Yes, America Is A Racist Country, And Republicans Want To Keep It That Way

Has anyone provided any actual criteria for determining whether a country is racist or not? Some kind of foundational, working definition?

Or are we just spraying the word around like water again?

Crazy question, I know. But definitions used to matter.
I have many Republican friends and most are not racist and do actually find republican support for white supremacists and the race baiting, disgusting. It is not white supremacy most support, but the leadership wants the votes of the white supremacist, so treads softly against calling them out and denouncing, in the small tent party.
“Too male, too pale and too stale”
Can you link us to your posts showing you and your Lib buddies denounced that racist bullshit?
How about all the celebration that goes on in D.C. when it becomes more diverse/less white…have you and your purple hair friends denounced that?
How about that almost dead president who said he’d hire a VP for her skin color and vagina?
Did you unconventionals denounce that?
How about that almost dead president who said he’d appoint a supreme court justice for her skin color and vagina?
Did the backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners denounce that?
“Too male, too pale and too stale”
Can you link us to your posts showing you and your Lib buddies denounced that racist bullshit?
How about all the celebration that goes on in D.C. when it becomes more diverse/less white…have you and your purple hair friends denounced that?
How about that almost dead president who said he’d hire a VP for her skin color and vagina?
Did you unconventionals denounce that?
How about that almost dead president who said he’d appoint a supreme court justice for her skin color and vagina?
Did the backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners denounce that?
What a mindless scree. Sounds like you didn't get your nap.
I had my first briefing on subversive groups in the US back in 1979 or 1980. White supremacist groups were mentioned and profiled by law enforcement way back then and that assessment has not changed except for changes in location of the groups and their leadership.

Yeah, we see attacks and rallies by 'white supremacists' every day. :rolleyes:
Stating that "America is a racist country" is just another way of saying (1) I am a leftist shill; (2) I am a big dummy who selectively believes whatever provides me with confirmation bias; or (3) all of the above. Obviously, all countries have racists as part of their demographics. If your measure of what it takes to be a "racist country" is that there are racists in it, then all countries are racist in your mind. Perhaps the country should contain a plurality, or majority of racists to be a "racist country"? Well, America elected Obama, then Biden (a racist, btw). Thus, American cannot be a "racist country". Is it that the "racist country" must be one that was "built on racist values and practices (e.g., slavery)? That would disqualify America as a "racist country" as well because, even though America at one small point in its history had legal slavery, the slavery did not build America. The slaves worked primarily in agriculture. Moreover, slaves could not have built America alone. Capitalism, a national vision, non-slave labor, etc... was necessary to built America.

Therefore, the statement that "America is a racist country" is verifiably incorrect.
The word "racist" to black bigots implies a presumption of superiority, which to them doesn't exist with them. Use the term bigot and they are dumbfounded as to how to respond....
Bigot and racist are two different words with different meanings. There’s historically only been one race in America who have asserted their superiority.
Explain the KKK. Explain David Duke. Explain The Amerian Nazi Party. Explain George Lincoln Rockwell. Explain George Wallace. Explain the murder Emmet Till. Explain the murder of Medger Evers. Explain the murderes of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.
How many years ago was that?
Yeah, we see attacks and rallies by 'white supremacists' every day. :rolleyes:
You must live deep in the ghetto or way out in a trailer in the sticks. You should move.
It wasn't stolen. That is why he lost all the court cases, including supreme court.
And, like I tell the others on here, complaining of biden making people poor, I hope you get to doing better real soon.
Surprisingly enough, it always turns out, the posting member is doing and does not know anybody personally poor and miserable. Go figure. USMB posters must be an elite group. Who knew?;)
He "lost," as you put it, because judges are cowards who don't like to ruffle feathers.

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