Year of Immunity for the Bergdahl Five To Support Terrorism


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
So as I understand it, the five Taliban are confined to Qatar. Does that not mean that as long as they stay in Qatar, they can freely engage in terrorism support? I mean technically that may not be the agreement, but doesn't that work out to be the reality? If they stay in Qatar, is anyone really going to do anything to stop them? Would that not make it look like we are the ones who didn't honor the deal?
I was just thinking we should have a live Fox News stream at the top of the Politics forum to save all their piss drinking rubes the trouble of rushing here to parrot them.

This thread brings the six day Bergdahl topic count up to 87!
Obama thought of everything. These reformed jihadi terrorists won't be a problem. Obama has declared Qatar a "Terror free zone".... they put up signs and's one..

terror-free-zone-838770.jpg there is really nothing to worry about!!

I was just thinking we should have a live Fox News stream at the top of the Politics forum to save all their piss drinking rubes the trouble of rushing here to parrot them.

This thread brings the six day Bergdahl topic count up to 87!

make sure you post in each of them!! That'll show those piss drinkers!!

i don't believe the exact terms of their stay in qatar have been made available. i could very well be wrong.
I was just thinking we should have a live Fox News stream at the top of the Politics forum to save all their piss drinking rubes the trouble of rushing here to parrot them.

This thread brings the six day Bergdahl topic count up to 87!

make sure you post in each of them!! That'll show those piss drinkers!!


I do feel bad for picking on the tards.
So as I understand it, the five Taliban are confined to Qatar. Does that not mean that as long as they stay in Qatar, they can freely engage in terrorism support?

When a crime boss is on parole and isn't allowed to leave the city, does that mean they can freely engage in crime support?

You see how idiotic you sound parroting tard talking points?
FOX "CONTRIBUTOR": Do you think it is possible Bergdahl jacked off to 9/11 footage?

TARD: I must start a topic about this IMMEDIATELY!!!
I was just thinking we should have a live Fox News stream at the top of the Politics forum to save all their piss drinking rubes the trouble of rushing here to parrot them.

This thread brings the six day Bergdahl topic count up to 87!

make sure you post in each of them!! That'll show those piss drinkers!!


Try to insult all you want. The fact is they literally used the term on the five two minutes before this thread was started.
I was just thinking we should have a live Fox News stream at the top of the Politics forum to save all their piss drinking rubes the trouble of rushing here to parrot them.

This thread brings the six day Bergdahl topic count up to 87!

so what, we have a million fag marriage threads about judges striking down the people's will.
These men are not physical fighters, but lead men, so in my opinion, yes they can carry on just as they did previously. Also there was another taliban released to Qatar, under these same conditions that left, even though he was under orders not to-
"The State Department's concerns about Qatar's supervision of released militants were detailed in a diplomatic cable dated February 2009 by the U.S. embassy in Doha, Qatar's capital, citing the case of Jarallah al-Marri, a former Guantanamo detainee released to Qatar in July 2008.In the cable, the U.S. embassy criticized Qatar for failing to follow through on promises to bar al Marri from leaving Qatar, noting he made two trips to Britain since his release from Guantanamo, and that during his second visit, in early 2009, British authorities arrested him."
Can Qatar Keep Released Guantanamo Inmates From Plotting?

So as I understand it, the five Taliban are confined to Qatar. Does that not mean that as long as they stay in Qatar, they can freely engage in terrorism support? I mean technically that may not be the agreement, but doesn't that work out to be the reality? If they stay in Qatar, is anyone really going to do anything to stop them? Would that not make it look like we are the ones who didn't honor the deal?
If they do engage in terrorist activity they will find a drone visiting them..

Exactly, Qatar is transforming into a money, uh, hungry nation. If they want to stay that way, these guys will be under close "supervision".
"DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar has moved five Afghan Taliban prisoners freed in exchange for a U.S. soldier to a residential compound and will let them move freely in the country, a senior Gulf official said on Tuesday, a step likely to be scrutinised by Washington.U.S. officials have referred to the release of the Islamist militants as a transfer and said they would be subject to certain restrictions in Qatar. One of the officials said that would include a minimum one-year ban on them travelling outside of Qatar as well as monitoring of their activities."All five men received medical checks and they now live with their families in an accommodation facility in Doha," the Gulf source, who declined to be identified, told Reuters. "They can move around freely within the country."Following the deal under which freed the last American soldier held in Afghanistan was freed, concerns have been expressed by some U.S. intelligence officials and congressional advisers over the role of the Gulf Arab state as a bridge between Washington and the world of radical Islam.The Gulf official said the Taliban men, who have been granted Qatari residency permits, will not be treated like prisoners while in Doha and no U.S. officials will be involved in monitoring their movement while in the country."Under the deal they have to stay in Qatar for a year and then they will be allowed to travel outside the country..."

And the last one that I know of they released to them left twice, under supposedly agreed to same restrictions, yet he got to Britain twice before his year was up and his second time the British arrested him.

i don't believe the exact terms of their stay in qatar have been made available. i could very well be wrong.
If they do engage in terrorist activity they will find a drone visiting them..

Exactly, Qatar is transforming into a money, uh, hungry nation. If they want to stay that way, these guys will be under close "supervision".

Last time, same conditions, they did not make sure of that . The gitmo ex left, flew to Britain twice, before his imposed ban was over, and Britain arrested him the second time. Yet we let them have these 5 with their history.
Oh please. Confined to Qatar my arse. They already have permission to make hajj every year to Mecca.
Oh please. Confined to Qatar my arse. They already have permission to make hajj every year to Mecca.
The last guy they restricted that we gave them left shortly thereafter, returned and left again. The second time Britain took him into custody, seeing that Qatar was not going to watch him as was agreed upon between Qatar and the US.

Sure they will watch them. (sarcasm)
It would be reasonable for Obama to explain the details of this release. It's one thing when criminals are paroled here and watched. These terrorists should not have been set free because they are still quite dangerous and we don't know who will be keeping an eye on them.

So far, Obama acts like it's no one's business but his own. Someone remind him that he is a public servant who is bound to laws and not a dictator. The Taliban approves of him far more than the American people right now.

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