess who wound up looking like an ass himself? That's you.
How did you find these pictures if the stories are not being reported ?

That's your problem.
Ah, the Quilliam figures, old news and since proven incorrect. The Quilliam Foundation came out with this statistic in December 2017 however subsequent analysis of the study’s methods show that its conclusions are, at best, dubioust. Specifically, the study underestimated, by more than six times, the number of white men convicted of child sexual exploitation offences and implied a racial motive for the selection of victims, information that didn't exist in the cases they looked at.
So you claim again, still without any backing
documentation or proof whatsoever. Fuck off again.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon wasn't locked up for being a "messanger"; stories have been constantly reported in the MSM years before he crawled out from under whatever stone he came from; he was locked up for demonstating contempt for Britains's legal system and putting a fair trial at risk. The scumbag could have been responsible for letting the vermin convicted, getting off scot free.
Taking a photo of defendants walking towards a courthouse puts trials in jeopardy? On what planet?

Remember O.J..'s low speed police chase that was broadcast in real time to the entire stunned nation? Tell me how that chase throughout Southern California got him convicted. Oh...right. It didn't!

You are contemptuous because your bullshit defense of a nation that persecutes the messenger of bad news and lets the criminals operate for years with their cover and blessings is absolutely corrupt and amoral.
What do you get out of carrying water for the anti-Robinson zealots, beside the self satisfaction a quisling derives when he assits those who pervert justice?
Ah, the Quilliam figures, old news and since proven incorrect. The Quilliam Foundation came out with this statistic in December 2017 however subsequent analysis of the study’s methods show that its conclusions are, at best, dubioust. Specifically, the study underestimated, by more than six times, the number of white men convicted of child sexual exploitation offences and implied a racial motive for the selection of victims, information that didn't exist in the cases they looked at.
So you claim again, still without any backing
documentation or proof whatsoever. Fuck off again.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley-Lennon wasn't locked up for being a "messanger"; stories have been constantly reported in the MSM years before he crawled out from under whatever stone he came from; he was locked up for demonstating contempt for Britains's legal system and putting a fair trial at risk. The scumbag could have been responsible for letting the vermin convicted, getting off scot free.
Taking a photo of defendants walking towards a courthouse puts trials in jeopardy? On what planet?

Remember O.J..'s low speed police chase that was broadcast in real time to the entire stunned nation? Tell me how that chase throughout Southern California got him convicted. Oh...right. It didn't!

You are contemptuous because your bullshit defense of a nation that persecutes the messenger of bad news and lets the criminals operate for years with their cover and blessings is absolutely corrupt and amoral.
What do you get out of carrying water for the anti-Robinson zealots, beside the self satisfaction a quisling derives when he assits those who pervert justice?
Because you do not understand the law doesnt make it wrong. Yaxley understood the law and thats why he pleaded guilty.
How did you find these pictures if the stories are not being reported ?
Stories are being reported now that Robinson has turned a light on the vermin embedded in the British bureaucracy.
And he's being persecuted for it too.

I'm pleased you call him Robinson.

Other than those two fucktards, who have serious issues.

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