Yes, America Is A Racist Country, And Republicans Want To Keep It That Way

oh here we go....yet another dipshit who calls anyone who doesnt agree with fucking party people are pretty pathetic....

They've got zero originality. All they have is shrieking in fear so thinking of something original to call someone is just beyond them.

oh here we go....yet another dipshit who calls anyone who doesnt agree with fucking party people are pretty pathetic....
Been called that fore years, even though I don't even vote, let alone for republicans.
Racism was codified in the Constitution (Three-Fifths Clause) and reaffirmed by the Supreme Court (Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson) and although over the years liberals have successfully fought against racism in the courts and at the ballot box, the racist roots of America remain – nurtured by the fear and hate of Republicans.

You lying commie POS. The 3/5ths compromise decreased the influence and federal representation of State with a lot of slaves. And the Supreme court was just upholding the Constitution and laws that existed at the time. A lot has changed since those times, Amendments to the Constitution, as the founders intended, and changes in laws and peoples attitudes. Of course you commie mother fuckers act like none of that has happened.

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I do not know. I have not had a better briefing than the average citizen since the 90s.
So you're willing to grab the broad brush, even though you admittedly don't know shit?

You're as bad as any bigot out there.
So you're willing to grab the broad brush, even though you admittedly don't know shit?

You're as bad as any bigot out there.
Oh! You did no tell me you had been breifed, the groups had been wiped out in the late 90 or in this century. Why didn't say so? I will be glad to read the breif.
Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
Can you provide some actual examples of this "racism?"
Oh! You did no tell me you had been breifed, the groups had been wiped out in the late 90 or in this century. Why didn't say so? I will be glad to read the breif.
Neither have you, by your own admission....You're just engaging in a sleazy game of guilt-by-association, when you can't even quantify the alleged association.

There's no way to tap dance around your rank bigotry.
Do you know what LBJ said about Black people?

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”​

― Lyndon B. Johnson
It’s classic conservative reactionaryism – the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

For Republicans this fear manifests as white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – the baseless lie that America is being ‘taken away’ from white Americans; a lie used by Republicans to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.

More ignorant commie propaganda, we already had diversity and inclusion till you fucking commies started stirring shit up, telling everyone that would listen that they are fucking victims of republicans somehow. So take your bullshit propaganda and shove it.

Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
If anyone is Racist it’s the Dems and especially the Black Ones . Give me the name of ONE BLACK REPUBLICAN who they haven’t torn apart, used vile racist filth especially the “ N” word, Uncle Tom etc etc
The Republicans were not the ones who defended slavery in this country. The Republican Party was formed as the anti-slavery party.

The Republicans were not the one to initiate and enforce Jim Crow laws and they did not campaign on keeping them.

The Republicans were not the ones to most oppose the Civil Rights Law of 1964. Without the Republicans, LBJ would never have gotten it passed.

The Republicans are not the ones who wanted to keep affirmative action in perpetuity but are the ones who most recognized how, after it accomplished its initial purpose, was detrimental to the black community.

The Republicans are not the ones to brand those blacks people who leave the Democrat political reservation as 'hanky heads', 'Uncle Toms', discredit to their race, acting 'white', etc. and do everything they can to destroy such people.

The Republicans are not the ones pushing CRT and other destructive doctrines to convince black people that they are forever victims, oppressed, disadvantaged, and must have the Democrats' 'help' to survive as a people.

The Democrats remain the racist party declaring black people inferior and incapable of achieving real success unless they vote Democrat. But for the rank and file black citizen the Democrats never seem to deliver on the prosperity they promise.

Republicans are far more likely to consider black people as American citizens and skin color is of no more importance that hair or eye color. That is how racism in a culture ends.

No. White Christian Conservatives Did all of those things.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”​

― Lyndon B. Johnson

It's really funny how you're so quick to take the word of one of the biggest racist presidents in American history. Can you explain that?


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