Yes Democrats, It's That Bad Already

If Trump was President now we wouldn't have had a supply chain shortage because he would have never signed that pork bill that paid people to stay home instead of work. Without that labor shortage, inflation would have remained in the 1% range as it's been for many years. Our economy today would be near booming with gasoline prices back down in the $2.00 a gallon range and people staying warm in their homes this winter with last years natural gas prices.

So correct, we should be very glad Trump is not President now. I can't imagine the country doing that good given the horrible environment the Democrats created for us. It almost seems too good to be possible.
We would have the same supply shortage the rest of the world is having. That fuckhead was so incompetant that he let 600,000 people die. And Biden is facing a republiklan party that is trying to sabotage his presidency. If trump was president, states would be struggling to get vaccines and trump would have no answer for the supply chain issue. He'd put Jared in charge. The economy would not be booming because trump never created the good economy he was handed by Obama.

This situation is due to the pandemic. A pandemic trump mismanaged.
We would have the same supply shortage the rest of the world is having. That fuckhead was so incompetant that he let 600,000 people die. And Biden is facing a republiklan party that is trying to sabotage his presidency. If trump was president, states would be struggling to get vaccines and trump would have no answer for the supply chain issue. He'd put Jared in charge. The economy would not be booming because trump never created the good economy he was handed by Obama.

This situation is due to the pandemic. A pandemic trump mismanaged.

Let me give you some advice: You'll never win a debate with lies.

Trump is partly responsible for getting us those vaccines. WTF would people not be vaccinated if he was in charge? And don't give me that left-wing bullshit of distribution. The vaccines went out as fast as they could make them, and Dementia didn't change a thing.

If you're going to blame Trump because he could not control a microorganism, are you going to hold this diaper clown of yours for the deaths under his administration? After all, according to John Hopkins University, more people died of covid under Dementia than they did under Trump, and he had 3 vaccines the entire time he was in office. Sabotaging his presidency? How, by 13 of our back stabbers going along with his pork/ green bill?

Trump would have no answer to the supply chain problem because he wouldn't have created one in the first place like Dementia did.. When you pay people to stay home instead of work, nothing gets produced. Trump would have never done that. He refused to sign the pork bill until his last day in office. Our supply chain problem is caused by people staying home for nine months, and now it seems they still don't want to work since they saved enough money to stretch it out a few months more.
Yes it does. This is happening worldwide. And when you talk of irresponsibility, that's trademark REPUBLIKLAN.

It has nothing to do with the virus because we have vaccines for it now and have for 11 months. There is no reason not to go to work unless the government is paying you not to.
So if republicans keep on with the white supremacist agenda, refusing to do whats necessary to beat this pandemic and contnue moving towards totalitarianism, then republicans will lose. Of course with the way republicans have chopped up states...

Chopped up states? WTF are you even talking about?

What white supremacist crap are you talking about? You elected a guy that said the most racist things against blacks in our lifetime. If you worry about racism, maybe that's the place to start looking.
Let me give you some advice: You'll never win a debate with lies.

Trump is partly responsible for getting us those vaccines. WTF would people not be vaccinated if he was in charge? And don't give me that left-wing bullshit of distribution. The vaccines went out as fast as they could make them, and Dementia didn't change a thing.

If you're going to blame Trump because he could not control a microorganism, are you going to hold this diaper clown of yours for the deaths under his administration? After all, according to John Hopkins University, more people died of covid under Dementia than they did under Trump, and he had 3 vaccines the entire time he was in office. Sabotaging his presidency? How, by 13 of our back stabbers going along with his pork/ green bill?

Trump would have no answer to the supply chain problem because he wouldn't have created one in the first place like Dementia did.. When you pay people to stay home instead of work, nothing gets produced. Trump would have never done that. He refused to sign the pork bill until his last day in office. Our supply chain problem is caused by people staying home for nine months, and now it seems they still don't want to work since they saved enough money to stretch it out a few months more.
I win because I am not lying.. Trump did not even order enough vaccine for distribution. Don't give me that right wing crap denying his incompetence. The motherfucker admitted that he knew the virus was more serious than he wanted to tell America, then used wearking masks to divide America which caused people to die. Biden came into office with 20 plus million infected people due to trump, so no I won't be blamng Biden.

Democrats did not create a global supply chain prolem dumb ass. And if trump was president, he woulld have no answer for it. Nobody paid people to stay home, that's more dumb ass right wing bullshit. Not eveybody is willing to rush back into worplaces withbunmasked and unvaxed idiots who think freedom includes the freedom to spread a deadly virus to other people Again, the supply chain problem is global, therefore it is nothappening for the reasons you claim.

You want to pretend that evrything was great until Biden took office. Thats a lie. So stop trtying to make people believe it.
Chopped up states? WTF are you even talking about?

What white supremacist crap are you talking about? You elected a guy that said the most racist things against blacks in our lifetime. If you worry about racism, maybe that's the place to start looking.
Gerrymandering, bitch. No I did not vote for trump. I won't be listening to a racist telling me where to look for racism.
It has nothing to do with the virus because we have vaccines for it now and have for 11 months. There is no reason not to go to work unless the government is paying you not to.
It has eveything to do with the vvirus idiot because not every country has access to the amount of vaccine we do.
Yep. It was wise for trump to cut back when the nation was basically shut down. These idiots think that things just automatically end and stuff goes back to the way it was like magic. It's going to be this way for a little while and these things are happening globally. We should be very glad trump is not president now.

Trump didn't cut back.. The oil companies did that because there was no demand.
Seems that Biden was able to pass a infrastructure bill that trump could not.

Yep. And now we're going to print more phony money, inflation is going to increase even more, and the economy is going to go even slower. Great job commies.
Just wait til all the lumps of coal under the Yule Tide show up....lololol

My wife says the turkeys at the grocery stores look like fucking chickens

I had trouble finding one under 16 pounds. What kind of shitty store do you shop at?
It has eveything to do with the vvirus idiot because not every country has access to the amount of vaccine we do.

Much of our supply shortage is domestic. If we ever had a problem with a country overseas, we relied on our own companies to provide. Now they can't do that thanks to Dementia and the other commies.
Gerrymandering, bitch. No I did not vote for trump. I won't be listening to a racist telling me where to look for racism.

Fine. Then tell us one thing Trump ever said that was racist to blacks in this country with a reliable link. I have plenty of quotes from Biden you know, not only with links, but videos as well.

You people on the left don't realize you're nothing but a bunch of brainwashed puppets. You also don't realize that when the left tells you lies, they have nothing to back them up, so you can't backup their lies either.
I win because I am not lying.. Trump did not even order enough vaccine for distribution. Don't give me that right wing crap denying his incompetence. The motherfucker admitted that he knew the virus was more serious than he wanted to tell America, then used wearking masks to divide America which caused people to die. Biden came into office with 20 plus million infected people due to trump, so no I won't be blamng Biden.

Democrats did not create a global supply chain prolem dumb ass. And if trump was president, he woulld have no answer for it. Nobody paid people to stay home, that's more dumb ass right wing bullshit. Not eveybody is willing to rush back into worplaces withbunmasked and unvaxed idiots who think freedom includes the freedom to spread a deadly virus to other people Again, the supply chain problem is global, therefore it is nothappening for the reasons you claim.

You want to pretend that evrything was great until Biden took office. Thats a lie. So stop trtying to make people believe it.

We were ten times better under Trump than we are now. Yes, Biden is responsible for the supply chain problem. Yes, he and the commies passed a bill to pay people to stay home. Need the link, just ask. It lasted 9 months which means in that 9 months, a lot of supply was not manufactured. Trump refused to sign that bill for that reason, but Democrats love government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters and to hell with the country.

In July of 2020, President Trump signed contracts with 8 potential vaccine producers. The price tag was 13 billion dollars. In each contract Americans were guaranteed the first 100 milion doses of the vaccine once approved, with a rider to get an additional 400 million on demand. That means Trump assured we Americans came first. The rider saved the US a ton of money because we weren't obligated to purchase 500 million doses we wouldn't be using if the vaccines proved to be ineffective or cause health problems. If the FDA gave EUA's to other vendors (which actually happened) he would be able to order a couple million from each company assuring us faster delivery. Vaccine producers can only produce so much in a week. But several producers means we get more vaccines much quicker, which in this case was three suppliers: two when Trump was in office and another one (Johnson and Johnson) after he left.

Need the link, let me know.
I had trouble finding one under 16 pounds. What kind of shitty store do you shop at?
I don't do that shit man are you fucking crazy? I'm not going in those places with a bunch of crazy postmenopausals running around with their Cucks on a leash

Just heard her comment on the birds
Trump didn't cut back.. The oil companies did that because there was no demand.
You're right. The president doesn't control private businesses. I stand corrected.

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