Yes & No


Sep 23, 2010
Asked about possibility of France shutting mosques with radical ties and whether he’d do same as U.S. president, Trump says, “I would hate to do it, but it’s something that you’re going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred, is coming from these areas”

Would this violate the First Amendment to the Constitution?​

Would shutting down mosques violate the first amendment?

Would shutting down mosques violate the first amendment?

The answer is YES if Islam is defined as a religion.

The answer is NO if Islam is defined as a political movement.

The answer would be a resounding NO if five Supreme Court justices are not big government stooges.
good post , something to think about and islam sure seems to be a political system as well as a religion Flanders . So , intermixed as it is , yeah , maybe it can be banned or more regulated .

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