yes I am melting, today has been a bad day - wall & Gestapo type raid

Yeah Dem's should piss us off great plan. See you in 2020

What, you're going to cry at us even harder?

When you already behave as badly as it's possible for humans to behave, threatening to behave even worse is an empty threat.
I have said it before, I care more about Trump winning the PR game than I do about the wall itself

Sure, I support the wall, but I have always cared about the judicial appointments a lot more, especially SCOTUS, but the judges downstream actually matter almost as much

I also feel like the Dems MUST suffer a massive defeat (IE - watch Trump get re-elected & Repubs take back the House) if there is to be ANY chance for the Democrat Party to walk back from the ledge of radical insanity. THAT is why the PR game is more important to me than an actual wall.

I am hearing that Trump took the high ground & that this was not a bad negotiation move; I don't necessarily disagree, but the media will use this as a tool to bludgeon the President. Most Americans won't get the full story.

sure, I realize that the fight is not over & that Trump hasn't actually "lost" yet

But today feels like watching your team throw an INT in the red zone and watching it be returned for a touchdown right before halftime

and that's where I think we are, down 7 at the half and momentum on the other side

the only good news is, we get the ball to start the 2nd half (IE - SOTU speech).

Game ain't over, but if I were on team Blue, I'd be really excited right now

I also think it is worth reminding everyone to remember to "2 day rule" to let the truth come out. (wish I could take credit for that term, can't properly source either)

Seems like every time the Dems and their sycophants in the media starts spiking the football this hard it normally hits them square in the nads.
The day you and other decided to back a criminal like trump, who represent the definition of narcissism, bullying, fraud, lying, savage elitism you validate what you are as a human being.
In fact, any kind of moral judgment from people who back someone like Clinton is immediately dismissed.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I had hopes that he had enough of a spine to stand up to the left. Looks like he is just as spineless as the rest of the GOP.
liberals today:


liberals when RBG "retires"

I have said it before, I care more about Trump winning the PR game than I do about the wall itself

Sure, I support the wall, but I have always cared about the judicial appointments a lot more, especially SCOTUS, but the judges downstream actually matter almost as much

I also feel like the Dems MUST suffer a massive defeat (IE - watch Trump get re-elected & Repubs take back the House) if there is to be ANY chance for the Democrat Party to walk back from the ledge of radical insanity. THAT is why the PR game is more important to me than an actual wall.

I am hearing that Trump took the high ground & that this was not a bad negotiation move; I don't necessarily disagree, but the media will use this as a tool to bludgeon the President. Most Americans won't get the full story.

sure, I realize that the fight is not over & that Trump hasn't actually "lost" yet

But today feels like watching your team throw an INT in the red zone and watching it be returned for a touchdown right before halftime

and that's where I think we are, down 7 at the half and momentum on the other side

the only good news is, we get the ball to start the 2nd half (IE - SOTU speech).

Game ain't over, but if I were on team Blue, I'd be really excited right now

I also think it is worth reminding everyone to remember to "2 day rule" to let the truth come out. (wish I could take credit for that term, can't properly source either)

Seems like every time the Dems and their sycophants in the media starts spiking the football this hard it normally hits them square in the nads.
I really think Trump reopened the gov in order to deflect media attention from the arrest .
You may be correct. For all his "bring it on" bravado stone is gonna sing like a birdie under pressure.
I have said it before, I care more about Trump winning the PR game than I do about the wall itself

Sure, I support the wall, but I have always cared about the judicial appointments a lot more, especially SCOTUS, but the judges downstream actually matter almost as much

I also feel like the Dems MUST suffer a massive defeat (IE - watch Trump get re-elected & Repubs take back the House) if there is to be ANY chance for the Democrat Party to walk back from the ledge of radical insanity. THAT is why the PR game is more important to me than an actual wall.

I am hearing that Trump took the high ground & that this was not a bad negotiation move; I don't necessarily disagree, but the media will use this as a tool to bludgeon the President. Most Americans won't get the full story.

sure, I realize that the fight is not over & that Trump hasn't actually "lost" yet

But today feels like watching your team throw an INT in the red zone and watching it be returned for a touchdown right before halftime

and that's where I think we are, down 7 at the half and momentum on the other side

the only good news is, we get the ball to start the 2nd half (IE - SOTU speech).

Game ain't over, but if I were on team Blue, I'd be really excited right now

I also think it is worth reminding everyone to remember to "2 day rule" to let the truth come out. (wish I could take credit for that term, can't properly source either)

Seems like every time the Dems and their sycophants in the media starts spiking the football this hard it normally hits them square in the nads.

Cheer up, Sparky - it's gonna get worse!

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