YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

eric "dick" holder is the only US AG to ever be held in contempt of congress...

BUT.... and this is a big BUT.... Plugs told us "he's a famous Negro!!!", so ix-nay on the ail-jay ime-tay.

Poor Steve is NOT a famous Negro so he's shit out of luck.

I like how the stuttering shit clown talks about black people....

But not the one indicted.......say hello to John Mitchell....
, isn't Stephen Miller also "indicted" or whatever for this next democrat charade?

nope, he is not. Just Bannon for now. Will be fun to see if he opts for the 2 years of jail time or comes and talks to the committee. Since we know he is a sniveling coward, I say it will be the latter.
LOL well whatever you want to call it to help you feel good. Face it, bro. That democrat joke committee is going to be another Trump Russia Hoax wasting time and tax payer money.
I don't think so. There is no William Barr arpund to save trump, nor is there a republican senate to prtect him.
So why did 17 Democrats vote to hold him in contempt of Congress?
Doesn't matter, what they tried to get him on was found to be fake. It was nothing but a real political witch hunt. And we all know why it was done.
This could just be the beginning of Bannon's legal problems. Does anyone remember Susan McDougal. Read her story...


Her refusal to answer "three questions" for a grand jury, on whether President Bill Clinton lied in his testimony during her Whitewater trial, led her to receive a jail sentence of 18 months for contempt of court. That made up most of the total 22 months she spent incarcerated.

From September 9, 1996, to March 6, 1998, McDougal spent the maximum possible 18 months' imprisonment for civil contempt, including eight months in solitary confinement, and she was subjected to "diesel therapy," described by McDougal as "the practice of hauling defendants around the country and placing them in different jails along the way."

McDougal was shuffled from Arkansas to Los Angeles to the Oklahoma City transfer center, and then on to the Pulaski County Jail in Little Rock, Arkansas.

You lied, you do have facts that none of the rest of us are privy to. Are you drinking buddies with Bannon? What did he tell you about his planning for the January 6th insurrection?
Think about it.....it will keep you up tonight....Have a nice life....
This could just be the beginning of Bannon's legal problems. Does anyone remember Susan McDougal. Read her story...

View attachment 563376

Her refusal to answer "three questions" for a grand jury, on whether President Bill Clinton lied in his testimony during her Whitewater trial, led her to receive a jail sentence of 18 months for contempt of court. That made up most of the total 22 months she spent incarcerated.

From September 9, 1996, to March 6, 1998, McDougal spent the maximum possible 18 months' imprisonment for civil contempt, including eight months in solitary confinement, and she was subjected to "diesel therapy," described by McDougal as "the practice of hauling defendants around the country and placing them in different jails along the way."

McDougal was shuffled from Arkansas to Los Angeles to the Oklahoma City transfer center, and then on to the Pulaski County Jail in Little Rock, Arkansas.

EXACTLY! The repubs put her behind bars for a long time.
There is nothing mindless about this investigation. It's time for you to stop drinking the kool aid.
The repub want to say...

"So the US capitol was attacked and desecrated....what's the big deal?"

If BLM had attacked and beaten police that day, repub would be out for blood...well...for the ones that were not shot on Capitol steps.
“Since my first day in office, I have promised Justice Department employees that together we would show the American people by word and deed that the Department adheres to the rule of law, follows the facts and the law, and pursues equal justice under the law,” Garland said in a statement Friday. “Today’s charges reflect the Department’s steadfast commitment to these principles.”--contemptible Merrick Garland

oh yeah? why wasn't hilliary indicted for contempt? how about Holder? Contemptible cur.
Jimboy said:
If BLM had attacked and beaten police that day, repub would be out for blood...well...for the ones that were not shot on Capitol steps.
no cops died as a result of anything any trump supporter did that day. liar
Trying again. Apparently just posting the link to the indictment now being discussed doesn’t fly without some original commentary. Initially, my plan wasn’t to comment so much as to inform. Folks should know more precisely the nature of the criminal charges under discussion before discussing it.

My commentary is dull and basic, here. Bannon got the subpoena. He defied it. Congress made a referral. The DOJ chose to seek an indictment. They got it. I suspect the case isn’t going to hard for any Assistant US Attorney to prove. My hunch? Mr. Bannon is in trouble here. I also believe this is a partisan political bogus move, but that doesn’t help this particular defendant.
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no cops died as a result of anything any trump supporter did that day. liar
Where did I say cops died that day? You must have a reading comprehension disability? I said they were "beaten." Now...apologize for lying about what I typed...or lawyer up.....

Defamation of Character is a serious offense....:abgg2q.jpg:
Trying again. Apparently just posting the link to the indictment now being discussed doesn’t fly without some original commentary. Initially, my plan wasn’t to comment so much as to inform. Folks should know more precisely the nature of the criminal charges under discussion before discussing it.
The FBI already investigated the Jan 6 event for 8 months and found nothing on Donald Trump. This commission is political bs.
I was speaking of BLM members dying on the steps. You need to slow down to comprehend thoroughly.
As of January of 2023, the Left will officially be out of the "perpetual whining" mode.
The FBI already investigated the Jan 6 event for 8 months and found nothing on Donald Trump. This commission is political bs.
Get Bannon, Meadows & the rest of Trump's mob under oath. The idea of the commission wasen't political bs until McCarthy got his marching orders from Trump to not cooperate. McCarthy is a spineless little weasel who wets his pants even at the thought of raising the orange baboon's ire.
the left is in full blown panic and trying to divert attention from what this man is uncovering
If BLM had attacked and beaten police that day, repub would be out for blood...well...for the ones that were not shot on Capitol steps.
bs. Your side had been pushing that story and you'll continue to push because people are lazy and democrat influenced people are stupid and want to believe it. You know what you did. You know what your intent was. You were pushing a lie.

Next you'll be telling me someone hacked your account here, and put that last line in there while you were bakin' cookies. LOL been tried before with some success but times are changin'.
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