Yes, finally, Paul Pelosi's attacker was a left winger according to his son.

Authorities have said he was drawn to conspiracy theories.

That's what Insurrectionists are telling the judges they stand before. They say they were foolish and listened to Infowars.
You know the Progs control propaganda. Republicans for the most part refute the allegations. And there are some who are not nice also.
.........just a normal evening at the Pelosi house

cloris leachman and harvey korman.jpg
All these sources posted are bullshit. PJmedia? Dailycaller? Redstate?

You Trumpers are morons who will swallow anything. You all should join the carnival. Sword swallowers.

So prove the source wrong. When you leftists are on the losing side of a debate, just ridicule the source and you think you won the game.
This means the attack never happened? Who gives a shit who he votes for?

It was your people that started all this by trying to say this guy was MAGA. But we know that isn't true since Piglosi made sure the media dropped the story like a bad habit. In fact the police refuse to release the body cam footage which I'm sure was at her direction.

If this guy wasn't a leftist the entire story would have been out weeks ago. We will never know much about this guy or what happened because Piglosi will make sure of it.
He stated his dad was a progreessive
He had some progressive views. Listen dummy. I have progressive views too. And even I see the attraction to Trump and Infowars. If he was a person who was duped by infowars, and he was, then he's just like the insurrectionists who are on trial or sitting in jail. I'm not wrong.

Not everyone at the insurrection believed in Jesus. Does that mean the ones who don't are liberals? Get over yourself. He went after Pelosi, not Mitch. He WROTE to trump as a fan. Please pick Tulsi. So yea, he was a disinfranchised former liberal. Same as Tulsi. Is Tulsi a fan of Trump's?

Tulsi Gabbard campaigns for election denier Kari Lake in Arizona​

He liked Tulsi you stupid twat! Wanted Trump to pick her as his running mate in 2024. This is a slam dunk. Any more arguing will just be pathetic. But please, I enjoy pathetic.
Bullshit. He says if anything, was not loyal to any party.

There are even a lot of USMB Conservatives who don't realize or won't admit they are Republicans. Only one reason the guy went after Nancy. He believed she was the devil. Wonder where he got that idea from? He didn't go after Mitch McConnell. If he had, I certainly wouldn't be trying so desperately to say the guy was a Republican.

So your thread title is a lie. The son said if anything, was not loyal to any party.

Why do cons have to lie all the time?
Well Pelosi is evil, but why not chastise those who immediately charged he was a trump supporter?
And this should settle the question.....but this could have been discovered before the election, but lying about this guy helped the democrats...

The son hasn’t seen or talked with his father in years. You dishonest political hacks forgot to mention that detail.

“Gonzalez said it's been several years since he's seen DePape. 'One day my father got into a fight with my mother, and she kicked him out and then we lost contact with him.'”
It was your people that started all this by trying to say this guy was MAGA. But we know that isn't true since Piglosi made sure the media dropped the story like a bad habit. In fact the police refuse to release the body cam footage which I'm sure was at her direction.

If this guy wasn't a leftist the entire story would have been out weeks ago. We will never know much about this guy or what happened because Piglosi will make sure of it.
The media actually talked to people he knew that described him as having gone done a right wing QAnon rabbit hole.

You weren’t aware because the conservative media hides these facts from you.
Well Pelosi is evil, but why not chastise those who immediately charged he was a trump supporter?
He was a Trump supporter. He wasn't a Republican or a Democrat. He was a Trump supporter. Doesn't matter who he voted for before Trump. We all know Trump duped a lot of Democrats and Republicans with his message. Right? A lot of people who voted for Obama voted for Trump right? This man was one of those people. He even wrote to Trump, "Pick Tusli". That to me suggests he may have formerly been a Democrat but that was before Trump.

He was not a Republican. He was a Trumpy.

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