Yes, Sexually Frustrated Wives Can Make Sex Spreadsheets Too

If you think your generation is beyond all of this you are mistaken. I have no idea which generation you consider yours, but sexual frustration and poor communication skills are only limited to people between the ages of 2 and 150. In other words, your generation too.
You are correct that these problems have been going on forever but it seems that the younger generation has no problem cataloging and publishing all their problems and sexual hangups for all the world to see. And thanks to the Omnipresence of Pop Culture, it's difficult to stay away from that.

Unless my Grandparents kept a Diary, I'll never know what their bedroom habits were. Nor do I wanna' know.

I think most people of any generation would keep their sexual habits and problems quiet. The younger generations are more open about their sex, but I think sexual problems are still, largely, kept quiet.

I do remember an old woman who lived two houses down from my grandparents standing on her front porch berating her husband for not wanting sex any more. She was from the same generation as my grandparents (born in 1897 & 1906).
Dude is cheatin'.

If a guy turns down sex more than once in a month, something is amiss.
I was asking you specifically. You made the statement. Will you not clarify your statement?

It is pretty clear to me.

how much more can be discovered

It is absolutely wonderful that we can openly discuss anything and everything. Tired of all the discussions--just tired of them

Thats nice.

But you said: "Thankful not to be a part of the generation that must live this way". All I am asking is what is different about your generation? The communication? The sexuality?

And are you saying that your generation could never have this situation?

No need for lots of discussion. All I need is clarification.

how much more clarfification??

leave 'generations' out of the mix, then--there seem to be a resourceful few that don't need this sort of guidance

talk about it forever---

it seems like something teenagers would do, jmo.

it just struck me as odd---the on air host had been expounding on deep political topics--then brought this bit of news---and provided an expert to explain. Then listeners called in--perhaps lives were changed?? Public service.
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Only four day visit by Aunt Flo?

Me thinks that this spreadsheet is a bit phoney....

Would any of us want to know either the husband or the wife who posted this?

These people have absolutely no class whatever


I was 'surprised' on Friday--the local talk shows were focused on this. Brought in experts to provide opinions. I kept changing the station.

Thankful not to be a part of the generation that must live this way.

Very impressed though----go Gen? --you will figure this out---hurray.

If you think your generation is beyond all of this you are mistaken. I have no idea which generation you consider yours, but sexual frustration and poor communication skills are only limited to people between the ages of 2 and 150. In other words, your generation too.

I suspect he/she actually meant the whole "TMI-the whole world needs to know my business" thing.
I am waiting for the men to come and defend the man in all this.
My guess is the guy is flogging shep while she burns up the batteries in the magic wand.

Not enough Day 27s in my opinion.

However, the favor should always be returned. At the very least it's simply good etiquette.

Yes, Sexually Frustrated Wives Can Make Sex Spreadsheets Too


Was this the same wife as the other thread? Be great if it was. :)
I don't see what the big fuss is about. She should get with Mr. Spreadsheet and live happily ever after. :laugh:
You are screaming for a good rogering.

What a thought provoking point. Excellent debate/discussion techniques you have there.
LOL, there is nothing to debate about her statement, it deserves nothing but ridicule. She is a bitter lonely woman like most feminists and you are even more pathetic for defending her.

As long as "men" (and I use the term loosely) like you reply to a debate with comments like yours, it is obvious that feminism is needed.

And, once again, you are in a thread on a topic you claim is beneath you. Seems you do a lot of that. Some imagination you have.

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