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Yes, President Bush, America does miss you

Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.
.....Another 'Bagger-talking-point/LIE.

What's REALLY comical, is when Obama RUBS REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES IN THAT LIE....even THEY can't dispute it!!!!!


Yes, we need to open up the torture chambers in other countries. We need to give big corporations big breaks. We need to trample the rights of average citizens. No, no one really misses bush, except maybe the right win nut jobs.

People are mad because Obama has not been able to reverse the bush recession. If the economy was better, the Dems would easily beat the GOP in the mid term. It is all about your pocket book.

Ah another left wing nutter. Torture chambers? :cuckoo:
Big corporations big breaks? LOL. Who has been bailing out Wall Street and BP? :eusa_shhh:

Trample on the rights of average citizens? Are you kidding me? What rights did "average citizens" lose under Bush?
Yet you completely overlook when the Hussein nominates people like Sotomayor for the SCOTUS who willingly would take away our 2nd amendment rights. And let's not even bring up how unconstitutional Obamacare is.

If you want more taxes back too.... go make more money dumbass!

Your little picture does nothing but tell me to go get rich.... its the American way!

I dont know any poor people hiring or handing out money. Just dumbasses like you that want to stir up class warfare.

Why on earth would anyone want to vote for someone who advocates getting less of YOUR OWN MONEY BACK?
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Why on earth would anyone want to return to the days of Bush?

My prayer is that we quickly get through the Obama days and when we come through them we find a person of character to lead this great country. Who that person may be, I cannot say, but my prayer remains as stated.

Why on earth would anyone want to return to the days of Bush?

My prayer is that we quickly get through the Obama days and when we come through them we find a person of character to lead this great country. Who that person may be, I cannot say, but my prayer remains as stated.


Out sourcing is not our only problems....

We had a real estate boom BUBBLE, a fake boom....and we lived off of that FAKE bubble, and when it burst, the cards came tumbling down.

Phil Gramm knew (full-and-well) what he was doing........​

"In 1933, a few years following the stock market crash, Congress passes the Glass-Steagall Act, in hopes that regulating banks will help prevent market instability, particularly amongst Wall Street banks. The purpose of the act is to separate commercial banks that focus on consumers from investment banks, which deal with speculative trading and mergers.

The Glass-Steagall Act provided the proper oversight and entity separation that would prohibit banks and other financial companies from merging into giant trusts (conflict of interests) -- giant trusts or corporations being more powerful, naturally, and having the seemingly limitless capital to lobby their corporate interests, however, with a very myopic scope (particularly when it comes to factoring in potential losses -- most banks, as seen in contemporary times, chose not to anticipate losses in the mortgage market; they presumed home prices would continue to appreciate).

In 1999, former Senator Phil Gramm (who is, incidentally, Senator John McCain's economic adviser and cochairs his presidential campaign) set out to completely gut the Glass-Steagall Act, and did so successfully, replacing most of its components with the new Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: allowing commercial banks, investment banks, and insurers to merge (which would have violated antitrust laws under Glass-Steagall)."
Out sourcing is not our only problems....

We had a real estate boom BUBBLE, a fake boom....and we lived off of that FAKE bubble, and when it burst, the cards came tumbling down.

That's very true. It was a bubble, just like we had the internet bubble. Such things are not the fault of whoever happens to be President at the time. It wasn't Clinton's fault that the internet bubble burst, nor was it Bush's when housing went boom.
Yeah, Skippy.....that's what happened, Skippy.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2008

Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.
.....Another 'Bagger-talking-point/LIE.

What's REALLY comical, is when Obama RUBS REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES IN THAT LIE....even THEY can't dispute it!!!!!



Ummm nothing in your little Obama video disputes what I said. He claims he isn't responsible for the way the economy was when he was sworn in, yet completely omits the FACT that democrats had been in charge of Congress already for 2 years. Also, it was Democrats who passed the first stimulus bill, with Obama's vote of course, so to lay the blame of its failures on Bush is just laughable.

Nothing in the video has Obama rubbing it in the Republicans' noses. All he says is he isn't responisble for anything, even though he and the Dems controlled Congress for two years. He also claims he is willing to listen to "other ideas" but admits he doesn't seriously consider them because he can't find a "reliable economist" (i.e. Marxist) to agree with the conservatives' ideas.

This President is a fucking joke, and now the whole country knows it, which is why his poll ratings are in the gutter and his party is about to get kicked to the curb.

Carry on dipshit.
Yes, President Bush, America does miss you – Telegraph Blogs

We have to go overseas now for the truth from the media now that a Democrat is head thief.

And as this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll showed, nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,” a staggeringly high figure. As The Post reports:

Obama and the Democrats have argued that if Republicans were to gain control of Congress, they would return to the policies of President George W. Bush. Two-thirds of Democrats share that view and say it would be bad for the country. But almost a quarter of Democrats say a GOP-led Congress would take the country in a new and better direction or say a return to Bush’s policies would be good.

The CNN poll is of course deeply humiliating for the White House, especially coming just three and a half weeks before the November mid-terms. George W. Bush’s resurgence is in large part due to mounting opposition to the Obama’s presidency’s left-wing agenda, but it is also spurred by Obama’s image as an out of touch, aloof and elitist president, divorced from economic and political reality on the ground.

Wow, missed this being hyped on CNN, of all sources.

no, wingnut... we don't. no matter how many time you nutbars post the same garbage.

Out sourcing is not our only problems....

We had a real estate boom BUBBLE, a fake boom....and we lived off of that FAKE bubble, and when it burst, the cards came tumbling down.

That's very true. It was a bubble, just like we had the internet bubble. Such things are not the fault of whoever happens to be President at the time. It wasn't Clinton's fault that the internet bubble burst, nor was it Bush's when housing went boom.
Yeah, Skippy.....that's what happened, Skippy.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2008


Once again nothing in the videos disproves what I said. Having the government help low-income families purchase homes is not what caused real estate values to hyper-inflate.

Is it possible for you to actually argue on your own with your own words? Otherwise you're wasting my time and everyone elses with your stupid vids.
Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.
.....Another 'Bagger-talking-point/LIE.

What's REALLY comical, is when Obama RUBS REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES IN THAT LIE....even THEY can't dispute it!!!!!



Ummm nothing in your little Obama video disputes what I said. He claims he isn't responsible for the way the economy was when he was sworn in, yet completely omits the FACT that democrats had been in charge of Congress already for 2 years. Also, it was Democrats who passed the first stimulus bill, with Obama's vote of course, so to lay the blame of its failures on Bush is just laughable.

Nothing in the video has Obama rubbing it in the Republicans' noses. All he says is he isn't responisble for anything, even though he and the Dems controlled Congress for two years. He also claims he is willing to listen to "other ideas" but admits he doesn't seriously consider them because he can't find a "reliable economist" (i.e. Marxist) to agree with the conservatives' ideas.

This President is a fucking joke, and now the whole country knows it, which is why his poll ratings are in the gutter and his party is about to get kicked to the curb.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you hold obama responsible for what Congress has done since he took office?

If so, then why would you not hold President Bush responsible for what congress had done under him?

be consistent.
Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.

Lets just ignore the facts so we can blame booooosh!!! :lol:
So tell me exactly what law did the Dems pass over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the immediate loss of jobs starting Jan 2007??????

Bush's job creating tax cuts were not repealed, in fact they are STILL in effect, so how could there be unemployment?????

The GOP owns the economic failure but will not admit their responsibility for it!

So again, tell me the specific law the Dems passed that could cause UE to rise as soon as they took control of Congress!!!!!

If you want more taxes back too.... go make more money dumbass!

Your little picture does nothing but tell me to go get rich.... its the American way!

I dont know any poor people hiring or handing out money. Just dumbasses like you that want to stir up class warfare.

Why on earth would anyone want to vote for someone who advocates getting less of YOUR OWN MONEY BACK?
ooooooooooooooooooooo.....great rhetoric, there......

It sounds like a Palin-speech.
Why on earth would anyone want to return to the days of Bush?

My prayer is that we quickly get through the Obama days and when we come through them we find a person of character to lead this great country. Who that person may be, I cannot say, but my prayer remains as stated.

We already tried that once.....when (too) many people were convinced that Lil' Dumbya was just the Adult we needed, to manage the Clinton-$urplu$.

Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Those eight years set the stage for what is going on now, along with Reagan economics. It is not Obama's fault that we have been outsourcing all our jobs since the 1980's.
Most Republicans seem to see nothing wrong with sending our jobs overseas. They claim the money saved will be used to invest in the US and increase employment. This makes no sense. The money corporate America saves from outsourcing goes back overseas to build factories hire foreign workers and produce even higher profits.
Yes, President Bush, America does miss you – Telegraph Blogs

We have to go overseas now for the truth from the media now that a Democrat is head thief.

And as this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll showed, nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,” a staggeringly high figure. As The Post reports:

Obama and the Democrats have argued that if Republicans were to gain control of Congress, they would return to the policies of President George W. Bush. Two-thirds of Democrats share that view and say it would be bad for the country. But almost a quarter of Democrats say a GOP-led Congress would take the country in a new and better direction or say a return to Bush’s policies would be good.

The CNN poll is of course deeply humiliating for the White House, especially coming just three and a half weeks before the November mid-terms. George W. Bush’s resurgence is in large part due to mounting opposition to the Obama’s presidency’s left-wing agenda, but it is also spurred by Obama’s image as an out of touch, aloof and elitist president, divorced from economic and political reality on the ground.

Wow, missed this being hyped on CNN, of all sources.

Bush and the Republicans moved 2.4 million jobs to China. Obviously, this worked out for America and we want to move the rest of the jobs there. Then, the job will be complete.

If you want more taxes back too.... go make more money dumbass!

Your little picture does nothing but tell me to go get rich.... its the American way!

I dont know any poor people hiring or handing out money. Just dumbasses like you that want to stir up class warfare.

Why on earth would anyone want to vote for someone who advocates getting less of YOUR OWN MONEY BACK?
ooooooooooooooooooooo.....great rhetoric, there......

It sounds like a Palin-speech.

CAN YOU PROVE IT WRONG.... or are you just a hater?

I am right, and you are just to immature to realize it.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.
.....Another 'Bagger-talking-point/LIE.

What's REALLY comical, is when Obama RUBS REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES IN THAT LIE....even THEY can't dispute it!!!!!



Ummm nothing in your little Obama video disputes what I said. He claims he isn't responsible for the way the economy was when he was sworn in, yet completely omits the FACT that democrats had been in charge of Congress already for 2 years.
You surely do talk a lotta bullshit.

I guess that's why you forget to post any proof o' your lies.

Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.

Lets just ignore the facts so we can blame booooosh!!! :lol:
So tell me exactly what law did the Dems pass over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the immediate loss of jobs starting Jan 2007??????

Bush's job creating tax cuts were not repealed, in fact they are STILL in effect, so how could there be unemployment?????

The GOP owns the economic failure but will not admit their responsibility for it!

So again, tell me the specific law the Dems passed that could cause UE to rise as soon as they took control of Congress!!!!!

No answers to this yet?

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