Yes, America Is A Racist Country, And Republicans Want To Keep It That Way

I ran an underground railroad for years assisting minorities and women escape the Dem plantations. All are now earning in the top 5% :muahaha:
Explain the KKK. Explain David Duke. Explain The Amerian Nazi Party. Explain George Lincoln Rockwell. Explain George Wallace. Explain the murder Emmet Till. Explain the murder of Medger Evers. Explain the murderes of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.

Don't ask them to explain Reconstruction. Mainly because none of them are remotely intelligent enough to. But it would fry the only two brain cells they have.
Who's we? Dude you'll never influence me. You're stupid, a partisan hack that has no idea what you're blabbering about

You're certainly challenged on history.
It's all of them. Every one of them is in stark denial of the 200+ year racist history of their party.
Neither have you, by your own admission....You're just engaging in a sleazy game of guilt-by-association, when you can't even quantify the alleged association.

There's no way to tap dance around your rank bigotry.
Don't try to piss down my back and tell me its raining. I had a minor Republican politico from another county try to recruit me to train his people, back when Obama was running for election, yes, it was a racist loosely organized group. He even thought he could threaten me, when I was resistant, and to insure my silence. As I snapped his picture with my cellphone in his face in Lowes, I told him, he was well informed as to my skills, organization and leadership abilities, but that I had better never see him again, nor observe any unusual traffic in my neighborhood, as a well known river in his rural county never gives up it's dead, and he would never see me coming, and to ask the people he had heard my name from, and ordered him to get out my sight. I was contacted by someone that served under me within 24 hours, urging me to take no action, as me and my family were in no danger and I would not be contacted again. He knew where the real danger was, and not from anybody, I might contact.
Don't ask them to explain Reconstruction. Mainly because none of them are remotely intelligent enough to. But it would fry the only two brain cells they have.

Oh I gave it some serious thought, which is something MAGA are NOT good at doing. I decided simple questions, which so far none of them have answered. I have received insults and non-answers, but no real answers.

None of them have explained why they are so damn afraid of how they or why they are afraid of the real history of country being taught. It seem that they want the lily white George Washington never telling a lie taught. Nor did the White Slave Owning Washington ever toss a coin across the Potomac River, it is way to wide and the wind would dropped the coin the water.
No matter what you say, it is a true statement that not all Republicans are Racists, but it is also true that white racist groups all support Republican Candidates, specifically Trump and Trumper candidates, the Republican leadership welcomes them into the circle.

You are aware that candidates don't pick their supporters. RIGHT? Border security is important to all Americans. Without borders, there is no country. Too bad you commies don't understand that.

You are aware that candidates don't pick their supporters. RIGHT? Border security is important to all Americans. Without borders, there is no country. Too bad you commies don't understand that.

They can turn down or return money. Many do.
We see Republicans’ fear, racism, bigotry, and hate as expressed in their efforts to disenfranchise Americans of color – by opposing early voting, with voter ID laws, by opposing voting by mail, with racist gerrymandering schemes, and by eliminating voting venues in communities of color making it more difficult for black and Hispanic voters to vote.

Yeah, you commies just hate election integrity measures. I only wonder why you constantly spew your bigotry of low expectations, by telling minorities that they aren't smart enough to follow the rules to cast their vote. If you told me that, I'd spit in your face.

No, I actually had a black tell me once blacks can't be racist.

What a dope, they're some of the biggest racists
How "black" was this black?
Like...BLACK a sheet of black construction paper, a black crayon, or like....a black dress sock?
Or was this "black" actually some shade of brown?
In that case you should actually say "I had a brown tell me once..."
Because those distinctions are important you know?
The same Constitution called Slaves 3/5. "Any person who is NOT free would be counted three fifths of free individual for the purposes of determining Congressional Representation." As stated in the United States Consitution Article I Section II. Enslaved African-Americans were even counted a full human being.

Explain Separate but Equal. Explain White Only/Colored On Drinking Fountains. Explain White Only/Black Only Waiting Rooms. Explain forcing African-Americans being forced to sit in the back of bus. Explain the lynching of African-Americans.

You might want to do some research on who instituted jim crow laws. It wasn't republicans. You've already proven you don't understand the reasoning behind the 3/5ths compromise.

Acceptance of the groups that practice it, is support.

Yeah, screw that damned 1st Amendment, it shouldn't apply to some citizens, RIGHT? What happened to, I might not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?

Yeah, screw that damned 1st Amendment, it shouldn't apply to some citizens, RIGHT? What happened to, I might not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it?

In a political leader, I expect more, hell, any leader, for that matter.
They can turn down or return money. Many do.

Yeah, like all the commies that returned money from the bitcoin fraudster? You commies are already outspending republicans 2+ times, why would they cut themselves off from already scarce resources? As I said they don't get to pick their supporters.

Yeah, like all the commies that returned money from the bitcoin fraudster? You commies are already outspending republicans 2+ times, why would they cut themselves off from already scarce resources? As I said they don't get to pick their supporters.

I still fail to remember Independents involved in bitcoin fraud or outspending either of the two parties.
More of what, not protecting everyone's rights?

I do not like irresponsible speech in political leaders. I do not move to have them arrested or anything, but, it is not the mark of a responsible leader.
I still fail to remember Independents involved in bitcoin fraud or outspending either of the two parties.

What was his name, Bankmanfried, or something like that? He stole billions and was the second largest donor to commiecrats and I don't know of a one that returned it.

I do not like irresponsible speech in political leaders. I do not move to have them arrested or anything, but, it is not the mark of a responsible leader.

Great, don't vote for them. But so far, in this country, we punish people that break the law, not the ones that violate our opinions. You can thank God we're not as far gone as the EU or Canada, yet.

Earth to MAGA MAGGOT. We need to teach real American History, including racism in America. You're still avoiding the questions. Racism did exist and still exists in this country. Denying that fact does not change that fact. You asked me if I been watching PBS, no I lived it.
I most certainly DO NOT deny that racism has existed, and still does in America. Unfortunately I live every day of my life RIGHT NOW (not 60+ years ago), with the consequences of racial discrimination against me.

I figure that the Affirmative Action that caused me to lose an assistantship in graduate school in 1977, and have to drop out, has caused me the loss of over a million $$$ over the decades. Unlike the victims of Jim Crow, my victimization has been from 1977 to the present day, as my Social Security payments are drastically reduced as a result of the reduced income I had over my lifetime.

So you might have lived through the results of racial discrimination long ago, but I live with it everyday, right now.

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