Yes, Democrats Are Out to Crush the Middle Class

and ensuring they’ll never get anything but minimum wage.
It's the (D) fighting for a higher minimum wage and (R) crying that it's not fair to make Walmart/Amazon/ etc pay a decent living wage.
Capitalism, ya know.
It's the (D) fighting for a higher minimum wage

Democrats always support more money when you aren't the one who has to pay for it. The unmitigated arrogance that you dictate wages when you are neither doing the work nor paying the wages.

And of course the reality is that Democrats just cause "unintended consequences." You cause unemployment and people being fired before three months (though this part depends on the State). No one pays people more than they are worth, or less. So you set the wage above what they are worth and they are unemployable. Set it at or below and you did nothing.

Democrats always pat yourself on the back for things you did to other people's lives
It's the (D) fighting for a higher minimum wage and (R) crying that it's not fair to make Walmart/Amazon/ etc pay a decent living wage.
Capitalism, ya know.
What the real minimum wage looks like:

Left look at government for help, conservatives look at opening up opportunities free from government interference. We applaud the high school dropouts making 6 figures emptying septic systems. The Left despise such people.
Exhibit 4,537:
Up to 90% of all new taxes in the Biden inflation bill could come from small businesses making less than $200k per year

Exhibit 4,538:

It’s all about creating an elite class who’ll control every detail of the 99%.

So, ask the demofks this question, how many people make up the 1%?
What the real minimum wage looks like:
View attachment 685467
Left look at government for help, conservatives look at opening up opportunities free from government interference. We applaud the high school dropouts making 6 figures emptying septic systems. The Left despise such people.

Yep. In Europe, you can't hire employees, you adopt them. When I was working over there in the Netherlands, these were in all McDonald's. I didn't see them until later in the US, but they keep coming as we become more and more socialist, don't they?

Democrats don't care though, they prefer a check for doing nothing than working or they wouldn't be Democrats
Yep. In Europe, you can't hire employees, you adopt them. When I was working over there in the Netherlands, these were in all McDonald's. I didn't see them until later in the US, but they keep coming as we become more and more socialist, don't they?

Democrats don't care though, they prefer a check for doing nothing than working or they wouldn't be Democrats
The American Left cheer European socialism and Cuban equality.

Yet despite total freedom to move there they refuse to.
It's the (D) fighting for a higher minimum wage and (R) crying that it's not fair to make Walmart/Amazon/ etc pay a decent living wage.
Capitalism, ya know.

Do you think this is new or something? Nobody has ever able to live off of minimum wage, at least as long as I've been on this planet. The minimum wage effects about 3% of our working society, and most of them are kids or retired people board sitting around the house.

But years ago when we didn't make enough money, we didn't cry to government about it. We found better paying jobs. It's the same today. If you are not making satisfactory money, you simply find work that pays you what you consider acceptable. If you don't have the skills to make better money, there are schools for that.
We applaud the high school dropouts making 6 figures emptying septic systems. The Left despise such people.
Where do you come up with this bullshit?
It's just totally fabricated.
I sent my own daughter to trade school, College was NOT the right fit for her. She owns her own successful business.

Why do you support (and I do to) the owner paying their septic maintenance workers or garbage truck drivers with a higher salary than someone working for Walmart or McDonalds?

And what about Nike, what do they pay their US Factory workers?
Minimum wage or above minimum wage? And why does Nike do what they do (pay).
Where do you come up with this bullshit?
It's just totally fabricated.
I sent my own daughter to trade school, College was NOT the right fit for her. She owns her own successful business.

Why do you support (and I do to) the owner paying their septic maintenance workers or garbage truck drivers with a higher salary than someone working for Walmart or McDonalds?

And what about Nike, what do they pay their US Factory workers?
Minimum wage or above minimum wage? And why does Nike do what they do (pay).

Your value as an employee is what your employer can pay another doing the same job and quality work as you do. That's it.

If you quit your job and your employer can find somebody to replace you at two bucks an hour less, you were being overpaid. If your employer can't find anybody unless he offers two bucks an hour over what you were making, you were underpaid. If your employer can replace you for the same wage you were making, you were getting proper pay.
Your value as an employee is what your employer can pay another doing the same job and quality work as you do.
Oh I agree.
I'm not arguing that.

But at the same time, why is there even a minimum wage at all.
By your reasoning, an employer paying a worker $8 an hour but finding out you could really pay $6 an hour would be supported by you.
Or $5 or $4 or why ANY minimum.
No, Trump supported it to keep the economy from a possible crash. Did he ever say he wanted to give stimulus checks to Republicans only? Or give money to the NRA like the commies did to the arts and Kennedy center?

We need a consumption tax in this country to save us from default which is inevitable on the path we are currently on. I would say start off with 5 cents on the dollar. You want 87,000 more IRS agents, up that tax to six cents on the dollar. Billions to Ukraine, another two cents on the dollar.

If we the people had to actually pay for the spending immediately, you'd see how fast the public would demand an end to all this waste.

We didn't get the 2k. The economy did not crash.
It's the (D) fighting for a higher minimum wage and (R) crying that it's not fair to make Walmart/Amazon/ etc pay a decent living wage.
Capitalism, ya know.
It’s not their money.
Oh I agree.
I'm not arguing that.

But at the same time, why is there even a minimum wage at all.
By your reasoning, an employer paying a worker $8 an hour but finding out you could really pay $6 an hour would be supported by you.
Or $5 or $4 or why ANY minimum.

It wouldn't work that way because there is a minimum that people will work for. If its too low, they'd sooner go on some social program, and then the employers offering too little would have no choice but to up those offers to attract workers.

Who actually pays minimum wage now? I don't know of anybody. The fast food joints are starting at $10.00 or more, Amazon is around $18.00, Target and other stores were offering up to $20.00 an hour to attract workers. At this stage of the game, the MW is completely useless, so why not get rid of it?
I forget what they sent us now. Until you can find me a crystal ball that has no flaws, we have to take steps before something bad happens, not wait until it does.

When you see massive give aways benefitting your politics they are great.

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