Yes Bowers WAS Inspired by the GOP

Should we tie the shameful acts of billionaires like the Koch brothers to their religion? They are John Birchers and their father helped found the John Birch hate group. The Texas billionaire contributors to right-wing causes to their religion? Betsy-bitch at the education department is a rich bitch who advertises her ass as a "Christian." Her mercenary brother advertises himself as a "Christian" while he rakes in millions from taxpayers for his "efforts" to fuck up the world. Where did Richard Mellon Scaifi come from?
And? Your point?



You think it's no big deal that Kevin McCarthy and Fox News have been attacking Jews?

Haven't you been here long enough to know the answer to that question? No, they don't think it's a big deal and when they saw probably cheered them on.

So you are agreeing with this idiocy? If so, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Do I agree that some posters on this board did not say a damn word about McCarthy and Fox News and loved what they were saying, then yes I do. You might not be one of them but some of your buddies on the right on this board have called out Jews before. Yes, I know some on the left on this board has also and I don't agree with that.

You have no way of knowing why posters did not say a damn word. First, did you consider atht perhaps it was they didn't even know about it, and second, why the fuck does anyone care? Those three are assholes and Democrats. That is all that matters. Why do you persist on creating hysteria where none exists? I know! It is because you are a dumbass who gets off on being stupid!
That's pretty fucking lame there Admiral
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Bowers was also inspired by the Democrats.

When you watch Democrats continue to violate laws, illegally spy on Americans, compromise national security, attempt to destroy good people by attempting to 'Herman Cain' them, continue to pervert and sh!t on the justice system by declaring OTHERS are guilty until proven innocent, continue to perpetrate violence - even attempt assassinations while openly calling for more violence AND CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT ALL ... it can make people lose faith in the justice system and in equality / fairness to the point where they snap and feel they have to take matters / the law into their own hands...

This is what the Democrats have done and continue to do.

Thankfully this freak was incompetent and failed to hurt anyone ... as opposed to the Democratic Party snowflake who gunned Scalise down while trying to assassinate Republican politicians.
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets

And? Your point?



You think it's no big deal that Kevin McCarthy and Fox News have been attacking Jews?

Haven't you been here long enough to know the answer to that question? No, they don't think it's a big deal and when they saw probably cheered them on.

So you are agreeing with this idiocy? If so, you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Do I agree that some posters on this board did not say a damn word about McCarthy and Fox News and loved what they were saying, then yes I do. You might not be one of them but some of your buddies on the right on this board have called out Jews before. Yes, I know some on the left on this board has also and I don't agree with that.
The point is not what is happening on this board (though thee's little doubt that there is a LOT of anti-semitism here from the Deplorables).

It's that the GOP House Leader McCarthy made anti-semitic posts and Fox has allowed themselves to be used in this way

Somewhat of a bigger audience...and one that I'm sure Bowrs noted.
Last edited:
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Bowers was also inspired by the Democrats.

When you watch Democrats continue to violate laws, illegally spy on Americans, compromise national security, attempt to destroy good people by attempting to 'Herman Cain' them, continue to pervert and sh!t on the justice system by declaring OTHERS are guilty until proven innocent, continue to perpetrate violence - even attempt assassinations while openly calling for more violence AND CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT ALL ... it can make people lose faith in the justice system and in equality / fairness to the point where they snap and feel they have to take matters / the law into their own hands...

This is what the Democrats have done and continue to do.

Thankfully this freak was incompetent and failed to hurt anyone ... as opposed to the Democratic Party snowflake who gunned Scalise down while trying to assassinate Republican politicians.

Asshole, This "man" gunned down 11 people, most elderly, in the midst of innocent prayer. The killer at Kroger's tried to get into a church to shoot up worshipers, and not succeeding, went into a store to kill shoppers.
Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations. Sad for you and your garbage thread Lesh.
There is nothing wrong with being anti-Zionist.
So now it's off limits to criticize people for political reasons if they are also Jewish? Glad to here liberals are ready to support TRUMP's position on withdrawing from the failed Iran deal. Also I'm looking forward to liberals full support of Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.

I know.... what a steaming crock of shit....
You just can't help Lefty.... You have to let
Him get voted into Extinction

Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations. Sad for you and your garbage thread Lesh.
There is nothing wrong with being anti-Zionist.

Nobody hates isreal and Jews more than Lefty.

A tale of 2 Political Party Presidential candidates:

AFTER Scalise was gunned down the Democrat's 2016 Presidential candidate - who had hired thugs to beat up Trump supporters during the election - called for Democrats to abandon civility, to engage in more violence, and encouraged more violent intolerance UNTIL DEMOCRATS TOOK BACK CONTROL OF THE GOVT.

When these bombs began showing up at Democrat homes / offices the President condemned the act, committed all govt resources to finding the culprit and stopping him, condemned the insanity / violence (not call for not), and called FOR civility, not for a further lack of civility.

A tale of 2 Democrat Parties:

After the snowflake attempted to assassinate GOP politicians Democrats marginalized him, distanced themselves from him, and declared this 1 would BE assassin did / does NOT represent the entire Party / all Democrats.
- The liberal media did not label the guy 'Hillary's Assassin' or the Democrat Executioner'....

After this would-be bomber was caught the Democrats immediately attempted to paint a picture of him being a Republican Party Leader, declared he WAS the Republican Party / IS EVERY Trump supporter
- The Liberal Media immediately labeled him the 'MAGA Bomber', inciting more anger, hate, and division while perpetra%ting thei partisan attack

Sanctimonious, hypocritical, divisive, fake news, hate-driven .... Democrats have no intention desire to tone down the vient intolerance, attempted partisan manipulation / fake news, or end the hatred and division...
‘House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) decided to delete a tweet attacking three Jewish Democrats for “buying” the midterm elections two days after liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros, one of his targets, was sent a pipe bomb.

The tweet — which also named former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and California businessman and Democratic donor Tom Steyer — was taken down three days before a gunman killed 11 people Saturday in an anti-Semitic attack at The Tree of Life, a Pittsburgh synagogue.’ ibid

It's both an attack and a lie, of course.

Clearly there’s no limit to just how reprehensible the reprehensible right can be.

And although McCarthy isn’t representative of all conservatives, this sort of hate and bigotry is nonetheless much too common with far too many on the right.
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Bowers was also inspired by the Democrats.

When you watch Democrats continue to violate laws, illegally spy on Americans, compromise national security, attempt to destroy good people by attempting to 'Herman Cain' them, continue to pervert and sh!t on the justice system by declaring OTHERS are guilty until proven innocent, continue to perpetrate violence - even attempt assassinations while openly calling for more violence AND CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT ALL ... it can make people lose faith in the justice system and in equality / fairness to the point where they snap and feel they have to take matters / the law into their own hands...

This is what the Democrats have done and continue to do.

Thankfully this freak was incompetent and failed to hurt anyone ... as opposed to the Democratic Party snowflake who gunned Scalise down while trying to assassinate Republican politicians.

Asshole, This "man" gunned down 11 people, most elderly, in the midst of innocent prayer. The killer at Kroger's tried to get into a church to shoot up worshipers, and not succeeding, went into a store to kill shoppers.
Your point being?

How is the President / The GOP responsible, aside from the fake news BS you have dancing in your head?
Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations. Sad for you and your garbage thread Lesh.
There is nothing wrong with being anti-Zionist.
Lesh you are either a tipsy lush or a slimy leech to equate a dislike of Soros interference and lack of true compassion for humanity to a GOP smear against all Jews. President Trump definitively called out real anti Semitism in strong terms. You and your sources are making a desperate attempt at stringing together a bunch of fluff nonsense, and instead of denouncing real anti Semitism and real anti Zionism you are playing a cowardly mind game that insults people of all races and nations. Sad for you and your garbage thread Lesh.
Blow it out your ass.

Do you know what the Protocols of Zion are?

Lou Dobbs does.

And McCarthy was ABSOLUTELY posting anti-semitic garbage (which is why he pulled the tweets down). and his and comments of others like him and Dobbs probably DID fire this anti-semitic freak up.

Sorry if the truth offends your poor little Trumper heart but truth is truth
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies.

Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the United States in the 1920s. The Nazis sometimes used the Protocols as propaganda against Jews; it was assigned by some German teachers, as if factual, to be read by German schoolchildren after the Nazis came to power in 1933,[1] despite having been exposed as fraudulent by The Times of London in 1921. It is still widely available today in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by some proponents as a genuine document.
And read the thread title stupid. It says GOP...not Trump
You are a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory spouting moron Lush and your thread is full of false accusations and questionable sources. I am not going to waste my time on any zog zod zig or zag stupid theory. Blow it out your ass, idiot Sorry but you have garbage here not "truth" and you might want to lay off the drug induced hallucinations. You even posted that this garbage was discredited a long time ago. Moron.
You are a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory spouting moron Lush and your thread is full of false accusations and questionable sources. I am not going to waste my time on any zog zod zig or zag stupid theory. Blow it out your ass, idiot Sorry but you have garbage here not "truth" and you might want to lay off the drug induced hallucinations. You even posted that this garbage was discredited a long time ago. Moron.
You really need to fuck off.

You might be one of the most dishonest and offensive Trumpers on this site...and that says a lot

This guy was inspired by these anti-semitic posts and's obvious.

Apparently you agree with those posts. You sure haven't shown any different
You are a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory spouting moron Lush and your thread is full of false accusations and questionable sources. I am not going to waste my time on any zog zod zig or zag stupid theory. Blow it out your ass, idiot Sorry but you have garbage here not "truth" and you might want to lay off the drug induced hallucinations. You even posted that this garbage was discredited a long time ago. Moron. READ AND WEEP as your only agreement on this thread is from the voices in your head and someone who says "read English"! I went to the Wikipedia page you linked and it was full of conspiracy theories. You are delusional Lesh.
You are a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory spouting moron Lush and your thread is full of false accusations and questionable sources. I am not going to waste my time on any zog zod zig or zag stupid theory. Blow it out your ass, idiot Sorry but you have garbage here not "truth" and you might want to lay off the drug induced hallucinations. You even posted that this garbage was discredited a long time ago. Moron. READ AND WEEP as your only agreement on this thread is from the voices in your head and someone who says "read English"! I went to the Wikipedia page you linked and it was full of conspiracy theories. You are delusional Lesh.
Troll someone else asswipe

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