Yes Democrats, It's That Bad Already

Newsflash: Chris Wallace, IMHO, is a disgrace to his father's legacy. He's the DINO on Fox Noise. All one has to do is watch and listen carefully to see just how far he'll push the envelope.

Between all the gerry mandering, voter suppression tactics and the drum beat false by the MSM narrative surrounding the pandemic, it's going to be one tough hall for those who are not into the fascist slide of the current GOP.
Newsflash: Chris Wallace, IMHO, is a disgrace to his father's legacy. He's the DINO on Fox Noise. All one has to do is watch and listen carefully to see just how far he'll push the envelope.

Between all the gerry mandering, voter suppression tactics and the drum beat false by the MSM narrative surrounding the pandemic, it's going to be one tough hall for those who are not into the fascist slide of the current GOP.

He would be a nobody today without his father. Born with the silver spoon and an automatic career makes it hard to experience what regular Americans experience every day in this country.
Naw the Neo-GOP are having one of the premature ejackuthingies. A lot can happen in a year.
do long as Joey Xiden keeps calling African Americans “negros” he should have a easy route to winning…that and his inflation…folks love that stuff
do long as Joey Xiden keeps calling African Americans “negros” he should have a easy route to winning…that and his inflation…folks love that stuff
Nothing wrong with calling them negroes, or black, or colored. Say what you want, and NEVER apologize.
do long as Joey Xiden keeps calling African Americans “negros” he should have a easy route to winning…that and his inflation…folks love that stuff

The left can do just about anything they want to the blacks and they'll keep voting Democrat because of their political ignorance. Right now we have a President that that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime, and he overwhelmingly got the black vote. Not many blacks are interested in politics to follow it.
He would be a nobody today without his father. Born with the silver spoon and an automatic career makes it hard to experience what regular Americans experience every day in this country.
True, but not impossible. Remember, despite the disgrace of the WWII internment camps for American Japanese, FDR was called "a traitor to his class" for his social reforms.
The left can do just about anything they want to the blacks and they'll keep voting Democrat because of their political ignorance. Right now we have a President that that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime, and he overwhelmingly got the black vote. Not many blacks are interested in politics to follow it.
Nice to see two grads of Bob Jones University having such a fact based, non-revised scholary take on American history. :rolleyes:
Biden is more popular than Trump at this point and Trump got re-elected.:laughing0301:

A lot can change, but if they keep calling us white supremacists, if they continue their catastrophic border disaster, if they continue their woke agenda, if inflation keeps going the way it is, if they continue to keep our workforce sitting on their asses instead of doing the right thing and getting back to work, I could go on..............

Anyway, in other words if they continue down this road, then they should lose a lot of Congressional seats.
White spremacists will be called what they are. The border disaster started before Biden, only white supremacists have a problem with being woke and if you think Im excluding old white democratic political consultants from Louisiana when I say thiis, you're mistaken.

So if republicans keep on with the white supremacist agenda, refusing to do whats necessary to beat this pandemic and contnue moving towards totalitarianism, then republicans will lose. Of course with the way republicans have chopped up states...
It has nothing to do with the pandemic. When was the last time we ever heard any Democrat say "Yeah, we were wrong, that's why things are like they are today!" Never. The party of irresponsibility is always looking for ways to blame their fuckups on everybody and everything else but them.
Yes it does. This is happening worldwide. And when you talk of irresponsibility, that's trademark REPUBLIKLAN.

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