YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

The orange buffoon and his trained seals are a big FUCK YOU to a world these people think has victimized them.

They'll defend anything, cover for anything, attack for anything. The Fifth Avenue Rule is real. They're nihilists.

This Fifth Avenue rule? :biggrin:

I'll bet the OP is still blaming Trump for everything Biden and the Democrats get wrong.....and for his own constipation.

You can always tell a true demented Left wing nut job....they NEVER accept responsibility for their own failures.

Don't tell others to do what you never do. The country was fucked up when Biden took over. Trump was president for 4 years, Biden less than 10 months. What trump got wrong has cost over 750,000 lives. What trump got wrong gave the talibn control of Afghanistan. Trump pissed off all our allies, cost farmers money and farms with his failed trade war with China. A year ago at this time I was watching college football games in empty stadiums and watched people line up in miles long food lines. So don't come in here barking like the world was perfect before Biden.
Has nothing to do with Dumbass America destroying left polices.......
This is why you are you are known as IM2Hateful....and IM2Stupid
In a perfect world, I would get you into the Octagon for a few minutes

View attachment 563616

You are wrong about everything and I don't give a fuck what a few greasy ass white supremacists call me.

The right wing is trying to destroy the country. All sane people know it.
Shades of past Fascist regimes rising to power by killing or imprisoning their opposition. This time Democrat Nazis completely out of touch with the people of this country, and having no ability for self reflection, wanting to clear the deck by going after people they think are a danger to their power..

Fortunately for this country they aren’t fully in control yet.
I'll let Pelosi know you were a good German. Kudos.


Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

John Haltiwanger
Nov 10, 2021, 3:52 PM

  • Two VA school board members called for burning books that have been deemed worthy of removal.
  • The Spotsylvania County School Board directed staff to begin removing "sexually explicit" books from library shelves.
  • The GOP has been pushing against teaching students about race and sexuality.
The board has plans to review how certain books or materials are defined as "objectionable," the paper said, which opens the door for other content to be removed.

Courtland representative Rabih Abuismail and Livingston representative Kirk Twigg both championed burning the books that have been removed.

"I think we should throw those books in a fire," Abuismail said. Meanwhile, Twigg said he wanted to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff."

Book burnings have a dark history linked to censorship and repressive regimes, and are often associated with Nazi Germany. Infamous Nazi book burnings in 1933 targeted thousands of books deemed "un-German," including the works of Jewish authors like like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, as well as banned American writers like Ernest Hemingway.

A Nazi book burning

May 1933: German soldiers and civilians give the Nazi salute as thousands of books smoulder during one of the mass book-burnings implemented throughout the country to destroy non-Aryan publications. Getty Images

The directive to remove "sexually explicit" books was seemingly prompted by a school board meeting on Monday during which parents expressed concerns about literature students can access via the Riverbend High School's digital library app.

One parent was apparently alarmed by the availability of "LGBTQIA" fiction, the Lance-Star said, and found a book called "33 Snowfish" by Adam Rapp especially troubling. The American Library Association named the book a Best Book for Young Adults in 2004. According to a Publishers Weekly review, the book is "dark tale about three runaways who understand hatred and violence better than love."
Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

so stfu & sit down.
Last edited:
wrong. kevin mcspinless wanted to seat the 2 traitors of the constitution ( that donny chose ) on that panel - to literally turn it into a circus. he knew it when he did that - & she was not gonna have any of it. 3 were accepted & he could have chose 2 more ... but he had NO intention ahead of time to even have 1 on the committee - so he pulled them all. that's a damn shame. because the (R) side of the committee would have had FULL equality in subpoena power - refusal of any potential witness' testify & have an equal number of members except for the chair.

kevin mcspineless threw that away, because donny told him

It will be interesting to see what happens when Kevin is subpoenaed. He'll have to tell the truth about that famous phone call, and why the flip flop the following week when he flew to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring. :)


Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

John Haltiwanger
Nov 10, 2021, 3:52 PM

  • Two VA school board members called for burning books that have been deemed worthy of removal.
  • The Spotsylvania County School Board directed staff to begin removing "sexually explicit" books from library shelves.
  • The GOP has been pushing against teaching students about race and sexuality.
The board has plans to review how certain books or materials are defined as "objectionable," the paper said, which opens the door for other content to be removed.

Courtland representative Rabih Abuismail and Livingston representative Kirk Twigg both championed burning the books that have been removed.

"I think we should throw those books in a fire," Abuismail said. Meanwhile, Twigg said he wanted to "see the books before we burn them so we can identify within our community that we are eradicating this bad stuff."

Book burnings have a dark history linked to censorship and repressive regimes, and are often associated with Nazi Germany. Infamous Nazi book burnings in 1933 targeted thousands of books deemed "un-German," including the works of Jewish authors like like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, as well as banned American writers like Ernest Hemingway.

A Nazi book burning

May 1933: German soldiers and civilians give the Nazi salute as thousands of books smoulder during one of the mass book-burnings implemented throughout the country to destroy non-Aryan publications. Getty Images

The directive to remove "sexually explicit" books was seemingly prompted by a school board meeting on Monday during which parents expressed concerns about literature students can access via the Riverbend High School's digital library app.

One parent was apparently alarmed by the availability of "LGBTQIA" fiction, the Lance-Star said, and found a book called "33 Snowfish" by Adam Rapp especially troubling. The American Library Association named the book a Best Book for Young Adults in 2004. According to a Publishers Weekly review, the book is "dark tale about three runaways who understand hatred and violence better than love."
Virginia school board members call for books to be burned amid GOP's campaign against schools teaching about race and sexuality

so stfu & sit down.

This is what authoritarian regimes do in Russia, Belarus and Turkey.
Yep, "loyalty" all flows one way. Trump will pretend he doesn't know him. Kind of like he claimed when Sloppy Steve headed up his campaign for a VERY short amount of time. :D

michael cohen who?
  • Funny
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It will be interesting to see what happens when Kevin is subpoenaed. He'll have to tell the truth about that famous phone call, and why the flip flop the following week when he flew to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring. :)

yep. shortly after that performance- this happened:


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