Yemen Raid Yielded No Significant Intelligence


I guess President* Dumbass lied again.

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.

But the only example the military has provided turned out to be an old bomb-making video that was of no current value.

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
This was the raid planned when Obama was president using his intelligence community.

Planned but rejected because the intelligence wasn't good enough.

But, Trump has no use for intelligence in any form or venue.
No time for intelligence. Cuts into his tweeting time. That might sound funny but it's the God's honest truth making it some sick shit.
I am sure the intelligence is in the same place as the intelligence that the russian state hacked the election :rolleyes:

I guess President* Dumbass lied again.

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.

But the only example the military has provided turned out to be an old bomb-making video that was of no current value.

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
Of course he and Spicer lied about it. It's been his MO since day one. Not only was there no discernible intelligence gathered but a $25,000,000 aircraft is now in the hands of the enemy.
Trump's credibility is so off the charts negative that if he ever decides the USA needs to go to war, no one will believe him. If he lies about stupid shit like the small turnout for his inauguration or how the press doesn't use sources, or 3-6 million illegals voted... everyone will think he's lying when he comes on TV saying the country is in " grave danger."

Actually, that was a $75,000,000 aircraft.
Thanks for the correction. The Trump disaster is always worse than I suspect.
they destroyed the aircraft...

I guess President* Dumbass lied again.

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.

But the only example the military has provided turned out to be an old bomb-making video that was of no current value.

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
This was the raid planned when Obama was president using his intelligence community.

Planned but rejected because the intelligence wasn't good enough.

But, Trump has no use for intelligence in any form or venue.

Liar. Only reason it didn't happen on Obama's watch was that they had the mission planned for the first moonless night.
Unnamed "U.S. Officials" allegedly leaked to NBC news? How long is the criminal conspiracy in the MSM going to get away with this stuff and how long is the psychotic angry left going to buy it?

Pretending that using anonymous sources is some sinister new phenomena is so lame.

I'll grant you DC is leaking faster than ever, but that's because career professionals have realized there's a lunatic in charge.
With an impartial media, unnamed sources might be considered fair play.

Unfortunately, with the media defeated and their petulant reaction to Trump's victory and the rise of fake news, no one with any sense of objectivity can but question the legion of questionable sources, especially those quoting "unnamed sources". Times, and the legitimacy of the media, has changed. The media have no one to blame but themselves.

Fake news refers to click bait websites created by Macedonian teens and disseminated largely on social media.

It does not refer to the time-honored tradition of venerable news organizations utilizing their many sources and contacts within government agencies.

I am sorry that you have such difficulties with simple concepts and terminology.

I guess President* Dumbass lied again.

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.

But the only example the military has provided turned out to be an old bomb-making video that was of no current value.

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
This was the raid planned when Obama was president using his intelligence community.

Planned but rejected because the intelligence wasn't good enough.

But, Trump has no use for intelligence in any form or venue.

Liar. Only reason it didn't happen on Obama's watch was that they had the mission planned for the first moonless night.

[Colonel John] Thomas said he did not know why the prior administration did not authorize the operation, but said the Obama administration had effectively exercised a "pocket veto" over it.

A former official said the operation had been reviewed several times, but the underlying intelligence was not judged strong enough to justify the risks, and the case was left to the incoming Trump administration to make its own judgment.

Eight-year-old American girl 'killed in Yemen raid approved by Trump'
Even in NBC's article a Defense Department official disagrees with "no namers" quoted. This shit keeps up it will turn into a departmental war. Agency against agency would not be good.

"A Defense Department official also pushed back Monday afternoon, saying the raid has yielded "a significant amount" of intelligence. "

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say

The intel gathered would be classified. Those speaking off the record are in violation of federal law.

I guess President* Dumbass lied again.

Last month's deadly commando raid in Yemen, which cost the lives of a U.S. Navy SEAL and a number of children, has so far yielded no significant intelligence, U.S. officials told NBC News.

Although Pentagon officials have said the raid produced "actionable intelligence," senior officials who spoke to NBC News said they were unaware of any, even as the father of the dead SEAL questioned the premise of the raid in an interview with the Miami Herald published Sunday.

But the only example the military has provided turned out to be an old bomb-making video that was of no current value.

Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
This was the raid planned when Obama was president using his intelligence community.

Planned but rejected because the intelligence wasn't good enough.

But, Trump has no use for intelligence in any form or venue.

Liar. Only reason it didn't happen on Obama's watch was that they had the mission planned for the first moonless night.

[Colonel John] Thomas said he did not know why the prior administration did not authorize the operation, but said the Obama administration had effectively exercised a "pocket veto" over it.

A former official said the operation had been reviewed several times, but the underlying intelligence was not judged strong enough to justify the risks, and the case was left to the incoming Trump administration to make its own judgment.

Eight-year-old American girl 'killed in Yemen raid approved by Trump'

It called for a moonless night.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen.

But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended."
So you guys really believe the military will just make public any worthwhile intelligence information they found? They also said they found a lot of valuable intelligence information in the Bin Laden raid which I don't doubt they did but I don't recall much if any of it being made public.

It's not about making it public.

It's about senior officials saying there isn't any.
First these senior officials are unnamed if there is nothing there then there is no reason for these officials to be unnamed second no military official senior or otherwise is going to come out and brag we found tons of great stuff. The key to making valuable intelligence valuable is not letting those you got it from know how much you have and how valuable it is.
Unnamed "U.S. Officials" allegedly leaked to NBC news? How long is the criminal conspiracy in the MSM going to get away with this stuff and how long is the psychotic angry left going to buy it?

Pretending that using anonymous sources is some sinister new phenomena is so lame.

I'll grant you DC is leaking faster than ever, but that's because career professionals have realized there's a lunatic in charge.
With an impartial media, unnamed sources might be considered fair play.

Unfortunately, with the media defeated and their petulant reaction to Trump's victory and the rise of fake news, no one with any sense of objectivity can but question the legion of questionable sources, especially those quoting "unnamed sources". Times, and the legitimacy of the media, has changed. The media have no one to blame but themselves.

Fake news refers to click bait websites created by Macedonian teens and disseminated largely on social media.

It does not refer to the time-honored tradition of venerable news organizations utilizing their many sources and contacts within government agencies.

I am sorry that you have such difficulties with simple concepts and terminology.
The 80's called and they want their time-honored media back. Trite, I know, but nonetheless. Grow up. The media of today is no longer the media of yesteryear. Trump's victory has sealed their demise, and their demise serves no one. so much so in fact, that the only basically impartial media today is Fox News.

There is nothing anyone can say or do at this point which will resurrect the media of Walter Cronkite or any of the giants of the past.

I grew up in Greece where the same institutions were invariably right or left. As the middle ground in America has disappeared, so has the impartial media.

Things have changed. Please don't go into a rear-guard action defending the "impartiality" of today's media. It would serve neither of us well and would be hypocritical, to say the least.
This just in:


They not only could not find evidence of Russian Hacking, they also could not Find Any Intelligence there.

Not even Insignificant Intelligence could be found.
Unnamed "U.S. Officials" allegedly leaked to NBC news? How long is the criminal conspiracy in the MSM going to get away with this stuff and how long is the psychotic angry left going to buy it?

Pretending that using anonymous sources is some sinister new phenomena is so lame.

I'll grant you DC is leaking faster than ever, but that's because career professionals have realized there's a lunatic in charge.
With an impartial media, unnamed sources might be considered fair play.

Unfortunately, with the media defeated and their petulant reaction to Trump's victory and the rise of fake news, no one with any sense of objectivity can but question the legion of questionable sources, especially those quoting "unnamed sources". Times, and the legitimacy of the media, has changed. The media have no one to blame but themselves.

The media has never been impartial.
Funny...none of these leftist nosebleeds ever mentioned the loss of 25 SEALS and 5 other American GIs in the helo crash in Afghanistan in 2011. Many believed Barry's instantaneous bragging about the bin-Laden caper got SEAL Team Six in the Taliban's cross-hairs. That announcement was made only minutes after the SEALS left Paki airspace and voided any intel they got in the raid when OBL's fellow skunks quickly vanished into the woodwork.
LBJ once said, while running against a rancher in Texas for senator that we should say that unnamed sources claimed he had been having sex with his farm animals.

His campaign manager challenged him on this by saying we know it's not true, to which LBJ said, "Yeah, I know, but I want to hear the bastard deny it!" Of course, he became president.

Thus the power of unnamed sources.
Unnamed "U.S. Officials" allegedly leaked to NBC news? How long is the criminal conspiracy in the MSM going to get away with this stuff and how long is the psychotic angry left going to buy it?

Pretending that using anonymous sources is some sinister new phenomena is so lame.

I'll grant you DC is leaking faster than ever, but that's because career professionals have realized there's a lunatic in charge.

Or the press is in full retard.

Leaks work both ways as well.

Let's say you want to keep the enemy guessing. On one hand you have the president say you got a lot of actionable intel, then have a "Senior Official" leak the opposite to a member of the retard press.

Brilliant actually.

But then again, unless we know if the "senior official" was CIA, FBI, NSA, MLB, NFL or NBA, I guess we won't be able to assign credibility, will we.

I'm betting NHL, can't trust them Canucks at all!!!!!


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