Yellow is kaput

WTF are you rambling about now? The states did do what Trump wanted...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

In the beginning Trump said we shouldn't lock down and you loons crapped your pants. Then he switched and did what Fauci told him to do. Biggest mistake of his presidency.
In the beginning Trump said we shouldn't lock down and you loons crapped your pants. Then he switched and did what Fauci told him to do. Biggest mistake of his presidency.

Spin it however make you feel comfortable, it was still Trump who recommended it and then the states complied. Blaming others for what Trump did is just weak sauce and doesn't fly.
Why do democrats here support Biden? Our economy is horrendous. Gas prices, the price of a home and grocery prices All astronomically higher now compared to under Trump.

And why are some Democrats here filled with such hatred that they can’t have a conversation and just personally attack people
The democrats here can't admit the truth. Their President's brain is dying and so is the country.
This is shocking, but not so shocking if you were a customer.
We ship pallets out LTL every week, we stopped using Yellow probably 3-4 months ago.
They were getting unreliable, simply not showing up. They outsourced some of their dispatching which in my opinion was their death fall. Dispatchers are CRITICAL to the operation of a fleet. If your dispatchers suck - the whole company sucks.
They also lost some drivers over the past year... they were not happy campers.
Jobs went out the door as this freight company shuts up shop.

But the workers at Yellow voted to go union, so I don't feel sorry for them.

Yeah, Yellow's problems go a lot deeper than some superficial right wing rant against unions. Yeah, the strike was going to be the final straw, but their
(mis)management issues go back years.

Their rates were too low. If you don't charge enough for what you do you go out of business. End of story.
This is true.
Companies like this use investor money to subsidize low prices to attract more customers to grow their market share to bump up share values. Rinse-Repeat.
It is a risky strategy, but most CEOs could care less what damage is done to a company long term if they can get short term gains.
I have been saying it for years - CEOs are compensated wrong. Giving massive bonuses based on share value encourages high risk moves and sacrificing the company to make bonuses.
Not to mention the Biden administration loaned them $700,000,000 in 2020 despite the facta Congressional probe said the company isn't worth that, and does not meet standards for the Covid loans.

Yellow received a $700 million loan from the government in 2020 as part of a COVID-19 rescue package. In return, the Treasury Department took a 30% stake in the company's shares, which have since plummeted to less than a dollar apiece as of Friday.

In June, a congressional probe found that the Treasury Department's disbursement of the loan was a mistake; the freight company — whose customers included the Department of Defense — did not actually meet the standards to qualify for the business loan because its survival was not "critical to maintaining national security."
-- NPR
You seem to blame Republicans in general, and Trump in particular, for Democrat legislation. Isn't that intellectually dishonest?
Nonsense. What is “intellectually dishonest” is to completely ignore which administration provided this loan and then to make it seem like this was another administration’s responsibility — which is what most every commenter did until I corrected them.

For some Trumpsters, their natural ignorance and prejudice and pure laziness may have all contributed to their typical b.s. commentaries.

Frankly, this kind of error certainly may have occurred if Hillary was elected in 2016 instead of Trump. I am no partisan shill about these economic “bailout” matters. However, in this case Trump won in 2016 and so he and his people (and people working for Blackrock who he apparently allowed to run much of the distribution of “Covid” emergency funds) carry the primary responsibility.

I am not shocked at all that this money was distributed improperly. What infuriates me is the mad ultra-partisan irresponsibility of Trumpsters who lie about who is responsible for it.
Nonsense. What is “intellectually dishonest” is to completely ignore which administration provided this loan and then to make it seem like this was another administration’s responsibility — which is what most every commenter did until I corrected them.

For some Trumpsters, their natural ignorance and prejudice and pure laziness may have all contributed to their typical b.s. commentaries.

Frankly, this kind of error certainly may have occurred if Hillary was elected in 2016 instead of Trump. I am no partisan shill about these economic “bailout” matters. However, in this case Trump won in 2016 and so he and his people (and people working for Blackrock who he apparently allowed to run much of the distribution of “Covid” emergency funds) carry the primary responsibility.

I am not shocked at all that this money was distributed improperly. What infuriates me is the mad ultra-partisan irresponsibility of Trumpsters who lie about who is responsible for it.
Trump's biggest mistake was listening to Fauci and shutting down.
What is “intellectually dishonest” is to completely ignore which administration provided this loan and then to make it seem like this was another administration’s responsibility — which is what most every commenter did until I corrected them.
You don't seem to understand the difference between the Legislative and Executive Branches of our government.
Spin it however make you feel comfortable, it was still Trump who recommended it and then the states complied. Blaming others for what Trump did is just weak sauce and doesn't fly.
Two weeks, wasn't Trump's fault liberal cities stayed shut down for months. Like I said doing what Fauci said was his biggest mistake.

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