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Yes, President Bush, America does miss you

That's very true. It was a bubble, just like we had the internet bubble. Such things are not the fault of whoever happens to be President at the time. It wasn't Clinton's fault that the internet bubble burst, nor was it Bush's when housing went boom.
Yeah, Skippy.....that's what happened, Skippy.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2008


Once again nothing in the videos disproves what I said. Having the government help low-income families purchase homes is not what caused real estate values to hyper-inflate.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....ya' really had to twist a lotta mortgage-underwriters' arms....forcing them to gorge themselves on as many mortgages-contract-bonu$e$ as they could manage!!!


(You're gonna have to let me know where to <SMACK> you, next. I wouldn't want to see you give-up, too-soon.
Yes, President Bush, America does miss you – Telegraph Blogs

We have to go overseas now for the truth from the media now that a Democrat is head thief.

And as this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll showed, nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,” a staggeringly high figure. As The Post reports:

Obama and the Democrats have argued that if Republicans were to gain control of Congress, they would return to the policies of President George W. Bush. Two-thirds of Democrats share that view and say it would be bad for the country. But almost a quarter of Democrats say a GOP-led Congress would take the country in a new and better direction or say a return to Bush’s policies would be good.

The CNN poll is of course deeply humiliating for the White House, especially coming just three and a half weeks before the November mid-terms. George W. Bush’s resurgence is in large part due to mounting opposition to the Obama’s presidency’s left-wing agenda, but it is also spurred by Obama’s image as an out of touch, aloof and elitist president, divorced from economic and political reality on the ground.

Wow, missed this being hyped on CNN, of all sources.

no, wingnut... we don't. no matter how many time you nutbars post the same garbage.


What American "news" organization, pray tell, do you think gives us the truth?

Why on earth would anyone want to return to the days of Bush?

My prayer is that we quickly get through the Obama days and when we come through them we find a person of character to lead this great country. Who that person may be, I cannot say, but my prayer remains as stated.

We already tried that once.....when (too) many people were convinced that Lil' Dumbya was just the Adult we needed, to manage the Clinton-$urplu$.


I had no idea you thought Bush was a man of character. You clearly think more highly of him than I do.

Yes, President Bush, America does miss you – Telegraph Blogs

We have to go overseas now for the truth from the media now that a Democrat is head thief.

And as this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll showed, nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,” a staggeringly high figure. As The Post reports:

Obama and the Democrats have argued that if Republicans were to gain control of Congress, they would return to the policies of President George W. Bush. Two-thirds of Democrats share that view and say it would be bad for the country. But almost a quarter of Democrats say a GOP-led Congress would take the country in a new and better direction or say a return to Bush’s policies would be good.

The CNN poll is of course deeply humiliating for the White House, especially coming just three and a half weeks before the November mid-terms. George W. Bush’s resurgence is in large part due to mounting opposition to the Obama’s presidency’s left-wing agenda, but it is also spurred by Obama’s image as an out of touch, aloof and elitist president, divorced from economic and political reality on the ground.

Wow, missed this being hyped on CNN, of all sources.

I agree it's an interesting poll result.
Still former President Bush is Watching The Election From the Sidelines..
and Bush's memoir “Decision Points” doesn't come out until AFTER the election on Nov 9th!
.....Another 'Bagger-talking-point/LIE.

What's REALLY comical, is when Obama RUBS REPUBLICANS' COLLECTIVE-NOSES IN THAT LIE....even THEY can't dispute it!!!!!



Ummm nothing in your little Obama video disputes what I said. He claims he isn't responsible for the way the economy was when he was sworn in, yet completely omits the FACT that democrats had been in charge of Congress already for 2 years. Also, it was Democrats who passed the first stimulus bill, with Obama's vote of course, so to lay the blame of its failures on Bush is just laughable.

Nothing in the video has Obama rubbing it in the Republicans' noses. All he says is he isn't responisble for anything, even though he and the Dems controlled Congress for two years. He also claims he is willing to listen to "other ideas" but admits he doesn't seriously consider them because he can't find a "reliable economist" (i.e. Marxist) to agree with the conservatives' ideas.

This President is a fucking joke, and now the whole country knows it, which is why his poll ratings are in the gutter and his party is about to get kicked to the curb.

Carry on dipshit.

Do you hold obama responsible for what Congress has done since he took office?

If so, then why would you not hold President Bush responsible for what congress had done under him?

be consistent.

Not really no. I am not one of those people that believes the President has much effect on the economy. It lies mainly with Congress. So no, I do not blame "Obama" for everything, I blame the liberal policies that both he and the Democratic controlled Congress have implemented that are destroying (by design) our nation.
Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.

Lets just ignore the facts so we can blame booooosh!!! :lol:
So tell me exactly what law did the Dems pass over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the immediate loss of jobs starting Jan 2007??????

Bush's job creating tax cuts were not repealed, in fact they are STILL in effect, so how could there be unemployment?????

The GOP owns the economic failure but will not admit their responsibility for it!

So again, tell me the specific law the Dems passed that could cause UE to rise as soon as they took control of Congress!!!!!

Why don't you provide us with the specific law passed by Bush and the Republicans that lead to the economic disaster?

Why do you libs believe that government is the sole cause of problems in the economy? As I already stated before the main cause of this current issue was the housing bubble that burst. Individual citizens buying houses for far more than they were actually worth is what caused it, add to that the banks being forced by law to give loans to low income people who would otherwise never get such a loan. Laws of course propelled by a liberal agenda (and yes there were liberals in the Republican party). Then on top of all that these subprime mortgages were being bundled up and sold on wall street and the buyers didn't care to look at the actual risk of the mortgages they were buying.

If none of this was the cause of the economic meltdown and it was Booosh tax cuts then why did everything wait until after 8 years of tax cuts to fall apart?

Are any of you liberals going to enlighten the rest of us and tell us what exactly this Congress and President has done to fix the economy? To bring jobs back from overseas to the US?
Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.

Lets just ignore the facts so we can blame booooosh!!! :lol:
So tell me exactly what law did the Dems pass over the record number of GOP filibusters and Bush's veto pen that caused the immediate loss of jobs starting Jan 2007??????

Bush's job creating tax cuts were not repealed, in fact they are STILL in effect, so how could there be unemployment?????

The GOP owns the economic failure but will not admit their responsibility for it!

So again, tell me the specific law the Dems passed that could cause UE to rise as soon as they took control of Congress!!!!!

Why don't you provide us with the specific law passed by Bush and the Republicans that lead to the economic disaster?

Why do you libs believe that government is the sole cause of problems in the economy? As I already stated before the main cause of this current issue was the housing bubble that burst. Individual citizens buying houses for far more than they were actually worth is what caused it, add to that the banks being forced by law to give loans to low income people who would otherwise never get such a loan. Laws of course propelled by a liberal agenda (and yes there were liberals in the Republican party). Then on top of all that these subprime mortgages were being bundled up and sold on wall street and the buyers didn't care to look at the actual risk of the mortgages they were buying.
First of all, I knew you wouldn't be able to give the law the Dems passed to kill the economy the day they took control of Congress because there is no such law.

And here is the very law that did what you admit killed the economy!

Bush's Dec 2003 American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) is what changed the rules to allow no downpayment loans to people with bad credit who could never make payments, for more than the house was worth, and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into.

American Dream Downpayment Initiative - Affordable Housing - CPD - HUD
American Dream Downpayment Initiative

The American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) was signed into law on December 16, 2003. The American Dream Downpayment Assistance Act authorizes up to $200 million annually for fiscal years 2004 - 2007. ADDI will provide funds to all fifty states and to local participating jurisdictions that have a population of at least 150,000 or will receive an allocation of at least $50,000 under the ADDI formula. ADDI will be administered as a part of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, a formula grant program.


ADDI aims to increase the homeownership rate, especially among lower income and minority households, and to revitalize and stabilize communities. ADDI will help first-time homebuyers with the biggest hurdle to homeownership: downpayment and closing costs. The program was created to assist low-income first-time homebuyers in purchasing single-family homes by providing funds for downpayment, closing costs, and rehabilitation carried out in conjunction with the assisted home purchase.

Type of Assistance

ADDI will provide downpayment, closing costs, and rehabilitation assistance to eligible individuals. The amount of ADDI assistance provided may not exceed $10,000 or six percent of the purchase price of the home, whichever is greater. The rehabilitation must be completed within one year of the home purchase. Rehabilitation may include, but is not limited to, the reduction of lead paint hazards and the remediation of other home health hazards.

Eligible Customers

To be eligible for ADDI assistance, individuals must be first-time homebuyers interested in purchasing single family housing. A first-time homebuyer is defined as an individual and his or her spouse who have not owned a home during the three-year period prior to the purchase of a home with ADDI assistance. ADDI funds may be used to purchase one- to four- family housing, condominium unit, cooperative unit, or manufactured housing. Additionally, individuals who qualify for ADDI assistance must have incomes not exceeding 80% of area median income.

Eligible Activities

ADDI funds may be used for downpayment, closing costs and, if necessary, rehabilitation in conjunction with home purchase. ADDI funds used for rehabilitation may not exceed twenty percent of the participating jurisdiction's total ADDI allocation. The rehabilitation assisted with ADDI funds must be completed within one year of the home purchase.

Funding Status

In FY 2007, Congress appropriated $24,750,000 for ADDI. Previously, Congress appropriated $74,513,000 in FY2003 and $86,984 in FY2004, $49,600,000 in FY2005 and $24,750,000 in FY2006. HUD has issued formula allocations for FY 2007 to assist participating jurisdictions in preparing their consolidated plans.

Obtaining Assistance

First, check the formula allocation page to determine whether your local HOME administering agency received ADDI funding. If they did not receive ADDI funding, ADDI funds may be available through your state. Every state received ADDI funds. The contacts for state are available in the HOME administering agency list.
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Unemployment rate was 4% when president Bush took office, and it was 8.6% when he left office, and it is 9.6% now.

the unemployment conditions in this country MORE THAN DOUBLED, the previous 8 years, but it has only gone up by 1% under the Obama reign.(so far)

YES, 9.6% is too high, but so was 8.6%.

i don't miss President Bush.

Of course, lets completely ignore the FACT that under Bush and Republican Congress the unemployment rate was under 5%. As soon as Dems took control of Congress it shot up through the roof.

Lets just ignore the facts so we can blame booooosh!!! :lol:
If a bridge collapses from neglect a week after a new mayor is elected one would need to be brain-damaged to blame the new mayor. So with that thought in mind I respectfully suggest that you research the economic circumstances attending the Bush presidency before blaming Obama for the utter mess he's had to deal with.
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And Mr. Shithead of course does not correlate that with the average beginning tax monies paid in by each income level.... showing that the richest still pay the highest amount and the highest rate... showing our overbloated government's support for selective equal treatment..

And he cites a biased article from a blogger as proof for his support of the selective equal treatment...

oh so typical... what next? a huffypuffy link??

Dave.........who cares what that punk thinks. He and all his k00k pals take the big one up the pooper in two weeks!!! Its gonna be epic..........Ive been laughing my ass off for weeks now on these forums!!! He cant post up enough drivel for me.................

This is a politics forum..........as Willie here astutely points out!!!

And as this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll showed, nearly 25 percent of Democrats now believe “a return to Bush’s policies would be good,” a staggeringly high figure

I can't speak for Democrats who feel this way. I don't really understand why anyone would be a Democrat unless they are a government worker. I would have hoped all of the Democrats here could explain this one.

I'll hold my breath.

Is it because some of the youth have matured since Obama's coronation?

Is it because many now see Obama as the sad Wizard of Oz figure he really is? The illusion is over, no more Democrat excuses.

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