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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

Same Sex Marriage has not hurt anyone and all this bullshit from the Social Conservative Right is just their temper tantrum about losing another group of people they can not discriminate against when it come to marriage...
Unfortunately, the gay agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm, many Christian businesses that prefer deferring business in favor of their personal choices.

Unfortunately, the far right Christian agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm- many homosexuals that prefer to be treated equally with everyone else.

“Ran across this over at The Blaze...”

At which point your thread fails.

Thank you... That is a wonderful way to express your most recent concession.

And as always, Your concession is duly noted AND Summarily Accepted!
The second, third, and fifth articles relate to homosexual marriage.

International Gay war on Blacks? LOL......

Still waiting for an example of how you have been harmed- personally by Friday's decision- or any Gay Marriage.

“Ran across this over at The Blaze...”

At which point your thread fails.

Thank you... That is a wonderful way to express your most recent concession.

And as always, Your concession is duly noted AND Summarily Accepted!

And this is how Keys expresses his capitulation- and stops waving his walker in a threatening fashion.
Yea, sure you are straight nuhuh. You call yourself "nuhuh" and you expect us to believe that? lol

Here's nuhuh thinking about which asshole to embrace.

How come its always the RWs who are confused and conflicted about their own sexuality that post all these pics?

Why do they have all these photos saved?

Does it upset the phobes that his shoes don't go with his shorts?

Deniers, deniers, deniers. What can I say? The country is leaving you behind.
Message to gay activists:

We don't hate you we just don't want to be forced to celebrate the lifestyle that's killing you.


Here is a suggestion. How about gays marry and you don't celebrate? It doesn't effect you, so just carry on with your life as before.
They can "marry". What they should not be permitted to do is to shit all over anyone else whose belief disagrees. For Chrissakes, find someone who agrees with your lifestyle choices to make your cake, take your photos, or cater your "wedding". Find some other place to work, some other place to do business...drop the F""ing lawsuits and get on with you life. Otherwise it's all about the kaching!!!

Been there done that.

Not to hijack anyone's issues, but, it wasn't too long ago that this was acceptable:

Thank God for the USA. :thup:

I still say that people who trip on gays being guaranteed equality under the law need to just take a deep breath and realize there's a whole human race that needs all the help it can get. If we're struggling with silly shit, like whether or not adults of sound mind should be allowed to marry one another and enjoy the full benefits conferred them under the law, then the real shit, like our survival and success as a species, is not getting the full attention it deserves. :thup:
I don't believe in shutting people up, or condemning people, though. Speak up. Let your voice be heard. We depend on each other for our survival. All minds are needed--except those who like brussel sprouts. Ya'll need to burn in Hell. You filthy swine. We'll weed you out--come Hell or high water. Count on it. :badgrin:

Same Sex Marriage has not hurt anyone and all this bullshit from the Social Conservative Right is just their temper tantrum about losing another group of people they can not discriminate against when it come to marriage...
Unfortunately, the gay agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm, many Christian businesses that prefer deferring business in favor of their personal choices.

Unfortunately, the far right Christian agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm- many homosexuals that prefer to be treated equally with everyone else.
It's what happens when you live in a bubble like a gated community or get most of your information from Fox News and GOP policy statements.

Basically the world passes you by, and you never have to be in contact with people who have different views on a daily basis.
By that standards- too many Christians hate freedom- just look at the facts:
1) You found some obscure figures who talk about limiting freedom. I gave examples of freedom actually being limited.
2) Boycotts are perfectly legitimate.
3) Academia is mostly under the heel of the PC thought police.
4) Gay activists want to starve African children if their governments refuse to submit to LGBT activist dogma. I'm sure you condemn this kind of imperialism.

Do liberals care about freedom or do they prefer the PC thought police?

20 Outrageous Examples That Show How Political Correctness Is Taking Over America
Yea, sure you are straight nuhuh. You call yourself "nuhuh" and you expect us to believe that? lol

Here's nuhuh thinking about which asshole to embrace.

How come its always the RWs who are confused and conflicted about their own sexuality that post all these pics?

Why do they have all these photos saved?

Does it upset the phobes that his shoes don't go with his shorts?

LOL, Just the effort to find those pics is bizarre.
You know, you gotta love the "Told ya so! Told ya so!! You're all a bunch of bigots!" mantra of the left .... they, simply, have no idea what has happened. Frankly, it has very little to do with gay rights.

The government has, in its wisdom, stripped the rights of one group in order to further the agenda of another group. The government has said that the First Amendment does NOT apply to Christians. Who will be next? For the first time, the government has said that THEY will be the arbiter of your rights, and that they will apply them piecemeal as they see fit. Today, the court has said that the rights of gay Americans trump the rights of Christian Americans.

Christians have now been denied the 'free exercise' of their religion. Today, there are cases making their way through federal courts asking that ALL religious preaching - to include from the pulpit - be classified as 'hate speech'.

While the left gleefully concentrates on the right hand, the left hand, once again, attacks the basic precepts of our country.
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didn’t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Here’s a quick sampling:

Angel: You’re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: You’re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? You’re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And that’s really mean to say. But good lord he’s an awful human..

Annie: I’d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*le… Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. It’s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

There’s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as we’ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto they’ve been assigned, don’t really understand what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

I’m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). I’m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. They’re just wrong about everything. Fine. That’s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The “it doesn’t affect us” mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. It’s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. It’s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and it’s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ok...how did gay marriage hurt that person? Not seeing it.

OH! Did ya miss the part where the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy unleashed Nazism upon anyone who recognized that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman, as a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE.

Thus he, like every other person of any sense of decency and every Christian, is injured by their responsibility to ceaselessly contest degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
The problem is, government got into the business of licensing such unions. You have to have a government issued license before your pastor can say the words and bless the union. Thus, those who would enter into something other than a one man-one woman union have a toehold on the issue. What I repugnant is, these persons who would have things otherwise will now use the force of law to shove their belief down the throats of those who do not agree with them.
P.S. I always assumed that "same sex" was an assumed tenet to any marriage.

Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy. Opposite-sex couples may be married by a member of the clergy whose religious affiliation prohibits affording religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples. Such a couple may obtain their license, be married, and off on their honeymoon completely oblivious to same-sex couples doing the same.

No one is going to use the force of law to compel anyone to do anything.
You know, you gotta love the "Told ya so! Told ya so!! You're all a bunch of bigots!" mantra of the left .... they, simply, have no idea what has happened. Frankly, it has very little to do with gay rights.

The government has, in its wisdom, stripped the rights of one group in order to further the agenda of another group. The government has said that the First Amendment does NOT apply to Christians. Who will be next? For the first time, the government has said that THEY will be the arbiter of your rights, and that they will apply them piecemeal as they see fit. Today, the court has said that the rights of gay Americans trump the rights of Christian Americans.

Christians have now been denied the 'free exercise' of their religion. Today, there are cases making their way through federal courts asking that ALL religious preaching - to include from the pulpit - be classified as 'hate speech'.

While the left gleefully concentrates on the right hand, the left hand, once again, attacks the basic precepts of our country.
Ding, ding, ding, ding!!! I do believe you have hit the nail on the head.
If a Gay couple came to me to have their cake baked I would do it, but I would not put Rose and Rosie on top or Elton and Elton on top of the cake or put any inscription on it, but I would be the same with a hetero couple too.
I don't understand the strange authoritarian impulse that would force you to put "Rose and Rosie on top or Elton and Elton". How about tolerance and freedom? How about freedom of thought and artistic freedom? If bakers don't want to make a cake celebrating a homosexual marriage why force them?

If people fail to admire the homosexual lifestyle, should they be fired? Check out the articles I linked to and you'll find examples of this kind of persecution.

That isn't how this is going to play out. And no where close to it.

Understand what happened here... the US Federal Government, by the vote of 5 perverse individuals licensed DEGENERACY.

Now the thing about degenerates is, they're sociopaths, the mental disorder that presents as Relativism.

Now if ya understand what sociopathy is, you'll understand that NORMALIZING IT... it about as BAD an idea as licensing Iran to build their own nuclear weapons. If those two examples don't help... just understand that what the 5 Perverse Jurists did was to destroy what remained of the United States and doom it to an incomprehensibly violent civil war.

Now, in the even that ya survive, which will likely be somewhere in the 50/50 dept... you will have a much better understanding of 'how that decision harmed you'.

Naturally, it won't matter much, as there will be no one around who gives a rats ass about these little quarrels anymore... as more weighty matters such as 'will we eat this week?' will be front and center and given that the answer will more often than not be 'no'... there will be little concern for questions about a people that no longer exist.

So... You shouldn't spend too much time worrying about it.
If people fail to admire the far right Christian lifestyle- should they be killed or put in jail? Check out the articles I linked to you and you will find examples of this kind of persecution by Christians of homosexuals.
Actually I didn't find any from the U.S.

Do you think the U.S. should force Africans to change their laws?
... Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy.

Well, not if the JP, Judge or Member of the Clergy refuses to do so, due to their recognition of the self-evident truth, that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

At that point they'll be free to go find someone ELSE who will play along with their little pretense. So it's a little more complicated than you'd like the Reader to believe.
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didn’t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Here’s a quick sampling:

Angel: You’re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: You’re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? You’re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And that’s really mean to say. But good lord he’s an awful human..

Annie: I’d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*le… Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. It’s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

There’s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as we’ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto they’ve been assigned, don’t really understand what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

I’m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). I’m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. They’re just wrong about everything. Fine. That’s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The “it doesn’t affect us” mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. It’s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. It’s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and it’s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ok...how did gay marriage hurt that person? Not seeing it.

OH! Did ya miss the part where the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy unleashed Nazism upon anyone who recognized that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman, as a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE.

Thus he, like every other person of any sense of decency and every Christian, is injured by their responsibility to ceaselessly contest degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
The problem is, government got into the business of licensing such unions. You have to have a government issued license before your pastor can say the words and bless the union. Thus, those who would enter into something other than a one man-one woman union have a toehold on the issue. What I repugnant is, these persons who would have things otherwise will now use the force of law to shove their belief down the throats of those who do not agree with them.
P.S. I always assumed that "same sex" was an assumed tenet to any marriage.

Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy. Opposite-sex couples may be married by a member of the clergy whose religious affiliation prohibits affording religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples. Such a couple may obtain their license, be married, and off on their honeymoon completely oblivious to same-sex couples doing the same.

No one is going to use the force of law to compel anyone to do anything.
Yeah, right. So why so many lawsuits? Why not just move along and find some other vendor? If there are religious clergy amenable to officiating over "same sex" nuptials, why the push against those who prefer not to?

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