Yes, Buy More Guns...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
But learn how to use them. Become proficient with your firearms. Because when it comes down to it, who's it gonna be laying in that police-chalk outline? You, or the savage criminal?

Actor James Woods: ‘Buy More Guns and Learn How to Use Them’
By AWR Hawkins

On December 29 2015, actor James Woods reacted to newly released details of the heinous November 10 murder of Amanda Blackburn by urging Americans to“buy more guns and learn how to use them.”

Blackburn was the wife of Pastor Davey Blackburn, who left his home to go the gym on November 10, only to have three suspects enter the home and kill his wife while he was gone.

According to USA Today, police said Amanda was knocked to the floor, then “accused triggerman Larry Taylor” allegedly “leaned over Blackburn’s body and shot the young mother in the back of the head.” Police said Taylor then “leaned further” and “looked at her face. And he watched her bleed.”

Taylor is also accused of raping a woman on November 3–while his accomplices allegedly robbed the woman’s apartment–and of killing a man on November 4.

James Woods responded to these reports not with calls for more gun control, but with a call for more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens who want to defend their own lives, their children’s lives, and their homes.

Yes, Buy More Guns - LewRockwell

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Just remember, the Police usually only arrive after the fact. They're really great at arriving after the fact with their chalk and body bags. So what are you gonna do if it's just you against the savage criminal? Think about that for a bit.
Of course the government will restrict more and more what circumstances you can discharge that gun.
Of course the government will restrict more and more what circumstances you can discharge that gun.

Yeah, that is a big concern. If someone invades your home, will you be allowed to defend yourself? Who knows, if the Gun-Grabbers get their way. It's a mess. The Communists don't want compromise. They want a complete disarming of the populace. Americans will have to stand up and fight for their rights.
Dat Obama Boy is a damn fine gun salesman.

Looks like many are gettin it...

Even Smith & Wesson is surprised by the red-hot demand for guns

Business at the gunmaker Smith & Wesson is going gangbusters.

On Monday evening, management announced that it was raising its guidance because sales had been unexpectedly strong.

For the three months ending January 31, it estimates that it will have $175 million to $180 million in sales, up from its earlier guidance of $150 million to $155 million. This is much higher than the $155 million expected by analysts...

Even Smith & Wesson is surprised by the red-hot demand for guns
Yes…..get a gun if you want one…….please, get training, and be safe with the weapon. Be responsible…don't give the anti gunners any more ammo….
Within an hour of the presidents fake cry speech, we had purchased a firearm from a private seller.

People like him live the life of safe luxury. They're very wealthy and very well-protected. They live a delusional fantasy, because they can afford to. They don't live in the real world. In the real world, you have to protect yourself and your family.
Yes…..get a gun if you want one…….please, get training, and be safe with the weapon. Be responsible…don't give the anti gunners any more ammo….

I hear ya, but the Gun-Grabbers aren't going away regardless. It's about a complete disarming of the populace. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. Americans really are gonna have to fight for their rights. It'll be a constant battle.

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