Yemen banning US story by NYT total bullshit aka Fake News BABY!

Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Ah, a champion of allowing a young American to be raped as a hostage, while sitting idly by. Fearful of a loss, so you forego valuable information that might be gained. Show me where a president is suppose to go on a raid to make sure all goes well.
How many times did your kind denounce Obama when an operation didn't go perfectly, or when civilians were killed. That was OK but never question Trump- right?
I don't recall one.
well post one sherlock
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Ah, a champion of allowing a young American to be raped as a hostage, while sitting idly by. Fearful of a loss, so you forego valuable information that might be gained. Show me where a president is suppose to go on a raid to make sure all goes well.
so right wingers never blamed Obama for our military failures?


That was not the question I answered. The only military failure I blame Obama for is keeping us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those were his promises he broke and he was fully capable of achieving them.
According to the story, Trump approved this operation without a full briefing. He was too busy, probably groping pussy

So sorry Trump groped your pussy. Stop acting like one.
Poor little righty, I can just imagine your outcry if this raid had been conducted by Obama. You are fullofshyte

You got over your pussy being groped fast.
Yes, you have to imagine, because your alternate reality didn't happen. I can still blame him for not doing the right thing before he left office.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.
According to the story, Trump approved this operation without a full briefing. He was too busy, probably groping pussy

If the military didnt think they had a chance of succeeding they wouldnt have come forward with the plan in the first place.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.

Trump is Commander in Chief of the Armed Services the buck stops right there,

So the San Bernardino and the Florida massacres are barry's fault?
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.
According to the story, Trump approved this operation without a full briefing. He was too busy, probably groping pussy

Well he did attend all those intelligence meetings...
Brummelbutt? Where did you go? Dropped a bunch of lies and conjucture then vanishes.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Psychotic. This is why you think what you do. You're incapable of telling fact from fiction. Too many lost brain cells
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.
According to the story, Trump approved this operation without a full briefing. He was too busy, probably groping pussy

Well he did attend all those intelligence meetings...

It's not about reality. It's about optics.

Is your political opponent a convicted child molestor? Nope, but snowflakes don't mind if that's what the public thinks. Fuck the truth. It's about money and power and identity politics.
Psychotic. This is why you think what you do. You're incapable of telling fact from fiction. Too many lost brain cells

She was giving us reality in this thread. The media (left) made ti sound like a diplomatic disaster with military implications. It is not. So, tell me again how you have trouble with fact and fiction.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

You Monday morning quarterbacks just crack me up. You always have the best plays, AFTER the game is played. Go fuck yourself.
Psychotic. This is why you think what you do. You're incapable of telling fact from fiction. Too many lost brain cells

She was giving us reality in this thread. The media (left) made ti sound like a diplomatic disaster with military implications. It is not. So, tell me again how you have trouble with fact and fiction.

Its what she does... that and I'm guessing drugs as well.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.

Trump is Commander in Chief of the Armed Services the buck stops right there,
agreed. you however don't get to call success or failure then.

It's why Trump met with the seal's family when his body came home. he faced them directly. And the only ones he needed to.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

You Monday morning quarterbacks just crack me up. You always have the best plays, AFTER the game is played. Go fuck yourself.

In contrast to what? No Monday morning quarterbacking from the Right over Benghazi?????
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

You Monday morning quarterbacks just crack me up. You always have the best plays, AFTER the game is played. Go fuck yourself.

In contrast to what? No Monday morning quarterbacking from the Right over Benghazi?????
quarterbacking? how?

hitlery ignoring the four was reported and denounced immediately. There was a call to get the four out. why weren't they allowed to get out? that is the question that still hasn't been answered.
Saudi Arabia is demanding the US get more involved in Yemen. And that is gonna happen. Our Government won't upset the Saudi Royal Family. It sold our soul to the Saudi Devil a long time ago. I thought the story was Bullshite right from the beginning. We will escalate our intervention in Yemen.
How many threads did we have on this yesterday? How much outrage was spilled by the left over crazy whacko Trump wrecking our relationship with Yemen?

Bwahahahahahahahahah! FAKE NEWS BABY!

From Huff/Po:

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Does that make this raid palatable to you? It was a total failure, approved by a man who didn't have a clue to what he was doing

Another idiot who thinks the president plans special operations.
No he doesn't plan them, but he approves them and this was an operation that should never have been approved. Read about it

No dumbass,it's up to the military to advise the president whether they feel the operation has a legitimate chance of success.
According to the story, Trump approved this operation without a full briefing. He was too busy, probably groping pussy
You sound jealous....and when they say "briefing" they aren't talking about bvds, so maybe that's why you are confused in your analysis.

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