Yep, it was our infrastructure alright

No matter the cause, which was almost certainly human error, the technology is there to prevent things like this from happening

So why are we having this long, protracted discussion about our infrastructure, if the "technology is there?" You people keep making my point! If it was human error, and if the fully functional technology already existed to "prevent this from happening" then it stands to reason the infrastructure had no part to play in this disaster.
Oh, let me correct that, unless it involves sending our kids to fight someone else's war, then they will support spending our tax dollars on that, to see our young men and women sent home in body bags to "save" those who hate us anyway, all in the name of oil that we don't really even need from the Middle East anyway.

Completely irrelevant to this discussion. Even still, if we run out of oil, would you blame Republicans too? Quiet you.
All I ever get from cons is stupid one liners and blaming others for one thing or another. Never do we get any real ideas on how to make things better for real people.

Now, to alleviate your said fears, please, provide us with one of your brilliant ideas that us "real people" will benefit from. Or are you too busy playing the dead for all of their worth?
No matter the cause, which was almost certainly human error, the technology is there to prevent things like this from happening

So why are we having this long, protracted discussion about our infrastructure, if the "technology is there?" You people keep making my point! If it was human error, and if the fully functional technology already existed to "prevent this from happening" then it stands to reason the infrastructure had no part to play in this disaster.

Because people like you do not want to pay for it, the same as you do not want to pay to fix our bridges, dams, and roads. Wake up for God's sake.
Because people like you do not want to pay for it

We are paying for it, too much in fact. All that money, yet still no results. If you aren't going to use the money like its supposed to be, then what purpose can be served by giving you more?

the same as you do not want to pay to fix our bridges, dams, and roads.

You want to find ways of combating climate change, but hey, the bridges, dams, and roads can wait. Mother Earth needs us!

Wait, don't those bridges, dams, and roads all harm the environment?

Quit yer whinin' you hypocrite.
Regardless, the inescapable fact is that a functioning PTC would have prevented the crash in every scenario.

Of course however, it was already installed on the train, so the fourth possibility still remains. He neglected to use it.
So, you have no real working knowledge of what the device does or how it works.

It's not an option, the engineer can neither enable nor disable the device. It can't be overridden. The engineer MUST respond to the alarm or the train just stops.

Amtrak enables the use of the device - provided they have the allotted frequencies cleared solely for their use. It's not like a CB. Competing traffic interferes with the device's operation, which is why the FCC was involved. The train itself may have been fitted with a receiver as the news stories relate, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks were - and that also has to happen, and that information HASN'T been in the news that I've seen yet. There are only a few areas, as I said before, where the PTC system is actually fully in use: a bit of southern NY, a section of NJ, and a piece of northern VA. The rest of the corridor has yet to be made compliant with the law.

And, as you most stubbornly refuse to accept, compliance with the law requires proper funding by the same folks who wrote that law. And those folks are actively reducing funding in every budget request that Amtrak asks for which is delaying the implementation of PTC and, in the case of the Philly crash, costing lives and lost revenues.

Where this actually touches the realm of infrastructure spending is that commercial carriers could simply retrofit their own engines (which is fairly cheap from what I've heard) and, as their rails intersect with Amtrak, use Amtrak's system to protect their own equipment and cargo - particularly in the Metro areas that Amtrak serves. That would put a serious dent in the 1200+ derailments we had just last year, increase profits, improve reliability, and reduce consumer costs.
No matter the cause, which was almost certainly human error, the technology is there to prevent things like this from happening

So why are we having this long, protracted discussion about our infrastructure, if the "technology is there?" You people keep making my point! If it was human error, and if the fully functional technology already existed to "prevent this from happening" then it stands to reason the infrastructure had no part to play in this disaster.

Because people like you do not want to pay for it, the same as you do not want to pay to fix our bridges, dams, and roads. Wake up for God's sake.

The tracks were already equipped with PTS, so your complaint is idiotic.
It has been a "lack of preparation" brought on by constant reductions in operating budget due to the misguided notion that lack of ridership equals system failure. And the constant reductions in operating budget were a direct result of shoddy Republican leadership.

Nonsense, with the amount of funding it was already receiving, it could have outfitted all of their tracks and trains with this technology 10 times over. Now, how do those trains and tracks go without this lifesaving equipment? It's not for want of funding, it's because the leadership and those handling the money aren't using it for the purpose it was intended for. The money is there, it is being spent on things other than maintaining the integrity of the rail system. Understand? The money is being mishandled, or spent recklessly.

To use your car analogy from earlier, if I had the money and I could afford the magical device which would automatically stop me from ramming the car in front of me, I shouldn't spend it on a set of 32 inch platinum rims now should I? The money is better spent on this magical device, correct? If I keep buying the fancy rims, it won't matter how much I get for this magical device, the money is wasted.

It's all about how you use the money, not how much you are getting.
You'll have to show evidence of that. Congress just pared another $200+ million off their operating budget and ridership is down (not that it ever covered more than a fraction of real costs) - I agree that the money is being mishandled, IMO it's being unwisely spent at the congressional level.

The burden is on you to show that Amtrak has bought a set 32" platinum rims instead of a magical life saving device.
It has been a "lack of preparation" brought on by constant reductions in operating budget due to the misguided notion that lack of ridership equals system failure. And the constant reductions in operating budget were a direct result of shoddy Republican leadership.

Nonsense, with the amount of funding it was already receiving, it could have outfitted all of their tracks and trains with this technology 10 times over. Now, how do those trains and tracks go without this lifesaving equipment? It's not for want of funding, it's because the leadership and those handling the money aren't using it for the purpose it was intended for. The money is there, it is being spent on things other than maintaining the integrity of the rail system. Understand? The money is being mishandled, or spent recklessly.

To use your car analogy from earlier, if had the money and I could afford the magical device which would automatically stop me from ramming the car in front of me, I shouldn't spend it on a set of 32 inch platinum rims now should I? The money is better spent on this magical device, correct? If I keep buying the fancy rims, it won't matter how much I get for this magical device, the money is wasted.

It's all about how you use the money, not how much you are getting.

^^^So it wasn't the "phone" now?

Did you just learn something about the topic you said was due to a train driver using a phone?
Did I say that he definitively did? I don't think so.
So, you have no real working knowledge of what the device does or how it works.

I don't need to. If it was already on the train, it serves as a logical conclusion that it could have been used to prevent the crash.

Amtrak enables the use of the device - provided they have the allotted frequencies cleared solely for their use.

A little birdie told me that they had been fighting the FCC for rights to use these frequencies. Surely you can't blame that on lack of funding? That's government obstruction.

The train itself may have been fitted with a receiver as the news stories relate, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks were - and that also has to happen, and that information HASN'T been in the news that I've seen yet.

Actually, I've read otherwise.

A computer system that allows speeding trains to be slowed remotely – potentially averting deadly derailments – was installed in the section of track in Philadelphia where Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash occurred but had not been turned on, congressional sources tell U.S. News.

“The PTC was installed in the section of track where the Philadelphia accident occurred, but for whatever reason had not been turned on, the PTC in that section,” Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., tells U.S. News, referring to "positive train control."

His account was corroborated by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

“The tracks had PTC, the train had PTC,” Harris says.

Both congressmen are members of the House Appropriations Committee, which contacted Amtrak for more information about the crash.

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News

And, as you most stubbornly refuse to accept, compliance with the law requires proper funding by the same folks who wrote that law.

It doesn't matter if they had already complied with the law. The PTC was on both the tracks and the train. In this case the funding was used properly, it should have saved lives but it didn't.

And those folks are actively reducing funding in every budget request that Amtrak asks for which is delaying the implementation of PTC and, in the case of the Philly crash, costing lives and lost revenues.

Okay? So are you accusing them of murder?
No matter the cause, which was almost certainly human error, the technology is there to prevent things like this from happening

So why are we having this long, protracted discussion about our infrastructure, if the "technology is there?" You people keep making my point! If it was human error, and if the fully functional technology already existed to "prevent this from happening" then it stands to reason the infrastructure had no part to play in this disaster.

Because people like you do not want to pay for it, the same as you do not want to pay to fix our bridges, dams, and roads. Wake up for God's sake.

The tracks were already equipped with PTS, so your complaint is idiotic.
Wow - I misspoke. This will teach me to look it up first.

The red lines are where PTC is fully functional. The black circle is the site of the crash.

I admit to being wrong. It's your turn to admit to being an idiot - you didn't look it up either.
No matter the cause, which was almost certainly human error, the technology is there to prevent things like this from happening

So why are we having this long, protracted discussion about our infrastructure, if the "technology is there?" You people keep making my point! If it was human error, and if the fully functional technology already existed to "prevent this from happening" then it stands to reason the infrastructure had no part to play in this disaster.

Because people like you do not want to pay for it, the same as you do not want to pay to fix our bridges, dams, and roads. Wake up for God's sake.

The tracks were already equipped with PTS, so your complaint is idiotic.
Wow - I misspoke. This will teach me to look it up first.

The red lines are where PTC is fully functional. The black circle is the site of the crash.

I admit to being wrong. It's your turn to admit to being an idiot - you didn't look it up either.

Perhaps I need to repeat myself:

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News
Your argument has been routed on two fronts:

First, there was a PTC system installed on the tracks and train at the time of derailment

Second, it has been because of financial malfeasance that Amtrak has failed to properly maintain its rail system.

Oh, those 32 inch rims will look so tight on my busted up pinto!
From my link:

"On Thursday, Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, said that vindicated his party’s claims of underfunding, calling Mr. Boehner’s comments “patently false.” Mr. Schumer said “insufficient funding” had delayed installation of PTC.

“To deny a connection between the accident and underfunding Amtrak is to deny reality,” he said.

But watchdogs say the lack of funding is not what’s slowing down PTC implementation, but rather too much funding is being diverted to other projects."

And if you really want to pin blame, blame the Democrats. More from my link:

"In 2009 and 2010 President Obama asked Congress for $10 billion to spend on high-speed trains. None of that money went toward installing PTC in Amtrak’s Northeast corridor."
So, you have no real working knowledge of what the device does or how it works.

I don't need to. If it was already on the train, it serves as a logical conclusion that it could have been used to prevent the crash.

Right - because opinions don't require facts.
So, you have no real working knowledge of what the device does or how it works.

I don't need to. If it was already on the train, it serves as a logical conclusion that it could have been used to prevent the crash.

Amtrak enables the use of the device - provided they have the allotted frequencies cleared solely for their use.

A little birdie told me that they had been fighting the FCC for rights to use these frequencies. Surely you can't blame that on lack of funding? That's government obstruction.

The train itself may have been fitted with a receiver as the news stories relate, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks were - and that also has to happen, and that information HASN'T been in the news that I've seen yet.

Actually, I've read otherwise.

A computer system that allows speeding trains to be slowed remotely – potentially averting deadly derailments – was installed in the section of track in Philadelphia where Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash occurred but had not been turned on, congressional sources tell U.S. News.

“The PTC was installed in the section of track where the Philadelphia accident occurred, but for whatever reason had not been turned on, the PTC in that section,” Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., tells U.S. News, referring to "positive train control."

His account was corroborated by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

“The tracks had PTC, the train had PTC,” Harris says.

Both congressmen are members of the House Appropriations Committee, which contacted Amtrak for more information about the crash.

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News

And, as you most stubbornly refuse to accept, compliance with the law requires proper funding by the same folks who wrote that law.

It doesn't matter if they had already complied with the law. The PTC was on both the tracks and the train. In this case the funding was used properly, it should have saved lives but it didn't.

And those folks are actively reducing funding in every budget request that Amtrak asks for which is delaying the implementation of PTC and, in the case of the Philly crash, costing lives and lost revenues.

Okay? So are you accusing them of murder?

Amtrak enables the use of the device - provided they have the allotted frequencies cleared solely for their use.

A little birdie told me that they had been fighting the FCC for rights to use these frequencies. Surely you can't blame that on lack of funding? That's government obstruction.

The train itself may have been fitted with a receiver as the news stories relate, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tracks were - and that also has to happen, and that information HASN'T been in the news that I've seen yet.

Actually, I've read otherwise.

A computer system that allows speeding trains to be slowed remotely – potentially averting deadly derailments – was installed in the section of track in Philadelphia where Tuesday’s fatal Amtrak crash occurred but had not been turned on, congressional sources tell U.S. News.

“The PTC was installed in the section of track where the Philadelphia accident occurred, but for whatever reason had not been turned on, the PTC in that section,” Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., tells U.S. News, referring to "positive train control."

His account was corroborated by Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md.

“The tracks had PTC, the train had PTC,” Harris says.

Both congressmen are members of the House Appropriations Committee, which contacted Amtrak for more information about the crash.

Speed Control Was Installed Not On at Time of Amtrak Crash - US News

And, as you most stubbornly refuse to accept, compliance with the law requires proper funding by the same folks who wrote that law.

It doesn't matter if they had already complied with the law. The PTC was on both the tracks and the train. In this case the funding was used properly, it should have saved lives but it didn't.

And those folks are actively reducing funding in every budget request that Amtrak asks for which is delaying the implementation of PTC and, in the case of the Philly crash, costing lives and lost revenues.

Okay? So are you accusing them of murder?[/QUOTE]

The FRA, on Apr 16 this year began funding for the DC area Amtrak ($2.64M allocated) - which, I believe, includes the section where the crash happened. According to this, they were entering into an R&D phase and working on cryptography as well as what they called a Key Management subsystem (I don't know, sounds important to me). Evidently, the FUNDING was obtained less than 1 month before the crash and was described as "a necessary first step..."

Speed control was NOT working at the time of the crash - even if portions of it were installed.
Evidently, the FUNDING was obtained less than 1 month before the crash and was described as "a necessary first step..."

Speed control was NOT working at the time of the crash - even if portions of it were installed.

Funding doesn't cover for the malfeasance of the engineer, or the fact that the PTC (installed in both train and track) wasn't on at the time of the accident. Besides, funding had been coming in since 2008, after then President George W. Bush mandated that the PTC be fully operational by this year. Well lookie here, 7 years later and nothing. So, why has it taken this long for merely "portions" of it to be installed? Surely it wasn't for lack of funding?

That "critical first step" should have been taken long before now. That once again tells you the money was there, but the brains behind the outfit were not.

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