YAY! STEVE BANNON INDICTED by federal grand jury!!!

Steve Bannon advized Trump that tyrants don't govern these days by censoring speech, but instead, based on the idea of "flooding the zone with shit" -- pumping so much disinformation and BS online, until nobody can still tell truth from lie.

"Flood the zone with shit" ... it's the first line that comes to my mind when I think of this web board.
That advice was a perfect fit for Trump, who has spent a lifetime demonstrating shameless self-promotion and comical hyperbole.
Steve Bannon advized Trump that tyrants don't govern these days by censoring speech, but instead, based on the idea of "flooding the zone with shit" -- pumping so much disinformation and BS online, until nobody can still tell truth from lie.

"Flood the zone with shit" ... it's the first line that comes to my mind when I think of this web board.

steve bannon - who was chosen to be a presidential adviser proudly said he wanted to ' deconstruct the administrative state '.

perfect pick if one wants a a nation to turn fascist!
Contempt of congress. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Hell. 4/5th of the country thinks congress is contemptible. LOLOLOL

That will be Bannon's defense- how contemptible of an outfit Congress is made the actions of ignoring them the right thing to do.

I don't see this going to trial.

The corrupt POS Merrick Garland and Sleepy Joe don't want to have this discussed publicly where the media can't ignore it.
steve bannon - who was chosen to be a presidential adviser proudly said he wanted to ' deconstruct the administrative state '.

perfect pick if one wants a a nation to turn fascist!

Yep. The Republicans under Trump are no longer a party supporting freedom and democracy. They're openly preparing an autocratic right wing coup.

If Trump wins again in 2024? Then this little experiment of 250 years of freedom will be over. They'll say it was a nice try, but didn't work out -- now back to the historical "normal".
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Holder refused to comply with a subpoena, Stupid. Same violation Bannon is accused of.

as did bill barr. in holder's case - he was AG, so the criminal contempt decision had to go to a judge; who said ummmmm.... 'neh.............

in the case of bill barr, the (R) controlled congress did nothing in that respect.

sucked for the (D)s then ... & it SUCKS for the (R)s NOW.
Perhaps Trump is just a tool for Bannon's agenda....? Bannon has always pushed blowing up our government and democracy, even before Trump....? Maybe they are just two peas in the same pod? Trump uses Bannon, and Bannon uses Trump?

the only thing wrong with your post is that you used question marks.
polishprince said:
That will be Bannon's defense- how contemptible of an outfit Congress is made the actions of ignoring them the right thing to do.

I don't see this going to trial.

The corrupt POS Merrick Garland and Sleepy Joe don't want to have this discussed publicly where the media can't ignore it.

Garland is biased and corrupt. Clearly a party man. They applauded hilliary and holder defying contemptible congress. This is a continuation of the obamao policy of harassment against political opposition, specifically Trump supporters. Thank God and God Alone that Garland DID NOT get a seat on the SC.
The minority is allowed to put anyone they choose on any commission like this, until now.

Nazi Pelousy wanted her own stooges on the commission.

& the majority had the final say. lol ... you look at the voting stats of cheney & kinsinger. they have both voted for trump's agenda/policies in the 90% range ... they ain't RINOS ina ny way, shape, or form.

get over yerself - kevin mcspineless had a chance at full equality. donny chose the 2 insurgency sympathizers & kevin went along with it because - well he has no spine.
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Did the Trump Haters forget he cut ties with Bannon years ago? Since it's clearly trying to angle in arresting President Trump. Not going to happen.

did the trump humpers forget donny pardoned bannon for stealing from his own supporters?
Garland is biased and corrupt. Clearly a party man. They applauded hilliary and holder defying contemptible congress. This is a continuation of the obamao policy of harassment against political opposition, specifically Trump supporters. Thank God and God Alone that Garland DID NOT get a seat on the SC.
dear Lord, you have got it all, ass backwards!

trump is who punishes political opponents from day one in office....Sessions, Comey, Stzrok, Page, McCabe, Rice, Romney, Cheney, McCain, Clinton, etc etc etc...he abused his power, trying to harm his political appointments.

Garland is an honest man and AG. He is not Biden's tool like AG Barr WAS Trump's tool, until he finally had enough, and quit over Trumps, "the election was stolen from him" bull crap.

Capitol Police probing claims GOP lawmakers gave tours to Trump supporters before riot





Capitol Police probing claims GOP lawmakers gave tours to Trump supporters before riot
Hey Trump Haters, isn't Stephen Miller also "indicted" or whatever for this next democrat charade? I see him on FOX news right now. Doesn't seem like anything is going to happen but smoke haha

uh ..... steve bannon had a specific date to show up. he didn't.

kevin mcspinless was subpoenaed & the deadline for him to show up was yesterday. he's next to be criminally referred - but i'm willing to bet that the committee will give him one chance to change his mind after seeing what happened to bannon. if he still doesn't comply - then off to jail he will go.

as for the self hating jew/fascist has a deadline to comply is in december - the rest of the flying monkeys who were just served have dates set for various times.

when one is subpoenaed ( which they JUST were ) one is allowed time to lawyer up ... which is good - 'cause they are gonna need all the help they can get.


Nov 9, 2021

Washington—Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) today announced that the Select Committee has issued subpoenas to ten former administration officials as part of its investigation into the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol and its causes. The committee is demanding records and testimony from witnesses including individuals who served as White House officials at the time of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
Chairman Thompson issued the following statement:
“The Select Committee wants to learn every detail of what went on in the White House on January 6th and in the days beforehand. We need to know precisely what role the former President and his aides played in efforts to stop the counting of the electoral votes and if they were in touch with anyone outside the White House attempting to overturn the outcome of the election. We believe the witnesses subpoenaed today have relevant information and we expect them to comply fully with the Select Committee’s investigation as we work to get answers for the American people, make recommendations on changes to the law to protect our democracy, and help ensure that nothing like January 6th ever happens again.”
The Select Committee issued subpoenas for records and testimony to the following individuals...

The letters to the witnesses can be found here:

Select Committee Subpoenas Former Officials with Close Ties to the Former President
Ask Steve how much fun he is having as he begins to write bigly checks to attorneys.
He'll likely pay for it with stealing it from Trump donors in another scam collection, like the build the wall PAC which funded his high on the hog, lifestyle.
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by the grace of god - one was tazed into having a heart attack, several others were injured badly - including a crush spine, a lost eye, & some were stabbed.

4 committed suicide due to PTSD they suffered from that day - which can be DIRECTLY tied to jan. 6

You forgot to mention is was a peaceful protest. They all said so. Now there's hundreds going to court, one in jail and more to come. But it was peaceful remember.
You forgot to mention is was a peaceful protest. They all said so. Now there's hundreds going to court, one in jail and more to come. But it was peaceful remember.

i didn't forget anything - especially how they broke into the only unsecured glass windows - scaled the walls, beat 140 cops, used chemical spray, smoke bombs, hunted down various congress critters, & called for the hanging of the VP - all live on TV.
You forgot to mention is was a peaceful protest. They all said so. Now there's hundreds going to court, one in jail and more to come. But it was peaceful remember.
What? You've got to be living in a bunker in the ground or your own fantasy world???


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