Yes Democrats, It's That Bad Already

If, is the most powerful word in the universe.
Trump has not yet worked his magic is dividing the gop. BUT, the dems LOST 20 House seats because of progs in 20. Yet the won the election by BOTH getting out the prog vote and still carrying the suburbs that Trump turned off.

I just dont' see the dems pulling their shit together to run on funding soc sec and education. The progs want to give money away.

But I'd rather have Crenshaw than Biden or Harris anyway. I'd vote for Hill this time if Trump was the nominee though. Hell, I'd vote for mcconnell over that fat sack of yellow pus-shit. LOL
Midterm elections are not friendly to the president's political party. Modern midterm elections have resulted in an average loss of 30 seats in the House of Representatives and Senateby the political party whose president occupies the White House.

Wallace is not going out on a limb here…
But the dems' problems are much deeper than mid-terms. The suburbs turned on them because Biden promised civility and moderation
I work in business and finance. Heating costs are going to be through the roof. Supply chain issues still exist. Flu season will intermingle with COVId and impact businesses. Not sure what you’re seeing then again you’re blind…
Me too. At USMB, people who work in finance no the least about it. The Google finance experts
These things are due to the pandemic. But go ahead and put republicans in the majority and watch them destroy America.
These things are due to the pandemic. But go ahead and put republicans in the majority and watch them destroy America.
Exactly. Just like I dont blame trump for the steep reduction in domestic crude production in 2020. People just cant get it through their thick skulls its the pandemic that has caused this, NOT one person. But as always, it's like talking to a brick wall with these nut jobs.
Exactly. Just like I dont blame trump for the steep reduction in domestic crude production in 2020. People just cant get it through their thick skulls its the pandemic that has caused this, NOT one person. But as always, it's like talking to a brick wall with these nut jobs.
Yep. It was wise for trump to cut back when the nation was basically shut down. These idiots think that things just automatically end and stuff goes back to the way it was like magic. It's going to be this way for a little while and these things are happening globally. We should be very glad trump is not president now.
A lot can change, but if they keep calling us white supremacists, if they continue their catastrophic border disaster, if they continue their woke agenda, if inflation keeps going the way it is, if they continue to keep our workforce sitting on their asses instead of doing the right thing and getting back to work, I could go on..............

Anyway, in other words if they continue down this road, then they should lose a lot of Congressional seats.
With Biden snatching defeat from every victory it's going to be ugly. He screwed up his infrastructure bill win with his racist "negro" speech.
I don't think so. Not when we start seeing republicans running who were part of 1-6. As for his speech, I bet you guys are trying to pull the "America is doomed" lie again.
For you, if someone doesnt fall in line with the rest of the trumpanzees, they are a democrat, or even possibly a communist. You realize you sound like a complete idiot, right?
I know a liberal when I see one...and that's what Wallace is....
A lot can change, but if they keep calling us white supremacists, if they continue their catastrophic border disaster, if they continue their woke agenda, if inflation keeps going the way it is, if they continue to keep our workforce sitting on their asses instead of doing the right thing and getting back to work, I could go on..............

Anyway, in other words if they continue down this road, then they should lose a lot of Congressional seats.

Even if they switched course it's going to take a lot of time to undo the damage they've done already, and the immigration damage can't be undone. All they could do there is stop it from getting worse.
Yep. It was wise for trump to cut back when the nation was basically shut down. These idiots think that things just automatically end and stuff goes back to the way it was like magic. It's going to be this way for a little while and these things are happening globally. We should be very glad trump is not president now.

If Trump was President now we wouldn't have had a supply chain shortage because he would have never signed that pork bill that paid people to stay home instead of work. Without that labor shortage, inflation would have remained in the 1% range as it's been for many years. Our economy today would be near booming with gasoline prices back down in the $2.00 a gallon range and people staying warm in their homes this winter with last years natural gas prices.

So correct, we should be very glad Trump is not President now. I can't imagine the country doing that good given the horrible environment the Democrats created for us. It almost seems too good to be possible.
These things are due to the pandemic. But go ahead and put republicans in the majority and watch them destroy America.

It has nothing to do with the pandemic. When was the last time we ever heard any Democrat say "Yeah, we were wrong, that's why things are like they are today!" Never. The party of irresponsibility is always looking for ways to blame their fuckups on everybody and everything else but them.

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