Yes or No?

No ..........winters here are very cold and alot of snow so i would like to spend winter in a warm Climate !

Do you enjoy the holidays ?
I grew up enjoying them very much but our family ended up arguing most of the time. Now, they're just days like any other for this old man living the single life.

Do you believe in charitable giving?
Yes ( I am up around 4 am even earlier )

Are you a positive person ?
At times but certainly not always. I try to be upbeat to overcome my negative tendencies. And I'm up around 2:30AM every morning.

Do you enjoy old rock & roll music?
I like some of the music up to the 1990s (Brooks & Dunn, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, Dwight Yokum, etc.) . I can't listen to most of the newer junk.

Do you like classical music (Bizet, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc.)?

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