Yes, We Saw A Member Of The Old Democrat Party Say Goodbye Today!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, Jimmy Carter, the Old Democrat Party, the 39th President of the Good Old U.S.A., who is a Southerner, and a Peanut Farmer, who worked for a living early on in life, unlike his Democrat Party of today, gimme, gimme, gimme! He is also a man of Faith, not like the Democrat Party of today, who have Faith in the Devil!

If you saw the Press Conference today, you would know he is at ease with his condition, and ready for whatever happens to him! He lived a long and prosperous life, and did good for his fellowman! Yes, his days are numbered, but at least the family has time to comfort him, and spend time with him before he kicks the bucket! If you pass away suddenly, like a heart attack? There is no time for most, if it is a massive one!

To The Carter Family:

Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.
Wow you are so full of shit it must be leaking out your ears.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.
Wow you are so full of shit it must be leaking out your ears.

Yea whatever bunky. Well, bye Jimmah.

"Obamaphones Jimmy"

Jimmy, Jimmy, who can I turn to?
Please give me somethin' I can hold on to
I know you think I'm like the others before
Who saw your number on the White House wall

Jimmy, I don't want to encumber
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, arise from your slumber

"Fate tricks Heaven" why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined

Jimmy, Jimmy, will you unfurl that for me?
Oh, please help me understand your repartee
They wouldn't listen before, but they were disturbed
They started wars, now we're running off the curve

Jimmy, I don't want to encumber
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, arise from your slumber

"Fate tricks Heaven,"
why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined

I got it, (I got it), I got it
I got your number on the wall
I got it, (I got it), I got it
"For good advice, for good advice call"

Jimmy, don't change your number
I need to get in your mind
Jimmy, awake from your slumber

"fate tricks Heaven,"
why he opined

Jimmy, Jimmy, who can I turn to?
"fate tricks Heaven," why he opined

Just like Bush 1 and 2, can I turn to you?
"fate tricks Heaven," why he opined

"Fate tricks Heaven," why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
Fate tricks Heaven, why he opined
He was a decent man, something that can't be said of most politicians. Today's Democratic party could use someone like him.

Carter working for Habitat for Humanity:
Carter sure wasn't the greatest president but he certainly has been the most humble and Christian of any presidents in my lifetime. Carter is at peace and he knows he knows God is waiting for him with open arms.
He can go in peace, secure in the knowledge that he can never again be called "America's Worst President".

Thank You, President Obama!
There's certain individuals the rise above politics, in that regard Carter has my full respect. As he moves towards the end of this life I hope he's comforted in knowing the prays of millions are wishing him a peaceful journey.
There's certain individuals the rise above politics, in that regard Carter has my full respect. As he moves towards the end of this life I hope he's comforted in knowing the prays of millions are wishing him a peaceful journey.
Did he rise above politics when he accused Americans opposed to the Obama regime of racism? Coddling dictators, undermining American exceptionalism, he could never resist being a Leftist hack at heart.

Carter was a POS president and worked hard to undermine every Republican successor. Had he stuck to building houses for the poor, he might have died with a scrap of dignity, but he's been busy with the devil's work.

And why are we assuming he will go to heaven?
Lovers of cowardly assassins can hardly be expected to appreciate real men.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
At the very least, he turned Iran from a strong ally to a bitter foe. When we eventually need to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, which is inevitable, we can lay those deaths at this stupid fool's grave.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
At the very least, he turned Iran from a strong ally to a bitter foe. When we eventually need to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, which is inevitable, we can lay those deaths at this stupid fool's grave.

Iran had trouble with us since 1941. And we meddled in their internal affairs often enough to cause the problems. The Shah was a puppet for the US & UK. That is why we are hated. They had the Shah, but they also had a democratically elected Prime minister. When one didn't cater to foreign oil interested, and wanted to nationalize the oil business in Iran (you know, in the best interest of Iran), the US & UK backed a coup that removed him. We propped up the Shah and his secret police, despite the fact that he was a brutal tyrant.

Carter happened to be president when the Shah was removed. Yeah, Carter wasn't an aggressive type and that was seen as weak. But he is NOT the reason the radical islamists hate us, nor is it the reason people died when we bombed them.

Iran was only an ally because we held the Shah's puppet strings. The revolution that deposed him was what turned them into a bitter foe. The bitterness was already there.
What have we learned from some of the posts on this sad thread? We see that bitter, rancorous partisanship is precious to some of the least articulate, poorest minds posting on USMB today. We have learned that for all the moralizing about Christian values, those who scream it the loudest are indeed the poorest in spirit. Here stands President Jimmy Carter, perhaps the most morally upstanding president since Lincoln being wished a death by AIDS because of political decisions.

What values are being expressed and taught by these slimy, moronic, poorly educated rabid Right Wingers? Why, hatred, fear, suspicion and a spirit of unforgiveness usually displayed by sociopaths. If I were a Right Winger (and thank God I'm not) I would. slink away in shame after reading the left handed compliments and unabashed attacks on a decent, honorable and virtuous man.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
At the very least, he turned Iran from a strong ally to a bitter foe. When we eventually need to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, which is inevitable, we can lay those deaths at this stupid fool's grave.

Iran had trouble with us since 1941. And we meddled in their internal affairs often enough to cause the problems. The Shah was a puppet for the US & UK. That is why we are hated. They had the Shah, but they also had a democratically elected Prime minister. When one didn't cater to foreign oil interested, and wanted to nationalize the oil business in Iran (you know, in the best interest of Iran), the US & UK backed a coup that removed him. We propped up the Shah and his secret police, despite the fact that he was a brutal tyrant.

Carter happened to be president when the Shah was removed. Yeah, Carter wasn't an aggressive type and that was seen as weak. But he is NOT the reason the radical islamists hate us, nor is it the reason people died when we bombed them.

Iran was only an ally because we held the Shah's puppet strings. The revolution that deposed him was what turned them into a bitter foe. The bitterness was already there.
Carter stood by and did NOTHING while an ally that needed us was violently overthrown. It wasn't a brilliant strategy, just weakness and cowardice.....kinda like with Bucky today. And his failed hostage rescue punctuated the complete disaster that was his foreign policy. Gas rations, a tanking economy, no wonder Reagan swept the election after one term.

But I guess everyone needs heroes and that POS is yours. Enjoy.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
At the very least, he turned Iran from a strong ally to a bitter foe. When we eventually need to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, which is inevitable, we can lay those deaths at this stupid fool's grave.

Iran had trouble with us since 1941. And we meddled in their internal affairs often enough to cause the problems. The Shah was a puppet for the US & UK. That is why we are hated. They had the Shah, but they also had a democratically elected Prime minister. When one didn't cater to foreign oil interested, and wanted to nationalize the oil business in Iran (you know, in the best interest of Iran), the US & UK backed a coup that removed him. We propped up the Shah and his secret police, despite the fact that he was a brutal tyrant.

Carter happened to be president when the Shah was removed. Yeah, Carter wasn't an aggressive type and that was seen as weak. But he is NOT the reason the radical islamists hate us, nor is it the reason people died when we bombed them.

Iran was only an ally because we held the Shah's puppet strings. The revolution that deposed him was what turned them into a bitter foe. The bitterness was already there.
Carter stood by and did NOTHING while an ally that needed us was violently overthrown. It wasn't a brilliant strategy, just weakness and cowardice.....kinda like with Bucky today. And his failed hostage rescue punctuated the complete disaster that was his foreign policy. Gas rations, a tanking economy, no wonder Reagan swept the election after one term.

But I guess everyone needs heroes and that POS is yours. Enjoy.

Oh please. Spare me the bullshit. I call someone on their bullshit claims that Carter is the reason Iran hates us, and you decide that Jimmy is my hero? I notice you don't give a shit about the accuracy.

The Shah was not only an ally, he was a puppet we manipulated. And since when is it our job to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations? Iran is still pissed off at the US for things we did in the 40s and 50s. I can understand why they were pissed. We put a brutal tyrant in charge, and removed a democratically elected prime minister. But I guess you think that is good foreign policy? lmao But I guess you would be fine with the actions of the SAVAK? Who cares if they murder and torture people, huh? As long as oil prices stay low.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

What a load of crap. Carter is why we have radical Islam? If so, why did Ike ask why they hate us when he was president? It goes back decades before Carter. Maybe if you used that computer to learn something instead of just surfing porn sites you wouldn't make a fool of yourself.
At the very least, he turned Iran from a strong ally to a bitter foe. When we eventually need to bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, which is inevitable, we can lay those deaths at this stupid fool's grave.

Eisenhauer was in power when the Prime Minister of Iran was deposed by the Shah of Iran with U.S. and UK backed forces. The oil fields were then sold to foreign owned oil companies, until the Mullahs ousted the Shah, and American oil companies when Carter was President.

It had nothing to do with Carter being President and everything to do with the Shah and those who had profited from keeping him in power, ignoring the rights of the people. The Shah was a despot, but he kept Iran away from the Russians. His secret police tortured and murdered.

The Iranian people blamed the U.S. For his rule and his excesses. When the Mullahs had enough popular support, they tossed out the Shah and the Americans. It was an accident of timing that Carter was in the White House. The timing was dictated by the status of events in Iran, not the U.S.

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