Yes...Comey's memos were government property, and yes, he broke the law...

that's what you are doing, bear: making stuff up

the memos are legal and releasing them to the public and all of them to the Senate committee is legal

Can you read?

Paragraph 2 states that all materials acquired in connection with an employee’s official duties are property of the U.S. government and that such materials must be surrendered to the FBI upon an employee’s separation from the agency.

If your interpretation of this rule were true, it would mean that the president could threaten or harass an FBI employee and the employee could not report it or share it with the public. That would place the president above the law and put every employee of the FBI in a position of complete vulnerability. Trump threatened Comey, it's very clear. He threatened him with the loss of his job. When Comey didn't comply with Trump's 'hope,' Comey was fired. Comey had a right to be a whistle blower.

There are whistle blower procedures...that don't include leaking to the press...
There are whistle blower procedures...that don't include leaking to the press...

Yes, there are.

And there are ones that include leaking to the press that are a lot more effective.

Hey, maybe if Trump releases those tapes that prove Comey's account isn't correct, that would be awesome.

Oh, wait. He won't do that.

the real problem you guys have is that Comey's recollections sound pretty accurate, what we've seen of the Orange Shitgibbon over the last year.
This is the agreement that comey signed when he joined the FBI....

Did James Comey's Leaks Violate The FBI Employment Agreement?

By his own account, it seems that Comey may not have followed the agency’s employee agreement, which places numerous restrictions on the use of information or documents acquired during an individual’s employment by the FBI. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of the FBI employment agreement appear to cover Comey’s distribution of content he says he created on government property in his capacity as a government official:


Paragraph 2 states that all materials acquired in connection with an employee’s official duties are property of the U.S. government and that such materials must be surrendered to the FBI upon an employee’s separation from the agency.

Paragraph 3 states that employees are prohibited from releasing “any information acquired by virtue of my official employment” to “unauthorized individual without prior official written authorization by the FBI.”

Paragraph 4 of the agreement requires FBI employees, prior to disclosing or publishing information acquired during their employment, to submit the information to FBI authorities for review to determine whether it is authorized for public release.

So if Comey followed protocol and surrendered all government property, including the memos he produced in his capacity as an FBI employee, it would have been impossible for him to provide the memos to his friend.

The fact that he was able to provide hard copies of the memos to both his friend and special counsel Robert Mueller suggests that Comey did not surrender them to authorities as required by the FBI employment agreement.

So.....his memos, typed on FBI computers concerning his particular private discussions about his job with his boss, the President of the United States, are government property as per paragraph 2....making what he did illegal....
Except that Trump talked about it first. Once Trump put it out there in public, Comey had the right to defend himself. Why do you guys admire a sleaze like Trump?

It's not a "theory". It is a fact.

No it is not a fact. Law Professor Stephen Valdect clearly explains why within the link.

You post a blog.....even politifact agrees with the OP

Trump asks if Comey's leaks 'totally illegal.' Not really

Another take: Memos as government property

At least one expert found fault in Comey’s tactics.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said Comey’s sharing of the memo with a friend was "unauthorized and thus unlawful," because the material was FBI information covered by federal rules and regulations.

Comey was not allowed to treat the memos as personal property, Turley said, given that they were written in the context of a federal investigation, on an FBI computer and revealed to others in the leadership team.

Turley said Comey is unlikely to face criminal charges, but he could be found in violation of professional standards.


And then there's the part you left out,,,,,,
"Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"Fox News Channel’s Gregg Jarrett, a former defense attorney, in an opinion piece referenced the Federal Records Act and records management regulations within the FBI to make the case that documents made in the course of business are property of the U.S. government, not the author. "And so are its contents. It matters not whether the document, as this one, is unclassified," Jarrett wrote.

Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"To share information in a document, or a printout of a document first prepared on a computer, would not seem to undercut this purpose, given that the document will remain available for preservation, in the computer itself and in other printouts," Amann said.

It's not a "theory". It is a fact.

It's not a fact. The only fact is that you only care about the law when you want to use it to punish the people you don't like. Comey broke no laws.

You read the OP?


OP=GARBAGE. They are his personal notes. You n your GESTAPO boys are Trump trash.

How is the OP garbage, it's FBI rules..

You know you can't just make up stuff as you go along, the world don't work that way.


You are the one who is making it up. We know why you say it. Because Comey stood up to your glorious leader. You know he committed no crime. Nazis like you have no idea what makes America great. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you.

It's not a "theory". It is a fact.

No it is not a fact. Law Professor Stephen Valdect clearly explains why within the link.

You post a blog.....even politifact agrees with the OP

Trump asks if Comey's leaks 'totally illegal.' Not really

Another take: Memos as government property

At least one expert found fault in Comey’s tactics.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said Comey’s sharing of the memo with a friend was "unauthorized and thus unlawful," because the material was FBI information covered by federal rules and regulations.

Comey was not allowed to treat the memos as personal property, Turley said, given that they were written in the context of a federal investigation, on an FBI computer and revealed to others in the leadership team.

Turley said Comey is unlikely to face criminal charges, but he could be found in violation of professional standards.


And then there's the part you left out,,,,,,
"Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"Fox News Channel’s Gregg Jarrett, a former defense attorney, in an opinion piece referenced the Federal Records Act and records management regulations within the FBI to make the case that documents made in the course of business are property of the U.S. government, not the author. "And so are its contents. It matters not whether the document, as this one, is unclassified," Jarrett wrote.

Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"To share information in a document, or a printout of a document first prepared on a computer, would not seem to undercut this purpose, given that the document will remain available for preservation, in the computer itself and in other printouts," Amann said.

Fox News is part of the propaganda wing of Trump. Jarrett is just another Trump hack that works there so his opinion has a grain of salt in it.
Comey is a dirty cop. He's the kind of guy who would plant evidence on a suspect, even if he knew they were innocent.
I think he talked to his Georgetown buddy first, then went back and wrote memo's.
No it is not a fact. Law Professor Stephen Valdect clearly explains why within the link.

All he said is that the memos were not classified and not covered under executive privilege, but that is not the claim by conservatives on this topic. It is a violation of the law because these were government documents that were leaked that included other higher ranking officers and they did not grant permission or authorization for Comey to release/convey them to his friend.

If 2A says that is illegal because of law X, Y and Z, you do not rebut his claims by asserting that it is not illegal under laws Q,M, and P. That is a red herring.
And then there's the part you left out,,,,,,
"Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
To claim that so-n-so is the 'primary purpose' of some law and Bubba's actions did not violate it, is one of the oldest lawyer lies in the books.

The so-called 'primary purpose' is nothing more than their opinion and entirely irrelevant to what is actually in the law.

It's not a "theory". It is a fact.

No it is not a fact. Law Professor Stephen Valdect clearly explains why within the link.

You post a blog.....even politifact agrees with the OP

Trump asks if Comey's leaks 'totally illegal.' Not really

Another take: Memos as government property

At least one expert found fault in Comey’s tactics.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said Comey’s sharing of the memo with a friend was "unauthorized and thus unlawful," because the material was FBI information covered by federal rules and regulations.

Comey was not allowed to treat the memos as personal property, Turley said, given that they were written in the context of a federal investigation, on an FBI computer and revealed to others in the leadership team.

Turley said Comey is unlikely to face criminal charges, but he could be found in violation of professional standards.


And then there's the part you left out,,,,,,
"Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"Fox News Channel’s Gregg Jarrett, a former defense attorney, in an opinion piece referenced the Federal Records Act and records management regulations within the FBI to make the case that documents made in the course of business are property of the U.S. government, not the author. "And so are its contents. It matters not whether the document, as this one, is unclassified," Jarrett wrote.

Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"To share information in a document, or a printout of a document first prepared on a computer, would not seem to undercut this purpose, given that the document will remain available for preservation, in the computer itself and in other printouts," Amann said.

Nothing to leave out....those memos are not to do what he pleases with after he leaves ...

Jesus, you guys ever have a job besides Burger King or McDonald's?

It's in 90% of employee handbooks


It's not a "theory". It is a fact.

No it is not a fact. Law Professor Stephen Valdect clearly explains why within the link.

You post a blog.....even politifact agrees with the OP

Trump asks if Comey's leaks 'totally illegal.' Not really

Another take: Memos as government property

At least one expert found fault in Comey’s tactics.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said Comey’s sharing of the memo with a friend was "unauthorized and thus unlawful," because the material was FBI information covered by federal rules and regulations.

Comey was not allowed to treat the memos as personal property, Turley said, given that they were written in the context of a federal investigation, on an FBI computer and revealed to others in the leadership team.

Turley said Comey is unlikely to face criminal charges, but he could be found in violation of professional standards.


And then there's the part you left out,,,,,,
"Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"Fox News Channel’s Gregg Jarrett, a former defense attorney, in an opinion piece referenced the Federal Records Act and records management regulations within the FBI to make the case that documents made in the course of business are property of the U.S. government, not the author. "And so are its contents. It matters not whether the document, as this one, is unclassified," Jarrett wrote.

Diane Marie Amann, a law professor at the University of Georgia, countered that the primary purpose of the Federal Records Act is to preserve important records.
"To share information in a document, or a printout of a document first prepared on a computer, would not seem to undercut this purpose, given that the document will remain available for preservation, in the computer itself and in other printouts," Amann said.

Nothing to leave out....those memos are not to do what he pleases with after he leaves ...

Jesus, you guys ever have a job besides Burger King or McDonald's?

It's in 90% of employee handbooks


I know all about employee handbooks. I manage 25 people and our HR goes over the books with new employees and we have group meetings when there are additions.
I'm 100% sure, we never tried to convict anyone in a court of law for violating anything, in said handbook.
You folks are really desperate, it's very laughable.
I know all about employee handbooks. I manage 25 people and our HR goes over the books with new employees and we have group meetings when there are additions.
I'm 100% sure, we never tried to convict anyone in a court of law for violating anything, in said handbook.
You folks are really desperate, it's very laughable.
Because you did not prosecute anyone does not mean that i can and has been done by more legit businesses than your podunk little shit4sale fly-by-night.

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