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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

There is no math to it. You kooks will lose. You always do. You either ride or collide with us. There is no other option.

What did we lose?

The 5 Relativists on the SCOTUS, dishonored themselves, and through nothing more than those five had the majority of the votes, they Licensed debauchery.

The "Why" was then and remains IRRELEVANT.

That they went through the motions of divining a rationalization, is as meaningless as the rationalization itself.

So there was no 'win'... there was only the THEFT of justice.

What you're claiming as a 'Win', is the same would-be "WIN" that is celebrated when a burglar walks your Computers, flat panels and other valuables out of your door.

But hey... in fairness to you, as a Relativist; meaning a person who lacks the capacity for Objective reason, OKA: Truth, there is NO WAY that you could have known that.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

So I kicked your first and second claim out- lets look at your third 'example'

Protecting Religious Liberty in the State Marriage Debate

Protecting Religious Liberty in the State Marriage Debate

This is a discussion of business's who have faced repercussions for violating various Public Accommodation laws

None of these business's were harmed by 'gay marriage'- they were harmed by their decision not to serve customers in violation of the law.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

Lets move onto your 'example' #4

Forced indoctrination in the schools: Harvey Milk Day - SaveCalifornia.com

I don't have a clue what you think this is supposed to have to do with 'gay marriage'.

As a parent whose child is in the California School system- I can say with great certainty- there is no 'forced indoctrination' and this article is mostly lies.

But you don't have a problem with that- do you?

Another article that is not about 'gay marriage'.

Once the license is issued the couple is at liberty to use any marriage venue they so desire: JP, judge, or member of the clergy. Opposite-sex couples may be married by a member of the clergy whose religious affiliation prohibits affording religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples. Such a couple may obtain their license, be married, and off on their honeymoon completely oblivious to same-sex couples doing the same.

No one is going to use the force of law to compel anyone to do anything.
Really? You surely have not been paying attention. These freaks are demanding that anyone with the authority to officiate a marriage be forced to do so for their coupling.

And they will find that Christian ministers will balk, and churches will close. And that's when things will get really interesting, because that's when people will pick up arms. People will defend their right to worship as they please, and they will kill and/or die before they will commit sacrilege.
No they wont. Only a few kooks like yourself will resist long enough for it to get like that. At that point you will be classified as a cult and dealt with accordingly.

Your math is as abysmal as your English. The kooks are not on my side, and the majority is not on your side. You morons think that because you can get the courts to force the issue IN SPITE of what the majority wants, that you have any chance of success if it does come to fighting. The reality is, nobody of any value is going to flock to the defense of the depraved, criminal minority. You have convinced yourself that you are more numerous than you are. There's a reason the SCOTUS has to keep passing this garbage, you know.

Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
Public Opinion
In Pew Research polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a 57% to 35% margin.

Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily grown. Today, a majority of Americans (57%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 39% who oppose it.

Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage Pew Research Center

Go to the link and look at support among the religious by affiliation and you'll find that it's only the most fundamental that disapprove . They are outweighed by a large margin.
The same result is shown when looking at political affiliation. Only the most conservative disagree.
Your position is in the minority in almost every demographic.

None of those lukewarm "supporters" will fight for you loons, trust me.
And they will find that Christian ministers will balk, and churches will close. And that's when things will get really interesting, because that's when people will pick up arms. People will defend their right to worship as they please, and they will kill and/or die before they will commit sacrilege.
No they wont. Only a few kooks like yourself will resist long enough for it to get like that. At that point you will be classified as a cult and dealt with accordingly.

Your math is as abysmal as your English. The kooks are not on my side, and the majority is not on your side.
There is no math to it. You kooks will lose. You always do. You either ride or collide with us. There is no other option.
No, we don't always lose. We're the ones who win. You're the ones that are on the side of the Nazis. Like the idiot Germans, you don't get it.

But you will.
You always lose. Thats why you are so upset. If you were the ones that win I would be picking cotton instead of building a fortune.

The only thing I will be getting is entertainment. Thanks for confirming that.
Yes, but I think you should pick cotton because you're a criminal deviant.... not because you're black.
Says the deviant criminal, Koshergrl.

Yep, you are losing, as always, which will never change.
Like people spitting on soldiers returning from Vietnam, it's happening more in the minds of the aggrieved, than in reality.
Yeah... We can be sure that the Priest that was spit on, harassed and abused by the all too reasonable homo-cult, during the Celebration of Homo-Shame the other day felt the same way...
Making a big deal over one incident, but forgetting about all the harassment gays have received over the years. Typical hypocrisy on your part.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

Maybe you should tell us which of your 'examples' are supposed to have to do with harm from gay marriage? Because so far not looking good for you.

Articles The International Gay War on Black People

And once again- nothing there about 'harm from gay marriage'.

Just one Latino man's rant about how he thinks homosexuals are targeting black people.
Like I showed, your opinion is marginal even among the faithful.

Yet... Marriage, > IS < the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

But that's only because Nature designed HUMANITY with two distinct but complementing Genders, each respectively and specifically designed to join with the other, forming from two, one sustainable body.

See how easy that is? It's called "Self Evident Truth". Can't be denied... can't be avoided. It quite simply IS.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.

Get it straight. You freaks on the socon far right are not going to have any power ever to stop folks from marrying whom they will.

You are not the fuck police.

You are not the marriage police.

You are . . . nothing.

Read the posts .... you're trying to cover the truth. The damage has already been done.

But ... let me ask you a theoretical question.

If a Catholic priest refuses to marry a gay couple, will he be subject to the law?

a) If yes, what happened to the First Amendment 'free exercise' clause?

b) If no, how is he different that a baker who believes his religion forbids him from aiding and abetting a sin?

Now, another theoretical question ...

A baker was forced to provide a cake for a gay wedding. A baker, who refused to provide a cake for an anti-gay event, was determined to NOT have violated the law. Explain the difference.

Now, some not so theoretical questions .....

SCOTUS has determined that the collective rights of gays supersedes the individual rights of citizens, by limiting the ability of some citizens the 'free exercise' of their religion and forcing them to aid and abet what they perceive a sin. So ... at what point did we give the government permission to limit our rights? What do you think is going to be the next individual right to be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness? Why does the right of the gay community to marriage supersede my right to practice my religion?
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples. Others have too. Why are you lying?

Maybe you should tell us which of your 'examples' are supposed to have to do with harm from gay marriage? Because so far not looking good for you.

Articles The International Gay War on Black People

And once again- nothing there about 'harm from gay marriage'.

Just one Latino man's rant about how he thinks homosexuals are targeting black people.

Lets move onto your claim #6

From overseas, but coming soon: Video Christian arrested for calling homosexuality a sin warns of real-life thought police - Telegraph

Ah the case of the preacher who got arrested in the UK for preaching.

The UK is not the United States- and they do not have the same rights as Americans do in America.

And once again- nothing to do with 'gay marriage'- or with even 'homosexuals' targeting gays- the police arrested this guy.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “Police were called to Wimbledon Hill Road, SW19, at approximately 16.40 on Monday, July 1, following reports of a man speaking through a public address system who was alleged to have made homophobic comments.

“Officers attended and arrested the man, aged 49, on suspicion of offences under the Public Order Act.

“He was taken to a south-west London police station and spoken to by officers before being released with no further action later the same day.”

So in conclusion- perhaps one of your examples- out of 6- could arguably have something to do with 'gay marriage harm'- but of course that is in regards to business's who refused service to homosexuals.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.

Get it straight. You freaks on the socon far right are not going to have any power ever to stop folks from marrying whom they will.

You are not the fuck police.

You are not the marriage police.

You are . . . nothing.

Read the posts .... you're trying to cover the truth. The damage has already been done.

But ... let me ask you a theoretical question.

If a Catholic priest refuses to marry a gay couple, will he be subject to the law?

a) If yes, what happened to the First Amendment 'free exercise' clause?

b) If no, how is he different that a baker who believes his religion forbids him from aiding and abetting a sin?

What law? What law requires any Priest to marry anyone?

What if he refuses to marry a Jewish couple?

Now- tell me- can you tell the difference between a Priest acting officially on behalf of a church- and a business?
If people fail to admire the far right Christian lifestyle- should they be killed or put in jail? Check out the articles I linked to you and you will find examples of this kind of persecution by Christians of homosexuals.
Actually I didn't find any from the U.S.

All but #7 are citations of actions by Christians within the United States- up to and including calling for death of homosexuals.

By that standards- too many Christians hate freedom- just look at the facts:

1) Christian Pastor: ‘I Believe That the Government Should Use the Death Penalty’ on Homosexuals
Christian Pastor I Believe That the Government Should Use the Death Penalty on Homosexuals

2) Christian tries to pass initiative to legalize killing of homosexuals in California
http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/initiatives/pdfs/15-0008 (Sodomy)_0.pdf?

3) Christians call for homosexuals for boycott of Girl Scouts for being too gay friendly

4) Family Research Council Calls For Boycott of Girl Scout Cookies

5) Christian Pastor calls for killing Gays to end AIDS
Arizona pastor calls for killing gay people to end AIDS

6) Forced Christian Indoctrination in School
Illegal Christian indoctrination at public high school in Texas

7) From Overseas- American Christian Preachers go to Africa to promote criminalization of homosexuality
Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda s Anti-Gay Crackdown Mother Jones

Yes- its true- Christians have attempted to persecute homosexuals in America for over 200 years- but now- Christians are being told that homosexuals have actual rights- and the Christians are not exempt from the very laws that protect them from protection.

Of course that makes Christians feel persecuted.

Well at least the fearful whacky far right Christians who want to be victims.

Thanks for posting these links.

More proof that phony christians do not follow the teachings of the god they say they worship.
Unfortunately, the gay agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm, many Christian businesses that prefer deferring business in favor of their personal choices.

Unfortunately, the far right Christian agenda has hurt, or attempted to harm- many homosexuals that prefer to be treated equally with everyone else.
And that justifies their vindictiveness in what way? Of course, their actions place them above any Christians they may oppose. lie down with dogs, get up with fleas...scratching much yet?

What vindictiveness?

Sure there are hateful individuals- on both the right and the left- I will assume we are not speaking about them.

So what vindictiveness?
So, do you support the vindictiveness that runs to lawyers and the court to punish those who disagree?

Business's are supposed to follow the law. I support the right of Americans to use the court to enforce their rights- just as I would support the right of any Christian who was denied service because of his faith to sue the offending business.

That is not vinctiveness- it is standing up for your rights.

Laws which violate my individual rights are bad laws, and it is essential that they be opposed at every turn. This law has violated my First Amendment rights.
At the end of page six and not one anti Marriage Equality harm has been shown.
I supplied many examples..

Not one of you has been able to provide an actual example of personal harm to anyone because people can marry someone of the same gender.

You were told - I told you in Post 150, and it was repeated later - you choose to ignore it, rather than address it, because you have no response. Instead, you put your fingers in your ears and claim ignorance.

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