YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

What a weak ass whataboutism pile of crap.
What, the truth bitch slapped you if the face?

How about Garland"s conflict of interest and acting stupid about it.
Copping out with the, "I know nuttin", responses which turned out to be lies regarding the Loudoun Virginia school board.
Yeah ethics, your ilk has nothing to brag about.
What, the truth bitch slapped you if the face?

How about Garland"s conflict of interest and acting stupid about it.
Copping out with the, "I know nuttin", responses which turned out to be lies regarding the Loudoun Virginia school board.
Yeah ethics, your ilk has nothing to brag about.
No, a squealing, terrified little cultist tried to derail the thread, because he thinks the orange lard and master can hear his thoughts. Hint: that's you
Meanwhile Hunter Biden is running around scot-free selling his amateur paintings for a fortune while the FBI has had his “laptop from hell” forever and nothing happens.

Anyone who worked for Trump is a target for FBI persecution while high level democrats and members of their families are totally off limits and must be protected.

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Which would tell a rational person that there is nothing there. But a cultist cannot EVER accept that his fantasies are not true. Not ever. So you just make shit up.
Right...Barr had a chance to do something about the BS allegations that Batcat is asserting. He did nothing...so it seems Batcat is as full of shit as a just plucked Christmas turkey.

Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

John Haltiwanger
Nov 10, 2021, 3:52 PM

  • Two VA school board members called for burning books that have been deemed worthy of removal.
  • The Spotsylvania County School Board directed staff to begin removing "sexually explicit" books from library shelves.
  • The GOP has been pushing against teaching students about race and sexuality.
The board has plans to review how certain books or materials are defined as "objectionable," the paper said, which opens the door for other content to be removed.

Courtland representative Rabih Abuismail and Livingston representative Kirk Twigg both championed burning the books that have been removed.

"I think we should throw those books in a fire," Abuismail said. Meanwhile, Twigg said he wanted to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff."

Book burnings have a dark history linked to censorship and repressive regimes, and are often associated with Nazi Germany. Infamous Nazi book burnings in 1933 targeted thousands of books deemed "un-German," including the works of Jewish authors like like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, as well as banned American writers like Ernest Hemingway.

A Nazi book burning

May 1933: German soldiers and civilians give the Nazi salute as thousands of books smoulder during one of the mass book-burnings implemented throughout the country to destroy non-Aryan publications. Getty Images

The directive to remove "sexually explicit" books was seemingly prompted by a school board meeting on Monday during which parents expressed concerns about literature students can access via the Riverbend High School's digital library app.

One parent was apparently alarmed by the availability of "LGBTQIA" fiction, the Lance-Star said, and found a book called "33 Snowfish" by Adam Rapp especially troubling. The American Library Association named the book a Best Book for Young Adults in 2004. According to a Publishers Weekly review, the book is "dark tale about three runaways who understand hatred and violence better than love."
Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

so stfu & sit down.
You are such an outstanding propagandist. It's always a treat to meet someone so devoid of integrity and willing to debase themselves for their party. Again Kudos!
No, a squealing, terrified little cultist tried to derail the thread, because he thinks the orange lard and master can hear his thoughts. Hint: that's you
Conversation was between myself and Doc, you stick your Pinocchio nose into everything, huh?
Life must suck for you.
As far as Bannon? He knows a shenanigans when he sees it. It's what your "ethical" ilk reeks with.
Doesn't matter, what they tried to get him on was found to be fake. It was nothing but a real political witch hunt. And we all know why it was done.
Fake? Holder ignored a congressional subpoena, just like Bannon.
Conversation was between myself and Doc, you stick your Pinocchio nose into everything, huh?
We go complain to a mod. They will tell you this Is a public board and that, if you want a private conversation, use PMs. Or, even better, if you are about to crap out something stupid, just don't.

That's all free advice. You're welcome!
by the grace of god - one was tazed into having a heart attack, several others were injured badly - including a crush spine, a lost eye, & some were stabbed.

4 committed suicide due to PTSD they suffered from that day - which can be DIRECTLY tied to jan. 6
This belongs in the original thread that was moved to Current Events...for some unknown reason.
You are a delusional cultist who is licking the nutsack of the felon who got pardoned by your orange lard and master for stealing money from his own cultists, like you. Very bizarre. . Nothing rational is going to emanate from your mushy little brain about this.
Sorry to have made you wet your panties, there Fart Fun. But I even posted the indictment. It references the precise US Code section charged for the two counts. It is a misdemeanor. It is simply not a felony, you mindless drooling troll.

Actual facts just bug the snot out of you liberal mindless clowns.
i didn't forget anything - especially how they broke into the only unsecured glass windows - scaled the walls, beat 140 cops, used chemical spray, smoke bombs, hunted down various congress critters, & called for the hanging of the VP - all live on TV.
Beat 140 cops? Gotta link?
Silly Sue is ranting. Gas prices and inflation is a worldwide problem due to the pandemic. All the rest is right wing bullshit. The border is a inherited problem. COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates are public safety issues, and your boy trump is demented but you want him back.

That's why your name is Silly Sue.
The border is a inherited problem.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Here is another fun fact for our mindless drooling troll pal, Fart Fun:

One who has been convicted of a crime (yes, including a felony) but been issued a Pardon for same — is returned to his pre-conviction legal status once pardoned.

either way, Bannon is not a felon.
Let's summarize:

trump and his cult planned, funded, and even boasted beforehand about the January 6th attack on the US Capitol and on our democratic republic. trump and his cult watched with glee as the capitol was attacked, police were beaten, and Pence and lawmaker's lives were threatened. But soon it became apparent that their coup was not going to succeed. trump and his cult turned 180 degrees and decide it was time to stop the siege. So trump told his mob to go home and that "we love you."

At this point, the cover up began. trump, through coercion and bullying, was able to bring his cult, many of whom were actually in danger during the coup attempt, back into his fold. Suddenly the violent attack on the US Capitol became "just another Capitol tour." The repub party wants to move on, because they know the truth and facts will show them to be treasonous. The political capital that the repub should enjoy in the upcoming mid-terms will be out the window.

The repub party blocks an investigation by Congress, for the reasons I have listed able. The House forms a Select Committee which begins insuring subpoenas. The members of the trump cult ignore the subpoenas, because they are still devotees of trump...not the United States. trump is heading up the repub party just like a Mafia Boss keeps his members in line...with threats and intimidation. And since there does not seem to be any fortitude left in the repub party, there are very few who actually have the guts to stand up to him.

Now that the DOJ has stood up to the trump stone wall, the expectation is there will be people who will come forward and tell the truth and give the documents that the Committee wants. Truth and Facts are the two things that scare the repub party the most right now. But it is truth and facts that might stop trump's reign of terror on the GOP. And I do think that there are many, many in the repub party who want to return to the policies and dignity of the GOP. Maybe they are cheering for the DOJ?
Adumb Schifferbrains, is that you?

Cool story, Bro.
contempt brings a hefty fine & open ended jail time.
Not really. Each count brings a possible fine in a range between 100 and 1,000 dollars together with a sentence between about 1 month and 1 year. It’s only “open ended” between those parameters.
Liberals always decry vigilantism Unless it’s a bunch of goons chasing down a white guy . Unfortunately for the losers, he was prepared to defend himself.
Get used to a Whole Lot More of it.

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