Yes Bowers WAS Inspired by the GOP

sure--GOP are hypnotists /voodoo doctors/etc
GOP brainwashing techniques have been perfected over decades. They are very effective, you yourself are a result of them
So now it's off limits to criticize people for political reasons if they are also Jewish? Glad to here liberals are ready to support TRUMP's position on withdrawing from the failed Iran deal. Also I'm looking forward to liberals full support of Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.
Look up the Protocols of Zion.

It's a bit of propaganda that has been used for decades to justify everything from Pogroms to the Holocaust...and it has found its way to Fox...
So now it's off limits to criticize people for political reasons if they are also Jewish? Glad to here liberals are ready to support TRUMP's position on withdrawing from the failed Iran deal. Also I'm looking forward to liberals full support of Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.
But it's OK for leftwingers to physically attack women.
Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations. Sad for you and your garbage thread Lesh.
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Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations.

90% of the threads on the political forums are about anti Israel crap, now all of a sudden they say the right is anti Jews?


House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets

Moron, the home of anti-semitism is the democrat party....barak obama was good friends with the leading anti-semite louis farrahkan, and jeremiah wright....... the left wing democrats hate Israel, embrace anti-semite linda sarsour at their pussy hat rallies......

The shooter hated Trump, he hated Israel and Jewish people.....

This is on you asshats....... your party of racism, violence and hate, the democrat party, needs to take a step back and look at how it is behaving.....
Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations.

90% of the threads on the political forums are about anti Israel crap, now all of a sudden they say the right is anti Jews?



This is how they create the big lies..... like the democrat party became the party of Civil Rights after fighting for slavery, fighting Civil Rights, enacting jim crow, and murdering Blacks and Republicans....and then saying the Republican party, the party that ended slavery, jim crow, desegregated the schools, and past all Civil Rights acts is now the party of racism....

Then the democrat party, the party of ted kennedy, who allowed a woman to drown to death and repeatedly sexually assaulted women, and rapist bill clinton, harvey weinstein, and the other rapists and sexual claims to be #metoo......

They are trying to create the next big lie....

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