drain swamp - replace with septic tank


Any day now!

I am not sure which group is more fanatical, the one waiting for the bomb to drop on the “deep state” or the group waiting for it to happen to Trump...

And end the end both group will walk away with blue balls

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You'll be disappointed; why would Trump get his panties in such a bunch over this:

Peter Strzok, who was singled out in a recent Justice Department inspector general report for the politically charged messages, would be willing to testify without immunity, and he would not invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to any question, his attorney, Aitan Goelman, said in an interview Sunday. Strzok has become a special target of President Trump, who has used the texts to question the Russia investigation.

Goelman said Strzok “wants the chance to clear his name and tell his story.”
Up first:

Peter Strzok has been subpoenad to testify before Congress Wednesday. 6/27/2018

Last week, Strzok was escorted from the FBI building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau on his conduct -- a dramatic fall for a special agent who used to serve as the No. 2 in the counterintelligence division.
Before joining Mueller's team, Stzrok was part of the FBI team investigating connections between Trump campaign associates and Russia."

House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed - CNNPolitics

Draining the swamp, one corrupt government employee at a time. What CNN fails to mention is that Strzok was the initiator and lead investigator on that case, and the one about Hillary's private server.
He volunteered to testify. Didn't ask for immunity, promised not to plead the 5th, on his own. The subpoena is just showmanship. If you really wanna drain the swamp you are gonna hafta start somewhere else.
Up first:

Peter Strzok has been subpoenad to testify before Congress Wednesday. 6/27/2018

Last week, Strzok was escorted from the FBI building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau on his conduct -- a dramatic fall for a special agent who used to serve as the No. 2 in the counterintelligence division.
Before joining Mueller's team, Stzrok was part of the FBI team investigating connections between Trump campaign associates and Russia."

House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed - CNNPolitics

Draining the swamp, one corrupt government employee at a time. What CNN fails to mention is that Strzok was the initiator and lead investigator on that case, and the one about Hillary's private server.
Pruitt faces another probe for employee retaliation allegations
Up first:

Peter Strzok has been subpoenad to testify before Congress Wednesday. 6/27/2018

Last week, Strzok was escorted from the FBI building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau on his conduct -- a dramatic fall for a special agent who used to serve as the No. 2 in the counterintelligence division.
Before joining Mueller's team, Stzrok was part of the FBI team investigating connections between Trump campaign associates and Russia."

House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed - CNNPolitics

Draining the swamp, one corrupt government employee at a time. What CNN fails to mention is that Strzok was the initiator and lead investigator on that case, and the one about Hillary's private server.
Pruitt faces another probe for employee retaliation allegations

Keep your fake, off-topic spam out of my thread, faggot.

That's your one Mulligan.
Up first:

Peter Strzok has been subpoenad to testify before Congress Wednesday. 6/27/2018

Last week, Strzok was escorted from the FBI building as part of the ongoing internal proceedings at the bureau on his conduct -- a dramatic fall for a special agent who used to serve as the No. 2 in the counterintelligence division.
Before joining Mueller's team, Stzrok was part of the FBI team investigating connections between Trump campaign associates and Russia."

House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Peter Strzok to be deposed - CNNPolitics

Draining the swamp, one corrupt government employee at a time. What CNN fails to mention is that Strzok was the initiator and lead investigator on that case, and the one about Hillary's private server.

He'll fold and give up Comey, Mueller Obama and Hillary. He's not fit for life in prison with Bubba for a cellmate.

Budda: "Let's play family. Do you wanna be the Momma or Daddy?"

Strzok: "Er, I think I'd prefer to be the Daddy? Can I send a text to Lisa?"

Budda: " Terrific! Come and suck Momma's dick!"
Seriously though, this is the biggest thing since Watergate. It's bigger and deeper, too! I'm excited! I don't care who it is, or what it was about, if they're using their office for corrupt purposes, I want them out of there!
Most of the Republicans in Congress, especially in leaderhsip are helping the democrats too
Seriously though, this is the biggest thing since Watergate. It's bigger and deeper, too! I'm excited! I don't care who it is, or what it was about, if they're using their office for corrupt purposes, I want them out of there!
Did you say the same thing about the Benghazi investigations too? Big! Real big! Bigger than when the gold shipment came through Mayberry? That was big too Barney :)
Seriously though, this is the biggest thing since Watergate. It's bigger and deeper, too! I'm excited! I don't care who it is, or what it was about, if they're using their office for corrupt purposes, I want them out of there!
Did you say the same thing about the Benghazi investigations too? Big! Real big! Bigger than when the gold shipment came through Mayberry? That was big too Barney :)

No, I did not. I did say something about it being retaliation for Hillary assassinating the country's leader for her globalist masters, though.

Do you know how many shoulder-fire Stinger missles were lost in the Benghazi raid?

Why were they there, anyways? :dunno:
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They couldn`t lock Hillary up for using e-mail so now they want to lock Strzok up for texting. Hilarious!
I just want people to get arrested -- anybody -- it may not be Obama or Hillary -- but at least lock up a black guy and a white ****

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