Yes, Obama is a terrible president, and NO he is not smart

Just point counter point.

care to post statistics on national debt, unemployment, number on foodstamps, number in poverty?

Bush beats obama on every measure of economic success.

AND, from 9/12/2001 until obama took office, there were no terrorists attacks on US soil. Since obama took office---------you count em.

And yes, Obama is a Muslim, and not very smart. Oh wait! That's right...he changed into a Christian...yep!

This latest bout of right wing history revisionism is flopping as badly as Sarah Palin's movie, The Undefeated.

It's wince-inducing to watch you morons try to bring Bush back. Knock it off. It's not going to succeed.
This latest bout of right wing history revisionism is flopping as badly as Sarah Palin's movie, The Undefeated.

It's wince-inducing to watch you morons try to bring Bush back. Knock it off. It's not going to succeed.

You people are tying me up into a million knots. I don't know wtf direction to go. :(

Shallow doesn't make any sense.
The dupes blame Obama for averting a full scale 2nd Pub Great Depression, and his failures are all failing to overcome mindless Pub obstruction. Amazing alternate brainwashed universe they inhabit...
AND, from 9/12/2001 until obama took office, there were no terrorists attacks on US soil. Since obama took office---------you count em.

Why do you feel the need to lie? This is just a portion of the attacks that occurred from 9/12/2001 until Obama took office.

2001 September 18 - November: 2001 anthrax attacks. Letters tainted with anthrax kill five across the U.S., with politicians and media officials as the apparent targets. On July 31, 2008 Bruce E. Ivins a top biodefense researcher committed suicide. On August 6, 2008, the FBI concluded that Ivins was solely responsible for the attacks, and suggested that Ivins wanted to bolster support for a vaccine he helped create and that he targeted two lawmakers because they were Catholics who held pro-choice views.

2002 July 4: 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, kills two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI concluded this was terrorism, though they did not find evidence linking Hadayet to a terrorist group.

October 2002 Beltway sniper attacks: During three weeks in October 2002, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured 3 others in Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Virginia. The pair were also suspected of earlier shootings in Maryland, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, and Washington state. No motivation was given at the trial, but evidence presented showed an affinity to the cause of the Islamic jihad.

2006 March 5: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 6 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".

2006 July 28: Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, Naveed Afzal Haq, an American citizen of Pakistani descent, kills one woman and shoots five others at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle. During the shooting, Haq told a 911 dispatcher that he was angry with American foreign policy in the Middle East.

That just shows that we need to stop muslims from coming into our lands. How many times does this shit need to happen?

That just shows that we need to stop muslims from coming into our lands. How many times does this shit need to happen?

I wasn't trying to pin those attacks on Bush, I just wanted to point out the lie. I think there is very little that a president can do to stop terrorism. As they say, those stopping the terrorists have to be right 100 out of 100 times while the terrorists just have to be right 1 time out of 100.

I do agree that we have a bit of a Muslim problem, we should probably curtail the number of immigrants allowed from certain countries and really keep an eye on those that are allowed here.
Bush's record vs. Obama's record on terrorists? Do you really want to bring that up?

Here's Bush:

[ame=]Bush truly not concerned about bin laden - YouTube[/ame]

Here's Obama:

[ame=]Obama: Bin Laden Dead, Justice Done-HD Video - YouTube[/ame]

'Nuff said
I had low expectations of Obama since he'd rather play with his balls than pledge and didn't know how many states there are in the USA

[ame=]Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]
Nothing ever comes as good news concerning Obama, either some stupid fuck regulation or policy or another tax, the guy is a nightmare on every front..............:piss2:


The dupes blame Obama for averting a full scale 2nd Pub Great Depression, and his failures are all failing to overcome mindless Pub obstruction. Amazing alternate brainwashed universe they inhabit... blame the Republicans for cows how is the weather in that alternate brainwashed universe you inhabit?......
It's ironic that people defending Obama's record point out people that defend Bush's record as stupid. Yet they keep droning on.

Yes, Obama's is great, that's why we spend more on more wars than we did under Bush... That's why far more people are unemployed than under Bush and why the economy is pure and utter chit except where the FEDs dump 80 billion a month now, every single month.
AND, from 9/12/2001 until obama took office, there were no terrorists attacks on US soil. Since obama took office---------you count em.

Why do you feel the need to lie? This is just a portion of the attacks that occurred from 9/12/2001 until Obama took office.

2001 September 18 - November: 2001 anthrax attacks. Letters tainted with anthrax kill five across the U.S., with politicians and media officials as the apparent targets. On July 31, 2008 Bruce E. Ivins a top biodefense researcher committed suicide. On August 6, 2008, the FBI concluded that Ivins was solely responsible for the attacks, and suggested that Ivins wanted to bolster support for a vaccine he helped create and that he targeted two lawmakers because they were Catholics who held pro-choice views.

2002 July 4: 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, kills two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI concluded this was terrorism, though they did not find evidence linking Hadayet to a terrorist group.

October 2002 Beltway sniper attacks: During three weeks in October 2002, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured 3 others in Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Virginia. The pair were also suspected of earlier shootings in Maryland, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, and Washington state. No motivation was given at the trial, but evidence presented showed an affinity to the cause of the Islamic jihad.

2006 March 5: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 6 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".

2006 July 28: Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, Naveed Afzal Haq, an American citizen of Pakistani descent, kills one woman and shoots five others at the Jewish Federation building in Seattle. During the shooting, Haq told a 911 dispatcher that he was angry with American foreign policy in the Middle East.

I believe there was an article the other day and it was 70 terrorist attacks since 93'? They forgot the first one on the barbary coast. I'm torn now on immigration or granting asylum because of these two Boston Bombers. I feel bad for people living in volatile regions but what are you going to do? If you are wrong once that person could be the cause of alot of damage. It is clear he didn't feel any gratitude or connection to America after all he had been given!

It's becoming a very disturbing trend now. 70 attacks later? Time to review what is going on here. Being angry at this foreign policy or that nations opinion of your religion does not justify setting off bombs in the middle of a city full of people. It's an incredibly self - centered selfish act!
Just point counter point.

care to post statistics on national debt, unemployment, number on foodstamps, number in poverty?

Bush beats obama on every measure of economic success.

AND, from 9/12/2001 until obama took office, there were no terrorists attacks on US soil. Since obama took office---------you count em.

Bush would NEVER say these absolutely STUPID IGNORANT statements that Obama made:
1) says "I'd like higher gas prices.." Well dummy we are getting them THANKS to your EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
2) said:“Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.
3) said: So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
5) said "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
6) Bush being in the military as fighter pilot WOULD NEVER say that our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!

Bush NEVER pitted Americans against Americans!
Like this Obama statement:
“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia - Ben Smith -
Date of the above link:April 11, 2008 this would make it April 6,2008...
I mean why would ANY President make fun of ANY American! Especially when Obama is applying for a job as President and he calls a large portion of Americans,
"bitter clingers to guns or religion"??? Is that a SMART Person?
where yat libs and obama bots?

afraid to try to defend obama's terrible economic record? his terrible obamacare bill---that congress is right now trying to exempt themselves from ? how about his deficits and increases to the debt? how about his record preventing terrorism on US soil?

How about defending his lies about the sequester and why there has been no federal budget for over 4 years?

His record is terrible, face it.

What terrible record?

-Spending's going down.
-More people have found jobs than under Bush.
-Market has beaten Bush era records.
-Record on terrorism beats Bush's. Bush had the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world during his time in office.
-Deficit's been going down since 2009.
-Obama's introduced several budgets.

His record is better than every Republican President since Eisenhower.

It's scary that someone could be stupid enough to believe bullshit like this.

It's beyond delusional...
Redfish is the new laughing sock err I mean stock.

laugh away candy ass. But its you obama bots who look like fools every day on this and other forums.

your blind ass support of your failed president borders on insanity. NOTHING your messiah has done has worked, he has divided this country unilke any president since Lincoln. The muslim jihadists are laughing at the incompetence of his state dept, CIA, and FBI. The idiots can't even decide who is in charge of interrogating the living boston bomber.

Total fail in every aspect----worst president in history.

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