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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

Same sex marriage has become accepted by the majority of Americans because they've come to realize that they've been lied to by those who say it would adversely effect their heterosexual marriage. Those who continue to spout that line are the moral equivalent of Holocaust deniers.
"Same sex" unions have never been the issue for most Americans. The co-opting of marriage has been a problem for many Americans who have some religious conviction. But this whole "same sex marriage" thing has little to do with love, of any kind, and much, much more to do with attacking people who claim some religious objection to anything other than the man-woman dichotomy.
No, it has to do with telling you MYOB.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the business is in the public domain not the private sector.
Differentiate: public domain vs. private sector.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the businessman has no reason to be concerned about the orientation with whom he is doing business. He needs to MHOB.
Same sex marriage has become accepted by the majority of Americans because they've come to realize that they've been lied to by those who say it would adversely effect their heterosexual marriage. Those who continue to spout that line are the moral equivalent of Holocaust deniers.
"Same sex" unions have never been the issue for most Americans. The co-opting of marriage has been a problem for many Americans who have some religious conviction. But this whole "same sex marriage" thing has little to do with love, of any kind, and much, much more to do with attacking people who claim some religious objection to anything other than the man-woman dichotomy.
No, it has to do with telling you MYOB.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the business is in the public domain not the private sector.
Differentiate: public domain vs. private sector.
Why? It's obvious.
Same Sex Marriage has not hurt anyone and all this bullshit from the Social Conservative Right is just their temper tantrum about losing another group of people they can not discriminate against when it come to marriage...
Unfortunately, the gay agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm, many Christian businesses that prefer deferring business in favor of their personal choices.

Unfortunately, the far right Christian agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm- many homosexuals that prefer to be treated equally with everyone else.
And that justifies their vindictiveness in what way? Of course, their actions place them above any Christians they may oppose. lie down with dogs, get up with fleas...scratching much yet?

What vindictiveness?

Sure there are hateful individuals- on both the right and the left- I will assume we are not speaking about them.

So what vindictiveness?
So, do you support the vindictiveness that runs to lawyers and the court to punish those who disagree? Or do you support the "vindictiveness" that supports the right to do business, or not? The only way a business person can know whether a customer is "gay", or not is if the customer makes a declaration. Why should it be forbidden for a businessperson to make a declaration in response?
All but #7 are citations of actions by Christians within the United States- up to and including calling for death of homosexuals.
1 and 5 are about the same guy, some obscure pastor. So you found one person out of hundreds of millions who talks about persecuting homosexuals. Try not to panic. Number 2 kind of looks like a hoax. People on the left go in for that kind of thing. Regarding 3 and 4, boycotts do not = persecution. So you are being sort of a drama queen don't you think?

My list mirrored your own whine fest.

Let me review again- actual incidents of actual Christians calling for death or discrimination against homosexuals- or retaliation against organizations for being too 'gay friendly'.

By that standards- too many Christians hate freedom- just look at the facts:

#1 is a Pastor of a church- preaching what he believes is a Christian message as is #4. #2 is a Christian nutjob.
#3 is a mainstream Christian anti-gay organization- and just one of dozens of examples I can post of that group calling for action against organizations deemed too gay friendly. Next we will compare to your list.

1) Christian Pastor: ‘I Believe That the Government Should Use the Death Penalty’ on Homosexuals
Christian Pastor I Believe That the Government Should Use the Death Penalty on Homosexuals

2) Christian tries to pass initiative to legalize killing of homosexuals in California
http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/initiatives/pdfs/15-0008 (Sodomy)_0.pdf?

3) Christians call for homosexuals for boycott of Girl Scouts for being too gay friendly
Family Research Council Calls For Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies

4) Christian Pastor calls for killing Gays to end AIDS
Arizona pastor calls for killing gay people to end AIDS

5) Forced Christian Indoctrination in School
Illegal Christian indoctrination at public high school in Texas

6) From Overseas- American Christian Preachers go to Africa to promote criminalization of homosexuality
Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda s Anti-Gay Crackdown Mother Jones

Yes- its true- Christians have attempted to persecute homosexuals in America for over 200 years- but now- Christians are being told that homosexuals have actual rights- and the Christians are not exempt from the very laws that protect them from protection.

Of course that makes Christians feel persecuted.

Well at least the fearful whacky far right Christians who want to be victims.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the businessman has no reason to be concerned about the orientation with whom he is doing business. He needs to MHOB.
Then why is it so imperative that a customer declare his/her/its sexual orientation when doing business?
Same Sex Marriage has not hurt anyone and all this bullshit from the Social Conservative Right is just their temper tantrum about losing another group of people they can not discriminate against when it come to marriage...
Unfortunately, the gay agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm, many Christian businesses that prefer deferring business in favor of their personal choices.

Unfortunately, the far right Christian agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm- many homosexuals that prefer to be treated equally with everyone else.
And that justifies their vindictiveness in what way? Of course, their actions place them above any Christians they may oppose. lie down with dogs, get up with fleas...scratching much yet?

What vindictiveness?

Sure there are hateful individuals- on both the right and the left- I will assume we are not speaking about them.

So what vindictiveness?
So, do you support the vindictiveness that runs to lawyers and the court to punish those who disagree?

Business's are supposed to follow the law. I support the right of Americans to use the court to enforce their rights- just as I would support the right of any Christian who was denied service because of his faith to sue the offending business.

That is not vinctiveness- it is standing up for your rights.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

You are not the fuck police.
You are correct, that's the far left.

Major failures found in Rolling Stone s A Rape on Campus - Apr. 5 2015

You are . . . nothing.
Calm down okay? lol Your hate is making you look silly.
You have not provided on valid harm of anyone being hurt by Marriage Equality. Being told "no" is not a harm, only a recognition that you are wrong. You are no authority at all.
"Same sex" unions have never been the issue for most Americans. The co-opting of marriage has been a problem for many Americans who have some religious conviction. But this whole "same sex marriage" thing has little to do with love, of any kind, and much, much more to do with attacking people who claim some religious objection to anything other than the man-woman dichotomy.
No, it has to do with telling you MYOB.
I agree with the MYOB. Why then are gays making such an issue when someone disagrees or refuses to do business with them?
Because the business is in the public domain not the private sector.
Differentiate: public domain vs. private sector.
Why? It's obvious.
Indeed, it is. I own a private business. I am not a government owned business (I.e. public). I reserve the option to refuse service. Period. You don't like my business practices, indeed, find someone more worthy of your financial support.
If you are in a state with PA laws, then you get to obey them. Not hard.

Don't blame people you have been abusing for taking your side down and making them stop.
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didn’t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Here’s a quick sampling:

Angel: You’re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: You’re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? You’re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And that’s really mean to say. But good lord he’s an awful human..

Annie: I’d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*le… Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. It’s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

There’s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as we’ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto they’ve been assigned, don’t really understand what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

I’m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). I’m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. They’re just wrong about everything. Fine. That’s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The “it doesn’t affect us” mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. It’s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. It’s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and it’s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ok...how did gay marriage hurt that person? Not seeing it.

OH! Did ya miss the part where the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy unleashed Nazism upon anyone who recognized that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman, as a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE.

Thus he, like every other person of any sense of decency and every Christian, is injured by their responsibility to ceaselessly contest degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
The problem is, government got into the business of licensing such unions. You have to have a government issued license before your pastor can say the words and bless the union. Thus, those who would enter into something other than a one man-one woman union have a toehold on the issue. What I repugnant is, these persons who would have things otherwise will now use the force of law to shove their belief down the throats of those who do not agree with them.
P.S. I always assumed that "same sex" was an assumed tenet to any marriage.

Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy. Opposite-sex couples may be married by a member of the clergy whose religious affiliation prohibits affording religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples. Such a couple may obtain their license, be married, and off on their honeymoon completely oblivious to same-sex couples doing the same.

No one is going to use the force of law to compel anyone to do anything.
Really? You surely have not been paying attention. These freaks are demanding that anyone with the authority to officiate a marriage be forced to do so for their coupling.
A few are insisting that any official has to issue the license or do the marriage. They are wrong. If a couple is able to get the license or the officiator, there is no problem. There is a tension between 1st Amendment and 14th Amendment that can be solved.
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Ranks right up there with the earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth. :laugh2:

Now that post is a BRILLIANT demonstration of how The Federal Licensing of Degeneracy has harmed each citizen; every man, woman and child in the United States.

Because, like every aspect of the Ideological Left in general and the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality specifically: IT'S A LIE! which is being advanced as a truth and on the authority of the US Federal Government.

Marriage is intrinsic in the Human Physiological Design, wherein nature provides two distinct but complementing Genders, each respectively designed to join with the other; forming one sustainable body from two separate bodies. This is an incontestable fact; a law of nature that is as no less in force than gravity, momentum and cause and effect, none of which being subject to being altered by popular whimsy or any other subjective irrelevancy.
Keys is back to citing his old arguments.

Didn't work then, not working now, won't work in the future.
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At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

Lets look at that list
Just not true. Too many homosexual activists hate freedom. Look at the facts.

1) Christian Airman Punished by Lesbian Commander Faces Possible Court Martial - Breitbart

This is the case of one man- who has claimed he was discriminated against- and being told he must support gay marriage. Your article provided no evidence to support his claim- and is dated 2013.

And there is a counter story to his story:
No This Air Force Sergeant Was Not Fired For Opposing Marriage Equality ThinkProgress

Unfortunately, the facts of Monk’s story do not seem to add up to the claims of a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for Christians he’s now making in the media. Monk supervised a staff sergeant who was openly opposing homosexuality on religious grounds to trainees, violating policy that prohibits officers from using a position of authority to promote personal religious beliefs. He informed his commanding officer, and when she insisted that the sergeant be punished, Monk resisted because he shared the same beliefs and didn’t believe them to be discriminatory. In fact, he asserted that the sergeant did nothing wrong and it should just be a “learning experience.”

In other words, the case is not about his beliefs about marriage or homosexuality, but about his willingness to follow his commander’s instructions and enforce military policy. It doesn’t matter that Monk’s commanding officer was a lesbian or that her opinion on marriage equality differs from his. Furthermore, he wasn’t “fired,” he was simply reassigned, and he even admits that he was due for a reassignment and that his new position is commensurate with his rank and experience. What he is worried about is whether he’ll receive a Meritorious Service Medal he’d been recommended for — before he apparently refused to follow his commander’s orders.

The sergeant who imposed his religious beliefs on trainees is the one who faced repercussions for how he expressed himself, not Monk.

The Air Force found his claims unsubstantiated
Religious Right Myths Never Die Right Wing Watch

The Air Force has found unsubstantiated the claim of a senior master sergeant who said he was reassigned after making known his religious objections to same-sex marriage.

Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk, now assigned to the 59th Medical Wing, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, said he was relieved July 26 of his duties as first sergeant of the 326th Training Squadron and forced to take leave because he disagreed with his commanding officer’s position on gay marriage.

The investigation, initiated Aug. 15 by Col. Mark Camerer, 37th Training Wing commander at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, found the claim unsubstantiated. The investigation also concluded Monk made false official statements, but did not violate Articles 107 or 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

“The weight of the evidence shows that religion was never discussed between the two,” Camerer said in an Air Education and Training Command release.

“In the end, this is a case about command authority, good order and discipline, and civil rights — not religious freedoms,” he said.

Monk was not removed from his position, but rather moved, as scheduled, to another Lackland unit, an assignment he was notified of in April, the release says.

In the next post we will continue to examine the 'horrific' examples you have provided.

But so far, you have provided only a claim that the Air Force found to be 'unsubstantiated'.
Usually when the trash on the right opens their filthy pie holes I just beat the crap out of them...


I guess I will never tire of the hilarity that comes with an effeminate male bowing up in all that butch regalia.

Give it 5 minutes and she's SCRATCHIN' YOUR EYES OUT!
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didn’t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Here’s a quick sampling:

Angel: You’re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: You’re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? You’re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And that’s really mean to say. But good lord he’s an awful human..

Annie: I’d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*le… Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. It’s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

There’s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as we’ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto they’ve been assigned, don’t really understand what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

I’m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). I’m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. They’re just wrong about everything. Fine. That’s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The “it doesn’t affect us” mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. It’s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. It’s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and it’s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ok...how did gay marriage hurt that person? Not seeing it.

OH! Did ya miss the part where the Federal Licensing of Degeneracy unleashed Nazism upon anyone who recognized that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman, as a simple but irretrievable consequence of human physiology, which is a consequence of how Nature designed humanity, which is how God designed Nature. Thus anyone who recognizes the simple facts of nature and the God who created Nature is now required to accept that which is otherwise UNACCEPTABLE.

Thus he, like every other person of any sense of decency and every Christian, is injured by their responsibility to ceaselessly contest degeneracy and to do so without apology and the consequence of that will inevitably be catastrophic.

Because... it ain't anywhere over and it's never going to be over until the Federal Government of the United States reverses that Decision, voids all unions between same gender couples and states in no uncertain terms that there is no potential right to promote Degeneracy... or whatever government replaces it.
The problem is, government got into the business of licensing such unions. You have to have a government issued license before your pastor can say the words and bless the union. Thus, those who would enter into something other than a one man-one woman union have a toehold on the issue. What I repugnant is, these persons who would have things otherwise will now use the force of law to shove their belief down the throats of those who do not agree with them.
P.S. I always assumed that "same sex" was an assumed tenet to any marriage.

Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy. Opposite-sex couples may be married by a member of the clergy whose religious affiliation prohibits affording religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples. Such a couple may obtain their license, be married, and off on their honeymoon completely oblivious to same-sex couples doing the same.

No one is going to use the force of law to compel anyone to do anything.
Really? You surely have not been paying attention. These freaks are demanding that anyone with the authority to officiate a marriage be forced to do so for their coupling.

And they will find that Christian ministers will balk, and churches will close. And that's when things will get really interesting, because that's when people will pick up arms. People will defend their right to worship as they please, and they will kill and/or die before they will commit sacrilege.

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