YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Steve Bannon advized Trump that tyrants don't govern these days by censoring speech, but instead, based on the idea of "flooding the zone with shit" -- pumping so much disinformation and BS online, until nobody can still tell truth from lie.

"Flood the zone with shit" ... it's the first line that comes to my mind when I think of this web board.
Bannon sent his daughters to get educated without being influenced from other ethnic daughters with bullshit. Self important shrews as it were. When the time comes, his daughters will survive.
What? You've got to be living in a bunker in the ground or your own fantasy world???


it's the orange koolaid.

I think it is much deeper than just trolling. He has a position, and is saying some things, that the consortium don't want said.

It is very, very important for them, that he shut up. His activities could precipitate the war sooner than they are prepared for.

If you can find any information on his dad, I would appreciate that.

It is in fact deeper than trolling....He's not just running his mouth on his War Room shows, he's bringing about grassroots action.

The fascist left want only "republicans" who talk a big game, but fold up like pup tents when the rubber meets the road (See: the fake "infrastructure" turncoats)....Those whose actions meet their words must be ground into greasy spots on the pavement.
You people probably made him 10 mil in donations today

Great job

I'm sure this pains him greatly, lol
Oh i just remembered. Republicans kicked Leftist butt on November 2, 2021. and it wont even midterms YET. Kicked it and then put its heel on leftist butt and ground it into pulp.
wrong. kevin mcspinless wanted to seat the 2 traitors of the constitution ( that donny chose ) on that panel - to literally turn it into a circus. he knew it when he did that - & she was not gonna have any of it. 3 were accepted & he could have chose 2 more ... but he had NO intention ahead of time to even have 1 on the committee - so he pulled them all. that's a damn shame. because the (R) side of the committee would have had FULL equality in subpoena power - refusal of any potential witness' testify & have an equal number of members except for the chair.

kevin mcspineless threw that away, because donny told him
I'll let Pelosi know you were a good German. Kudos.
The fascists are at it again. It is not news, it is expected in witch hunts.
It is news. At least to those with a functional brain.
It means congressional subpoenas will be enforced by the DOJ. Something that was not previously done. This means there is no escape for anyone from testifying before the committee. The most any witness can do to avoid testimony is to exercise their 5th amd rights.
Ignore gas prices, inflation, covid restrictions, pissed off parents. Ignore the border, vaccine mandates, bungled foreign policy, the fact that your president is literally demented.
Just because you can't think about more than one thing at a time doesn't mean nobody can.
Why in the world would somebody care enough to shout "yay" because some poor bastard was indicted for a technical violation that has been common for the last 40 years? The short answer is simply "hatred". Lefties are compelled to act like losers even when they won all the marbles simply because they can't function without hating the former president.

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