Yes, The Democrats Can Legally Access The Pres's Tax Returns, & Yes, The Info Will Be Made Public

I'm tired of a *pResident that only governs deplorables. It would be nice to have on that governs the whole country.
Trump is your President, and governs you as well.
Psst. I don't consider him anything beyond an Orange Turd...
You opion doesn't matter - fact is, Trump is your President, and governs you as well

Nope. Your opinion means even less.
Ummmm.....opinion? Trump IS the US President. That is a FACT, not opinion. Denyrealitymuch?
I hate the racists.
Based on the fact that the DNC's leaked e-mails exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic language...on the fact that several of the new Socialist Democrat party members are anti-Semites...based on the fact that the Democratic Party has openly embraced anti-Semitism...and based on the fact that one of the new Socialist Democrat Party's 2020 candidates is a perpetrator of Stolen Heritage - claiming falsely to be Native American just to con her way into a prestigious college and steal a minorities can't be a big fan of the new Socialist Democrat Party.

Why are liberals concerned with the taxes of a billionaire who became President vs previous Presidents and current Senators and Comgressmen who became millionaires after public service where they need every penny of their Sakarya?

Let’s see every Presidents’ taxes and Speaker, Senate Majority Leader, Vice President, etc.
The Dems say that they will beat Trump easily. The polls say so. Trump is losing his base. The continued chase of Russian Collusion and the Tax returns show they actually do not believe what they say. They are very worried.
I hate the racists.
Based on the fact that the DNC's leaked e-mails exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic language...on the fact that several of the new Socialist Democrat party members are anti-Semites...based on the fact that the Democratic Party has openly embraced anti-Semitism...and based on the fact that one of the new Socialist Democrat Party's 2020 candidates is a perpetrator of Stolen Heritage - claiming falsely to be Native American just to con her way into a prestigious college and steal a minorities can't be a big fan of the new Socialist Democrat Party.

Oh no honey the right are the masters in racism. You want s fact ?
Most minorities overwhelmingly vote anti GOP because we know you are the party of the racists.
[Oh no honey the right are the masters in racism. You want s fact ?
Most minorities overwhelmingly vote anti GOP because we know you are the party of the racists.
Oh no, 'honey'.....the party that created the Klan, who opposed Civil Rights, who have fought to keep blacks economically enslaved through ensuring they stay poor / jobless / dependent on Democratic party handouts, and who have continued to push the false narrative that 'REAL BLACKS' hate the GOP and don't vote for them have been EXPOSED....and no one is buying that shit any more.

In an AMAZING, humiliating, farcical, public demonstration, fake-news pushing liberal race-baiters just demonstrated that they will call ANYONE 'racist' if they oppose their political agenda and expose their Trump-hating Hollywood libtard fake hate crime-perpetrating asses...even the BLACK Chicago Police Superintendent who proved Jussie Smollett is a lying Trump-hating POS criminal!


Disgusting: Kim Foxx Defenders Smear Chicago Cops as 'Blue Klux Klan,' Racists

I encourage you to visit the thread I just started on this....'honey'....


Here ya go:

Smollett / Fox - Defender Insanity: Call Chicago Police 'Blue Klux Klan Racists'
Why are liberals concerned with the taxes of a billionaire who became President vs previous Presidents and current Senators and Comgressmen who became millionaires after public service where they need every penny of their Sakarya?

Let’s see every Presidents’ taxes and Speaker, Senate Majority Leader, Vice President, etc.
they're hunting for anything they can to take him down. taxes is just high on the list for whatever reason put it there.
Of course it is my business as a citizen to know if the president is a crook or not.
You have no more right to see the President's 1040 than your neighbor's.
He promised to release his taxes, and it matters to me that our president keep his promise or he is a liar.
You know he does not need to release his taxes on your terms to keep his promise, right?
It doesn't bother you at all, that he promised to realease them and he didn't? or worse, he is the only president in recent history who doesn't want to release them? How much blind loyalty you guys have?
I don't understand how can one follow this guy blindly....I liked certain things Obama did, but I oppose him in so many things, same goes for all other humans. But when it comes to Trump and his followers they follow him blindly, and find excuses for his lies and false claims....Why?

They did the same thing with the bush boy.

It's weird. republicans seem to follow their politicians blindly without any questions.

They will do the same thing with the next republican president too.

I don't care who the President is, no where does it say a President need to show his taxes and yet people think they have a right to see them. If you want to see them, that is fine, make a law that requires all Presidential candidates to show their taxes.

This BS of making up crap and rules as we go is nonsense.

It has nothing to do with following someone blindly, this is a Democratic revenge tour and that is all they are interested in and you people are dumb enough to follow it blindly, without any questions.
The sad / pathetic thing is they actually think just SAYING, 'Nuh-Uh....that ISN'T the reason we are doing this' will convince anyone that is the case.

:itsok: Poor little snowflakes...
They lying about them, like Harry Reid lying about Romney's tax returns?

Who they ?
All I know trump promised to release his taxes after the audit...where are they ?

Is the auditing over?
There was probably no auditing. We all know what a pathological liar trump is.

A billionarire who was critical of Obama was being audited? Nah, couldn't happen! He has to be lying.
Has nothing to do with Obama...

“Your personal tax returns have been under continuous examination by the Internal Revenue Service since 2002, consistent with the IRS’s practice for large and complex businesses.”

View attachment 254687

Then why only 6 years, toddler?

As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

It is people like YOU who don't care about the 4th Amendment, and Probable Cause clause since there has to be a legal reason to get personal property taken for public consumption. You can't just walk in and seize anything that interest you.

Why don't you address a CONSTITUTION law as I showed in post #4?

If you want to argue the law that has been in effect since 1924 is unconstitutional, then go ahead. All the Ways and Means Committee has to do is request the information, and the IRS is required to supply it.

Try again. That law has NOT been in effect since 1924. By claiming such, you just confirmed you are a artisan hack too stupid to get their ducks in a row.
If we believe there is criminal justification for pulling years of tax returns, I suggest we start with Diane Feinstein, who made her fortune climbing into bed with the Chicom govt and who facilitated Chinese espionage against the US govt for decades...

From there we can move to Hillary Clinton, already under investigation still (last reportedly) for influence peddling, who took millions from the Russians, whose husband took $500k from the KGB Bank before meeting with Putin, who paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to in the 2016 election...
If we believe there is criminal justification for pulling years of tax returns, I suggest we start with Diane Feinstein, who made her fortune climbing into bed with the Chicom govt and who facilitated Chinese espionage against the US govt for decades...

From there we can move to Hillary Clinton, already under investigation still (last reportedly) for influence peddling, who took millions from the Russians, whose husband took $500k from the KGB Bank before meeting with Putin, who paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to in the 2016 election...
Fine, g’head and ask the IRS for them like Neal did.
If we believe there is criminal justification for pulling years of tax returns...
If probable cause can be shown, getting the tax forms is relatively easy - under IRC 6103(i)(1) you get a court order.
Ass-backwards as usual, they want the tax forms to see if they can manufacture a crime.
I do to, however you hate white middle class Americans that live in rural states, you make a blanket opinion of them then condemn them all. That is racism.
You have to wonder whether leftists are as stupid as they act.

They make blanket statements about people based on their race and pretend the people they're talking about are racists.

They use Fascism to silence people they hate and invade their constitutionally protected privacy and then they call their enemies NASIs.

They use reset buttons, promise flexibility, do nothing as they invade the Ukraine and even sell American Uranium to Vlads buds and then say Trump supports Putin.

You have to wonder if it's possible they are that stupid.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

It is people like YOU who don't care about the 4th Amendment, and Probable Cause clause since there has to be a legal reason to get personal property taken for public consumption. You can't just walk in and seize anything that interest you.

Why don't you address a CONSTITUTION law as I showed in post #4?

If you want to argue the law that has been in effect since 1924 is unconstitutional, then go ahead. All the Ways and Means Committee has to do is request the information, and the IRS is required to supply it.

Try again. That law has NOT been in effect since 1924. By claiming such, you just confirmed you are a artisan hack too stupid to get their ducks in a row.

Didn't read your own link, did you?

"The right of Congress to obtain any tax information should be interpreted as subject to the implicit condition found by the Supreme Court that any congressional inquiry must relate to a legitimate legislative purpose".

In other words, they can get his tax return for legislative purposes. They could never then use it as evidence of anything! Dumbass!

Until they can come up with a legislative purpose, tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry!
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

It is people like YOU who don't care about the 4th Amendment, and Probable Cause clause since there has to be a legal reason to get personal property taken for public consumption. You can't just walk in and seize anything that interest you.

Why don't you address a CONSTITUTION law as I showed in post #4?

If you want to argue the law that has been in effect since 1924 is unconstitutional, then go ahead. All the Ways and Means Committee has to do is request the information, and the IRS is required to supply it.

Try again. That law has NOT been in effect since 1924. By claiming such, you just confirmed you are a artisan hack too stupid to get their ducks in a row.

Didn't read your own link, did you?

"The right of Congress to obtain any tax information should be interpreted as subject to the implicit condition found by the Supreme Court that any congressional inquiry must relate to a legitimate legislative purpose".

In other words, they can get his tax return for legislative purposes. They could never then use it as evidence of anything! Dumbass!

Until they can come up with a legislative purpose, tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry!

Of course I read the link. The request for the returns included the legitimate reason for the request. They have a right to see the returns. You don't think evidence of law breaking that might be exposed by their legitimate request can just be ignored do you?

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