YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!


Trying again. Apparently just posting the link to the indictment now being discussed doesn’t fly without some original commentary. Initially, my plan wasn’t to comment so much as to inform. Folks should know more precisely the nature of the criminal charges under discussion before discussing it.

My commentary is dull and basic, here. Bannon got the subpoena. He defied it. Congress made a referral. The DOJ chose to seek an indictment. They got it. I suspect the case isn’t going to hard for any Assistant US Attorney to prove. My hunch? Mr. Bannon is in trouble here. I also believe this is a partisan political bogus move, but that doesn’t help this particular defendant.
They will get nothing from Bannon. Even if he testifies, he can take the 5th amendment or say he does not know for every question those idiots ask him. It is useless to force someone to testify. Bannon left the white house 4 years ago. He will just tell them that over and over and they will look stupid.
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Trying again. Apparently just posting the link to the indictment now being discussed doesn’t fly without some original commentary. Initially, my plan wasn’t to comment so much as to inform. Folks should know more precisely the nature of the criminal charges under discussion before discussing it.

My commentary is dull and basic, here. Bannon got the subpoena. He defied it. Congress made a referral. The DOJ chose to seek an indictment. They got it. I suspect the case isn’t going to hard for any Assistant US Attorney to prove. My hunch? Mr. Bannon is in trouble here. I also believe this is a partisan political bogus move, but that doesn’t help this particular defendant.

This belongs in the original thread that was moved to Current Events...for some unknown reason.
The FBI already investigated the Jan 6 event for 8 months and found nothing on Donald Trump. This commission is political bs.
Determing whether or not Trump incited it is only one of the purposes. They are also looking into where or not some of the people or groups that took part preplanned their actions, and if members of congress conspired with them.
Democrats, and this includes you Ol' Mac, you should keep doing this. Yes, obsess over Steve Bannon for the next year, all day, all night. Follow every twist and turn of his troubles with breathless drooling anticipation.

Do it.

Ignore gas prices, inflation, covid restrictions, pissed off parents. Ignore the border, vaccine mandates, bungled foreign policy, the fact that your president is literally demented.

I endorse this wholeheartedly. Really. Obsess. Give free reign to your every base instinct here.
Wrong. McCarthy refused the committee and republicans are seated on it.

what nancy peolosi did - as the leader of the house of reps - was refuse to allow 2 of the 5 (R) members that kevin mcspineless chose to be seated on the select committee because they voted to stop the CONSTITUTIONALLY mandated certification of the electoral votes. those 2 traitors, jim hominahominahomina jordan & some other dude were willing to shit on the constitution to appease their wanna be fascist king.

that's like allowing rittenhouse's mama - who drove him over state lines with an illegal assault rifle - to be seated on the jury.

Breaking now on CNN.

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I guess we are so dumb to think that Bannon is here to help Pres. Trump.

Like I've been saying. The conservative's party needs to stay away from chemical treated drinking water, vaccines and GMOs. All of these products cause our memories to fail us. And so, leave them products alone or else Karl Schwab will stick his A.I. computer chipped pecker into all of us.

Bannon, who spent his brief employ in the White House mixing effusive praise for the president with occasional backbiting to the press, was just as candid about Trump’s limitations before he joined the campaign. Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” he told Ken Stern for Vanity Fair in mid-summer 2016, mere weeks before he became Trump’s campaign C.E.O. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.” Bannon’s running commentary on Trump’s mental capacity hasn’t stopped since he was exiled from the White House, either. “He’s like an 11-year-old child,” Bannon joked to a friend in November, my colleague Gabriel Sherman reported in December. He’s said repeatedly that he thinks Trump could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), GMOs are also found to be the leading cause of memory lapses, gastro-intestinal disorders and vital organ malfunction (Robinson). The introduction of new genes to a plant leads to increased amounts of toxins which if consumed, could be harmful to the health of individuals.

Democrats, and this includes you Ol' Mac, you should keep doing this. Yes, obsess over Steve Bannon for the next year, all day, all night. Follow every twist and turn of his troubles with breathless drooling anticipation.

Do it.

Ignore gas prices, inflation, covid restrictions, pissed off parents. Ignore the border, vaccine mandates, bungled foreign policy, the fact that your president is literally demented.

I endorse this wholeheartedly. Really. Obsess. Give free reign to your every base instinct here.

LOL!!!!! .... what a diatribe & such displaced anger you got goin' on there, suze.... your BP must be thru the roof!

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but he will serve time for the criminal acts of non compliance to a lawfully served subpoena. tutt tutt.
Note how proud and supportive they are of those who appear to be withholding vital information about a historic insurrection.

The same people who used to claim they care about law and order are now just obedient, lawless cult members.
You are entitled to you own opinion, but not your own facts

"The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision,"

Never in the history of our country has a Speaker refused to seat the members put forth by the minority party. Never. Unprecedented

With that action, she turned the committee into a partisan circus with no credibility.

wrong. kevin mcspinless wanted to seat the 2 traitors of the constitution ( that donny chose ) on that panel - to literally turn it into a circus. he knew it when he did that - & she was not gonna have any of it. 3 were accepted & he could have chose 2 more ... but he had NO intention ahead of time to even have 1 on the committee - so he pulled them all. that's a damn shame. because the (R) side of the committee would have had FULL equality in subpoena power - refusal of any potential witness' testify & have an equal number of members except for the chair.

kevin mcspineless threw that away, because donny told him
We are waiting for all of the Progs to be put in jail. But you control the system. You are the Nazis. The Soviets. Stalin. Pol Pot...Big Daddy.. Castro....Che...North Korea...Viet Nam...Ayatollahs...Hitler...and so many more....Non Progs are not at the martyr stage yet....The abjact morons and traitors who are making the prices of things double in every way as the next benchmark you approve of. I tell you this will make people get active. Fiat currencies are born...and they die. We are a nation near the end of that as we were the top dog after WW 2. Perceptions of safety makes investments here better then in other places. We can not even do a Paul Volker Federal Reserve massive increase in Prime Rates here to eliminate bad debts.
Steve Bannon advized Trump that tyrants don't govern these days by censoring speech, but instead, based on the idea of "flooding the zone with shit" -- pumping so much disinformation and BS online, until nobody can still tell truth from lie.

"Flood the zone with shit" ... it's the first line that comes to my mind when I think of this web board.

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