yes I am melting, today has been a bad day - wall & Gestapo type raid


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
I have said it before, I care more about Trump winning the PR game than I do about the wall itself

Sure, I support the wall, but I have always cared about the judicial appointments a lot more, especially SCOTUS, but the judges downstream actually matter almost as much

I also feel like the Dems MUST suffer a massive defeat (IE - watch Trump get re-elected & Repubs take back the House) if there is to be ANY chance for the Democrat Party to walk back from the ledge of radical insanity. THAT is why the PR game is more important to me than an actual wall.

I am hearing that Trump took the high ground & that this was not a bad negotiation move; I don't necessarily disagree, but the media will use this as a tool to bludgeon the President. Most Americans won't get the full story.

sure, I realize that the fight is not over & that Trump hasn't actually "lost" yet

But today feels like watching your team throw an INT in the red zone and watching it be returned for a touchdown right before halftime

and that's where I think we are, down 7 at the half and momentum on the other side

the only good news is, we get the ball to start the 2nd half (IE - SOTU speech).

Game ain't over, but if I were on team Blue, I'd be really excited right now

I also think it is worth reminding everyone to remember to "2 day rule" to let the truth come out. (wish I could take credit for that term, can't properly source either)

Seems like every time the Dems and their sycophants in the media starts spiking the football this hard it normally hits them square in the nads.

Democrats and their baby killing ways will all end up in hell, so that makes up for it somewhat.
Well the dems have fought valiantly for an open southern border so sit back now & watch California reap the “benefits” of that move. She’s too big to fail. The nation should be ready to save her from herself.
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Pres.Trump is like a Grand Master chess player.

He thinks several moves ahead with the end game worked out.

Whereas the Democrats are like rank amatures with little hope of winning against him.

Thus, I have no doubt that the Wall will be built as promised. ... :cool:
Pres.Trump is like a Grand Master chess player.

He thinks several moves ahead with the end game worked out.

Whereas the Democrats are like rank amatures with little hope of winning against him.

Thus, I have no doubt that the Wall will be built. ... :cool:

Yea, know what you mean I saw his grand mastery today. ha ha ha
Pres.Trump is like a Grand Master chess player.

He thinks several moves ahead with the end game worked out.

Whereas the Democrats are like rank amatures with little hope of winning against him.

Thus, I have no doubt that the Wall will be built as promised. ... :cool:

I hope you're right.
I have said it before, I care more about Trump winning the PR game than I do about the wall itself

Sure, I support the wall, but I have always cared about the judicial appointments a lot more, especially SCOTUS, but the judges downstream actually matter almost as much

I also feel like the Dems MUST suffer a massive defeat (IE - watch Trump get re-elected & Repubs take back the House) if there is to be ANY chance for the Democrat Party to walk back from the ledge of radical insanity. THAT is why the PR game is more important to me than an actual wall.

I am hearing that Trump took the high ground & that this was not a bad negotiation move; I don't necessarily disagree, but the media will use this as a tool to bludgeon the President. Most Americans won't get the full story.

sure, I realize that the fight is not over & that Trump hasn't actually "lost" yet

But today feels like watching your team throw an INT in the red zone and watching it be returned for a touchdown right before halftime

and that's where I think we are, down 7 at the half and momentum on the other side

the only good news is, we get the ball to start the 2nd half (IE - SOTU speech).

Game ain't over, but if I were on team Blue, I'd be really excited right now

I also think it is worth reminding everyone to remember to "2 day rule" to let the truth come out. (wish I could take credit for that term, can't properly source either)

Seems like every time the Dems and their sycophants in the media starts spiking the football this hard it normally hits them square in the nads.
The day you and other decided to back a criminal like trump, who represent the definition of narcissism, bullying, fraud, lying, savage elitism you validate what you are as a human being.
I really think Trump reopened the gov in order to deflect media attention from the arrest .
Trump made his billion's investing in the NYC realty market.

Which is the most cut throat shark infested business in the world.

The Democrats and their silly antics are nothing in comparison. ... :cool:
Gestapo. Gestapo. You scumbags keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Democrats now OWN the illegal alien problem, lock stock and barrel. NOW, every time an illegal alien rapes or kills an American, Democrats will be BLAMED by the American people.

Democrats Are Choosing Illegal Aliens Over The American People

Ok. Let’s say we build the wall. Does ICE Get eliminated? Since they are no longer needed ?

ICE doesn't patrol the borders, dumbass. You have to be a fricken foreigner.

Exactly! The trumpets spin the wall as some illegal immigration fix. It does little . Not worth the money .
Democrats now OWN the illegal alien problem, lock stock and barrel. NOW, every time an illegal alien rapes or kills an American, Democrats will be BLAMED by the American people.

Democrats Are Choosing Illegal Aliens Over The American People

Ok. Let’s say we build the wall. Does ICE Get eliminated? Since they are no longer needed ?

ICE doesn't patrol the borders, dumbass. You have to be a fricken foreigner.
Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST)
I really think Trump reopened the gov in order to deflect media attention from the arrest .

and I think the arrest was orchestrated to change the narrative of the left getting egg on their collective faces this last week

a dawn raid? with 20 (or was it 20) agents in riot gear?

on a process crime that only ever happened (IF it happened) because of this witch hunt? there is no collusion, Honest Bob knows this, so he is making dramatic arrests over trivial things to create headlines, Honest Bob ought to be hung for treason

in a case like this, a negotiated surrender is the norm

I am sure you know this; the dramatics surrounding the arrest, coupled with the media leaks (CNN on scene?) demonstrate that we have really devolved into a Banana Republic & that Gestapo tactics are the new norm; well, for conservatives anyway...

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