Yes, The Democrats Can Legally Access The Pres's Tax Returns, & Yes, The Info Will Be Made Public

AOC warns President Trump Dems' Demand For Tax Info NOT A Request

It is amazing that this alleged Socialist criminal currently under investigation for numerous FEC violations can accuse anyone else of financial misconduct and demand to see THEIR tax returns...but that about sums up Democratic Party hypocrisy and the lack of political 'equal justice' when Democrats are involved:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit with FEC complaint for alleged 'subsidy scheme'

AOC ran a ‘subsidy scheme’ to fund her campaign, FEC complaint says

Ocasio-Cortez Slapped With New FEC Complaint

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aide accused of funneling $1M in FEC complaint
she has some of her own money laundering she needs to focus on. but go ahead, slap the bear and see what happens.
...and YES, their doing so is completely politically motivated, no matter what they and their surrogate fake news media cohorts claim.

26 U.S. Code § 6103:
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
The Code / Law allows the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, among other senior lawmakers, to seek returns by sending a written request to the Treasury Secretary.
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. (The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated. If Mnuchin refuses, however, Congress can hold him in Contempt of Congress.
*** The Code has rarely been used, but there has been no reported refusal by a Treasury Secretary.

Once in the hands of the Democrats, either in the House Ways and Means Committee or in the hands of Democrats in general, it is almost guaranteed that personal /private data will not only be leaked to the public but it will also be used to fuel more unsubstantiated claims, accusations, and attacks against the President.
*** The historic evidence of Democrat / conspirator / liberal media's leaking information - from Comey's to his professor buddy (with the intent it be leaked to the liberal press) to McCabe's leaking (for which he was recommended for indictment by the US IG) to D-Schiff's admitted leaking to the Mueller 'Hit Squad's leaking of info in the last few days - proves this to be the case.

Despite Democrats' claim their request for 6 years of Trump's tax returns is not politically motivated, the direct evidence that it is will be the almost immediate release / leak of information from those returns after they are released to the Democrats. IT WILL HAPPEN! (I predicted it officially here 1st! :p )

Another more immediate bit of obvious evidence exposing this as being politically motivated is that despite the Mueller report (so far) exposing there was no crime of collusion established, no indictments made for 'illegal collusion', and no more indictments coming, the Democrats want to go on this new 'fishing expedition', displaying they think they can find something criminal in the President's tax returns despite the IRS, whose job it is to audit tax payers and determine this, having found no evidence to date of criminal activity by the President, either.

Can House Democrats release Donald Trump's tax returns?

Damned right its politically motivated. Since Mueller cleared Trump the Dem idiots think they can use his taxes to get him.

Talk about a bunch of desperate whinny ass bitches.
yep. like i've said - we've got dozens of turds on the floor that didn't stick to the wall so they throw more or pick 'em back up and throw them again.

honestly about what you're doing it out the fucking window anymore. just get outraged and try to push people around. AOC is playing trumps game and she's simply not the the experience to get away with it.
...and YES, their doing so is completely politically motivated, no matter what they and their surrogate fake news media cohorts claim.

26 U.S. Code § 6103:
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
The Code / Law allows the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, among other senior lawmakers, to seek returns by sending a written request to the Treasury Secretary.
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. (The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated. If Mnuchin refuses, however, Congress can hold him in Contempt of Congress.
*** The Code has rarely been used, but there has been no reported refusal by a Treasury Secretary.

Once in the hands of the Democrats, either in the House Ways and Means Committee or in the hands of Democrats in general, it is almost guaranteed that personal /private data will not only be leaked to the public but it will also be used to fuel more unsubstantiated claims, accusations, and attacks against the President.
*** The historic evidence of Democrat / conspirator / liberal media's leaking information - from Comey's to his professor buddy (with the intent it be leaked to the liberal press) to McCabe's leaking (for which he was recommended for indictment by the US IG) to D-Schiff's admitted leaking to the Mueller 'Hit Squad's leaking of info in the last few days - proves this to be the case.

Despite Democrats' claim their request for 6 years of Trump's tax returns is not politically motivated, the direct evidence that it is will be the almost immediate release / leak of information from those returns after they are released to the Democrats. IT WILL HAPPEN! (I predicted it officially here 1st! :p )

Another more immediate bit of obvious evidence exposing this as being politically motivated is that despite the Mueller report (so far) exposing there was no crime of collusion established, no indictments made for 'illegal collusion', and no more indictments coming, the Democrats want to go on this new 'fishing expedition', displaying they think they can find something criminal in the President's tax returns despite the IRS, whose job it is to audit tax payers and determine this, having found no evidence to date of criminal activity by the President, either.

Can House Democrats release Donald Trump's tax returns?
UH, please correct me if I am wrong, BUT didn't Rachel Madcow release one of his tax forms already, and did it not show that he paid A LOT of tax?
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

It is people like YOU who don't care about the 4th Amendment, and Probable Cause clause since there has to be a legal reason to get personal property taken for public consumption. You can't just walk in and seize anything that interest you.

Why don't you address a CONSTITUTION law as I showed in post #4?

If you want to argue the law that has been in effect since 1924 is unconstitutional, then go ahead. All the Ways and Means Committee has to do is request the information, and the IRS is required to supply it.

Try again. That law has NOT been in effect since 1924. By claiming such, you just confirmed you are a artisan hack too stupid to get their ducks in a row.
Democrats keep harassing Trump at every angle without substance. Keep it up. They are putting all their efforts into “get Trump” with no policy alternatives of their own.

Until recently, repubs were able to protect Trump from any real investigation into his actions. It's about time the facts are finally revealed.
you got facts? let's see the link to them.
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated....
Trump won't do this, for he knows if he does, the Democrats will try to impeach him for obstruction.

I say let the Democrats go on record and impeach Trump!

The campaign commercials for 2020 will be writing themselves in the news every night!
...and YES, their doing so is completely politically motivated, no matter what they and their surrogate fake news media cohorts claim.

26 U.S. Code § 6103:
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
The Code / Law allows the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, among other senior lawmakers, to seek returns by sending a written request to the Treasury Secretary.
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. (The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated. If Mnuchin refuses, however, Congress can hold him in Contempt of Congress.
*** The Code has rarely been used, but there has been no reported refusal by a Treasury Secretary.

Once in the hands of the Democrats, either in the House Ways and Means Committee or in the hands of Democrats in general, it is almost guaranteed that personal /private data will not only be leaked to the public but it will also be used to fuel more unsubstantiated claims, accusations, and attacks against the President.
*** The historic evidence of Democrat / conspirator / liberal media's leaking information - from Comey's to his professor buddy (with the intent it be leaked to the liberal press) to McCabe's leaking (for which he was recommended for indictment by the US IG) to D-Schiff's admitted leaking to the Mueller 'Hit Squad's leaking of info in the last few days - proves this to be the case.

Despite Democrats' claim their request for 6 years of Trump's tax returns is not politically motivated, the direct evidence that it is will be the almost immediate release / leak of information from those returns after they are released to the Democrats. IT WILL HAPPEN! (I predicted it officially here 1st! :p )

Another more immediate bit of obvious evidence exposing this as being politically motivated is that despite the Mueller report (so far) exposing there was no crime of collusion established, no indictments made for 'illegal collusion', and no more indictments coming, the Democrats want to go on this new 'fishing expedition', displaying they think they can find something criminal in the President's tax returns despite the IRS, whose job it is to audit tax payers and determine this, having found no evidence to date of criminal activity by the President, either.

Can House Democrats release Donald Trump's tax returns?

Obama's Birth Cert makes everything fair game... It was Trump who went that low first...

I'm sorry to have to point out that you misspelled "Hillary".
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

How many Presidents before Trump were billionaires?
Try again. That law has NOT been in effect since 1924. By claiming such, you just confirmed you are a artisan hack too stupid to get their ducks in a row.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress

So? I find Congress in contempt every day! What's the penalty? Will it be the same one Eric Holder got?

We are so scared!
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress
You’re an attorney? (serious question)

No, but he does play one in his dreams, er... nightmares!
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?
I saw a thread here earlier today saying Trump has refused to release them. Was that wrong?

Lesh is the perfect example of perpetually wrong. He even misspelled his username, which obviously is "Lush"!
Republican response should be to go after the taxes of every democrat who has announced a run for the presidency. Republicans should force the issue for ALL running to publicly release their taxes going back 10 years. And then when most refuse saying they will only release them if the are the nominee press if they have nothing to hide they should release them now so the people can see before they vote. Republicans should also put together a list of liberal activist whose taxes maybe needed for review if democrats want to change the standard for the need of access.

Republicans need to make it clear weaponization will go both ways.
Good luck with the witch hunt, the pettiness of the partisans is just unreal.

I have a huge issue with the government not requiring a President to turn over his taxes and then when he refuses they go after them just because they can. It's petty politics and the Republicans and Democrats are going to continue to play sill games while the country and our problems will get back burned while they both cry. Party over politics is the new way.
Oh well. What do you suppose he's hiding?

Every President since Nixon has turned over his taxes.

Who cares? It's no one's business. If it was all that important then why is it not a requirement? I have always been one that give me the rules and I'll play the game however don't change them in the middle of the game, it is dishonest.

The law has been shown to you. Your opinion is moot.

Should there be a refusal to comply whoever refuses will be in Contempt of Congress
You’re an attorney? (serious question)

No, but he does play one in his dreams, er... nightmares!
Maybe he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. or he needs a snicker's bar.

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