Yes, America Is A Racist Country, And Republicans Want To Keep It That Way

Over the years, liberals have successfully fought FOR racism in the courts and at the ballot box, by working to uphold the practice of the # 1 racism in America over the past 59 years >> Affirmative Action.
Affirmative Action is only necessary in an exclusionary, racist system.
Those who pay attention do.

Oh, I see, all of these incidences are buried on page 11 by the 'media' that uses such things to make bank and against their political opposition? Why don't you link us to these recurring incidences since they happen so often?
Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
Now tell us how democrats are going to solve our "racism problem". Got a plan that, or are you guys just saying shit out of desperation? Lets hear your plan. :laugh:
You must live deep in the ghetto or way out in a trailer in the sticks. You should move.

You too, link us to all of these white supremacy rallies, link us to all of these 'donations' made to repubs that you claim were not returned. You're talking out of your old ass, you haven't a clue about any of this.

Why don't you tell us what percentage of R's are 'racist', and how you came to that number? You obviously believe it's a significant number based on your posts in here. So let's hear the reasoning behind your comments.
A fake story by the fake "daily kos" authored by someone with a fake name of Dartagnian and lefties love it because they thrive on hatred and chaos.
NO America is NOT a racist COUNTRY!!!

Yes, it was at one time, but not today!!! There are still plenty of racists, as there are in every country throughout history, but the country as a governing body is not a racist country!

But what else would you expect from the Daily Kooks.
Absolutely trash....

I've visited many nations around the globe.
America is the least racist nation in existence.
Unless you can prove otherwise with are full of bananas!

Tell that the African-Americans who had to sit in the back of bus. Tell that Hispanic-Americans whose work in field filled you belly. Tell the Chinese-Americans who NOT allowed to bring their families to this country.
Has anyone provided any actual criteria for determining whether a country is racist or not? Some kind of foundational, working definition?

Or are we just spraying the word around like water again?

Crazy question, I know. But definitions used to matter.
I would start with asking if racism was ever integrated into the laws, systems and culture of the country in question.

If yes then to what extent if any are those laws, culture and systems still in place.
Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
It is the left who make this a racist country.

Oh, I see, all of these incidences are buried on page 11 by the 'media' that uses such things to make bank and against their political opposition? Why don't you link us to these recurring incidences since they happen so often?
You don’t pay attention. You don’t believe in it so it’s lost on you.
A competent observer sees it clearly in this thread and all over this board.
It’s not, dupe.
Prove it is not. Almost 6 million came in just the last two years.

More than 2.8 million migrants have had encounters with authorities so far this fiscal year, compared to more than 2.7 million migrants in 2022, according to the latest Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics. The current migrant figure includes August, but not September, the last month of this fiscal year, which has yet to be announced.
Don't ask them to explain Reconstruction. Mainly because none of them are remotely intelligent enough to. But it would fry the only two brain cells they have.
From Camelot in a Direct Line to Kamala

Reconstruction II started in 1960. Race traitor JFK even made this comment when he felt the media were not telling the truth about him, "Makes me wonder whether we were told false stories also about the evils of Reconstruction."
Stating that "America is a racist country" is just another way of saying (1) I am a leftist shill; (2) I am a big dummy who selectively believes whatever provides me with confirmation bias; or (3) all of the above. Obviously, all countries have racists as part of their demographics. If your measure of what it takes to be a "racist country" is that there are racists in it, then all countries are racist in your mind. Perhaps the country should contain a plurality, or majority of racists to be a "racist country"? Well, America elected Obama, then Biden (a racist, btw). Thus, American cannot be a "racist country". Is it that the "racist country" must be one that was "built on racist values and practices (e.g., slavery)? That would disqualify America as a "racist country" as well because, even though America at one small point in its history had legal slavery, the slavery did not build America. The slaves worked primarily in agriculture. Moreover, slaves could not have built America alone. Capitalism, a national vision, non-slave labor, etc... was necessary to built America.

Therefore, the statement that "America is a racist country" is verifiably incorrect.
White People Built America. America Is for Whites Only.

There is nothing wrong with being a racist country. Those are the countries that survive instead of being brought down by feral minorities.

"Racism" is a dishonest term because it is always used pejoratively without any conclusive evidence that it is immoral or unscientific in all cases,

The controllers in practically every faction of the spectrum order us not to be racist, so they must be deprived of their commanding influence.

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