YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

While a drunk moron like you cheers for record inflation, sky high gas and heating oil prices, empty store shelves, and a pants shitting dementia patient who’s taking your gullible ass to the cleaners.
Heating oil?
Buy a new furnace fer chrissakes.

Dotardo can't save him this time :)

Why in the world would somebody care enough to shout "yay" because some poor bastard was indicted for a technical violation that has been common for the last 40 years? The short answer is simply "hatred". Lefties are compelled to act like losers even when they won all the marbles simply because they can't function without hating the former president.

Wonder how you'd like it if next time Republicans are in charge, Dems thumbed their nose at every congressional subpoena? Bet not so much.
what nancy peolosi did - as the leader of the house of reps - was refuse to allow 2 of the 5 (R) members that kevin mcspineless chose to be seated on the select committee because they voted to stop the CONSTITUTIONALLY mandated certification of the electoral votes. those 2 traitors, jim hominahominahomina jordan & some other dude were willing to shit on the constitution to appease their wanna be fascist king.

that's like allowing rittenhouse's mama - who drove him over state lines with an illegal assault rifle - to be seated on the jury.
Exactly. Republicans need to stop lying about these things. They know exactly what was done and why. They know good and well that McCarthy was trying to sabotage the committee and they all were for it. Right wingers are mad because Pelosi did not fold and allow what McCarthy was trying to do. It was McCarthy playing politics and as usual these nutcases are projecting.
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That will be Bannon's defense- how contemptible of an outfit Congress is made the actions of ignoring them the right thing to do.

I don't see this going to trial.

The corrupt POS Merrick Garland and Sleepy Joe don't want to have this discussed publicly where the media can't ignore it.

This will be discussed. It's trump and his crew who don't want this discussed publicly. That is why we see the usual trump evasive tactics.
We are waiting for all of the Progs to be put in jail. But you control the system. You are the Nazis. The Soviets. Stalin. Pol Pot...Big Daddy.. Castro....Che...North Korea...Viet Nam...Ayatollahs...Hitler...and so many more....Non Progs are not at the martyr stage yet....The abjact morons and traitors who are making the prices of things double in every way as the next benchmark you approve of. I tell you this will make people get active. Fiat currencies are born...and they die. We are a nation near the end of that as we were the top dog after WW 2. Perceptions of safety makes investments here better then in other places. We can not even do a Paul Volker Federal Reserve massive increase in Prime Rates here to eliminate bad debts.

This is what you have been radicalized to believe. Meanwhile you are supporting a party that is openly fascist.
"Now the message sent here is if you defy the subpoenas, there will be consequences," he explained. "You can be charged with a crime and DOJ has backed that up right now."

Looks like Bannon will need to buy a new hobo suit.

Maybe Donnie can loan him some of that cheap orange face makeup to cover up his skin issues? :cool-45:

Democrats, and this includes you Ol' Mac, you should keep doing this. Yes, obsess over Steve Bannon for the next year, all day, all night. Follow every twist and turn of his troubles with breathless drooling anticipation.

Do it.

Ignore gas prices, inflation, covid restrictions, pissed off parents. Ignore the border, vaccine mandates, bungled foreign policy, the fact that your president is literally demented.

I endorse this wholeheartedly. Really. Obsess. Give free reign to your every base instinct here.
Silly Sue is ranting. Gas prices and inflation is a worldwide problem due to the pandemic. All the rest is right wing bullshit. The border is a inherited problem. COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates are public safety issues, and your boy trump is demented but you want him back.

That's why your name is Silly Sue.
I'll bet the OP is still blaming Trump for everything Biden and the Democrats get wrong.....and for his own constipation.

You can always tell a true demented Left wing nut job....they NEVER accept responsibility for their own failures.
Silly Sue is ranting. Gas prices and inflation is a worldwide problem due to the pandemic. All the rest is right wing bullshit. The border is a inherited problem. COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates are public safety issues, and your boy trump is demented but you want him back.

That's why your name is Silly Sue.

Has nothing to do with Dumbass America destroying left polices.......
This is why you are you are known as IM2Hateful....and IM2Stupid
In a perfect world, I would get you into the Octagon for a few minutes

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Probably be arrested but only detained if we couldn't afford bail. The players or former players in DC don't have that problem of lack of sufficient resources. You do understand that his 5th Amendment rights are sacrosanct, yes? Even though he's hated by all on the Left, they haven't quite gotten powerful enough to openly deny Constitutional rights that they regularly depend on as well.

I'll make a prediction for ya. IF they come at Bannon hard and it stays in the media for weeks or months, Trump and the MAGA Republicans will benefit more than your party. Every time the Left goes off the deep end with these witch hunts, Trump and his team get stronger. Next November, you guys will only have yourselves to blame.

I know right? Sloppy Steve is such a sympathetic character. :lol:


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