Yes, We Saw A Member Of The Old Democrat Party Say Goodbye Today!

Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

i think Reagan funding Bin Laden had a lot more to do with the rise of Radical Islam.

I wait for your proof. cause you have none
It disturbs me that someone who claims to serve the Lord did so much in his life to serve Satan. He coddled dictators, turned his back on allies, and accused Americans of racism because of our opposition to the Obama regime. His professed evangelical Christianity never impressed me. I look more at the agenda he advanced.

Beside the fact you think Jesus and Satan are real people.

(they're not.)

The reality is, Carter had to deal with a world where Americans were not willing to send thousands of their sons off to die to prop up "allies' who had no popular support from their own people. the "allies" he turned his back on were people like the Shah of Iran and Somoza. Real scumbags who got what they deserved.

I think Carter was a bad president because he was ineffective. He got very little done when his party controlled both houses of Congress. I think he was what we wanted after Nixon, a weak but well meaning-guy who wouldn't abuse the office.
It disturbs me that someone who claims to serve the Lord did so much in his life to serve Satan. He coddled dictators, turned his back on allies, and accused Americans of racism because of our opposition to the Obama regime. His professed evangelical Christianity never impressed me. I look more at the agenda he advanced.

Beside the fact you think Jesus and Satan are real people.

(they're not.)

The reality is, Carter had to deal with a world where Americans were not willing to send thousands of their sons off to die to prop up "allies' who had no popular support from their own people. the "allies" he turned his back on were people like the Shah of Iran and Somoza. Real scumbags who got what they deserved.

I think Carter was a bad president because he was ineffective. He got very little done when his party controlled both houses of Congress. I think he was what we wanted after Nixon, a weak but well meaning-guy who wouldn't abuse the office.
And how do you know Jesus and Satan are not real, JoeB131?
Carter sure wasn't the greatest president but he certainly has been the most humble and Christian of any presidents in my lifetime. Carter is at peace and he knows he knows God is waiting for him with open arms.
Not many christians like him
Like Obama blaming Bush for something that Carter started? That's right, the subprime loan monstrosity was a program started in the Carter Administration and was carefully cultivated under Clinton. Seems to me you Leftwacks have no room to be accusing others of the blame game.

Guy, the problem was not that the Banks had to loan to poor people.

The problem was the banks loaned to middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford and didn't need thinking they could always make a profit as long as they could resell the houses for more money after foreclosure.

And then selling the mortgages as investments that were useless.

Nothing to do with Carter or Clinton, had to do with how Bush let the Banksters loot the country.
It disturbs me that someone who claims to serve the Lord did so much in his life to serve Satan. He coddled dictators, turned his back on allies, and accused Americans of racism because of our opposition to the Obama regime. His professed evangelical Christianity never impressed me. I look more at the agenda he advanced.

Beside the fact you think Jesus and Satan are real people.

(they're not.)

The reality is, Carter had to deal with a world where Americans were not willing to send thousands of their sons off to die to prop up "allies' who had no popular support from their own people. the "allies" he turned his back on were people like the Shah of Iran and Somoza. Real scumbags who got what they deserved.

I think Carter was a bad president because he was ineffective. He got very little done when his party controlled both houses of Congress. I think he was what we wanted after Nixon, a weak but well meaning-guy who wouldn't abuse the office.
And how do you know Jesus and Satan are not real, JoeB131?

And how do you Know the thousands of other gods aren't real and you picked the wrong one
I wait for your proof. cause you have none

Been over this dozens of times.

Not going to do you work for you, but you google "Reagan Bin Laden", you get a shitload of results.


you moron. Bin Ladens not in any of those pics. in fact that's Reagan talking with the
Afghan Mujahideen when they were fighting the Russians. Operation Cyclone
Like Obama blaming Bush for something that Carter started? That's right, the subprime loan monstrosity was a program started in the Carter Administration and was carefully cultivated under Clinton. Seems to me you Leftwacks have no room to be accusing others of the blame game.

Guy, the problem was not that the Banks had to loan to poor people.

The problem was the banks loaned to middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford and didn't need thinking they could always make a profit as long as they could resell the houses for more money after foreclosure.

And then selling the mortgages as investments that were useless.

Nothing to do with Carter or Clinton, had to do with how Bush let the Banksters loot the country.

child, ever hear of ACORN??? they were making loans to the poor who had no means at all to pay it back
how bout the faggot Barney "ill suck your dick for nothing" Frank ?? one of yours I think

go home kid. you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.
Carter was a lousy President, but a good man. He had a vision for the United States that he truly believed was a good one...unfortunately, he was wrong.

You truly are a despicable turd.

Just think: You'll also be saying Obama was a "lousy President", when he finally succumbs to his AIDS and drug addiction.

But at least he won't be blaming someone for something that started decades before.
Like Obama blaming Bush for something that Carter started? That's right, the subprime loan monstrosity was a program started in the Carter Administration and was carefully cultivated under Clinton. Seems to me you Leftwacks have no room to be accusing others of the blame game.

Have I blamed Bush for the subprime debacle? Have I said Obama is a good president?

Save your "you leftie..." lectures for actual lefties.
you moron. Bin Ladens not in any of those pics. in fact that's Reagan talking with the
Afghan Mujahideen when they were fighting the Russians. Operation Cyclone

But that was the point. The CIA didn't want to be bothered to figure out which tribe was which. But the Arabs who were flooding into Afghanistan to fight the unbeliever, that was easy for them to figure out. and one of them was a 25 year old Osama Bin Laden.

child, ever hear of ACORN??? they were making loans to the poor who had no means at all to pay it back
how bout the faggot Barney "ill suck your dick for nothing" Frank ?? one of yours I think

ACORN wasn't a bank. Barney Frank wasn't a bank. The banks made the decision to sell not to poor people, but to middle class people who hoped to flip a McMansion they couldn't afford.

Then they took those mortgages and sold them as investments.

That's why the econonmy collapsed. Not because Barney Frank was having the gay sex.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

As bad as Jimmy sucked at being the pres. I believe his heart was in the right place.
I cant hate on the guy.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

i think Reagan funding Bin Laden had a lot more to do with the rise of Radical Islam.

I wait for your proof. cause you have none

Actually, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted on CNN that the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s to fight the Soviets.
Fuck him with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake. It was Carter's ineptness that gave rise to the radical Islam. If there was anything good about Carter, it was the fact that he was only the second worst president since the current one.

The only thing I have to say to Carter is, say "hello" to Ted Kennedy when you get to hell.

As bad as Jimmy sucked at being the pres. I believe his heart was in the right place.
I cant hate on the guy.

Too bad his HEAD was up his tukhus.
you moron. Bin Ladens not in any of those pics. in fact that's Reagan talking with the
Afghan Mujahideen when they were fighting the Russians. Operation Cyclone

But that was the point. The CIA didn't want to be bothered to figure out which tribe was which. But the Arabs who were flooding into Afghanistan to fight the unbeliever, that was easy for them to figure out. and one of them was a 25 year old Osama Bin Laden.

child, ever hear of ACORN??? they were making loans to the poor who had no means at all to pay it back
how bout the faggot Barney "ill suck your dick for nothing" Frank ?? one of yours I think

ACORN wasn't a bank. Barney Frank wasn't a bank. The banks made the decision to sell not to poor people, but to middle class people who hoped to flip a McMansion they couldn't afford.

Then they took those mortgages and sold them as investments.

That's why the econonmy collapsed. Not because Barney Frank was having the gay sex.
Boy how you lying Leftwats rewrite history! Banks had no choice but to have a certain quota of subprime loans on their books, a scheme that DEMOCRATS cooked up starting with Jimmy Carter. They were threatened with adverse action if they didn't and they were promised such loans would be backed by government.....kinda like veterans loans. The Freddy Mac and Fanny May program, 100% run by Democrats, ensured that people who never should have gotten a home loan did.

Da fuk you get to blame that on Bush.
Boy how you lying Leftwats rewrite history! Banks had no choice but to have a certain quota of subprime loans on their books, a scheme that DEMOCRATS cooked up starting with Jimmy Carter. They were threatened with adverse action if they didn't and they were promised such loans would be backed by government.....kinda like veterans loans. The Freddy Mac and Fanny May program, 100% run by Democrats, ensured that people who never should have gotten a home loan did.

Da fuk you get to blame that on Bush.

actually, of the top 25 banks that failed, only 1 did CRA Loans.

Low-income households didn't cause the financial crisis - CBS News

"While there was a rapid expansion in overall mortgage origination during this time period, the fraction of new mortgage dollars going to each income group was stable. In other words, the poor did not represent a higher fraction of the mortgage loans originated over the period. In addition, borrowers in the middle and top of the distribution are the ones that contributed most significantly to the increase in mortgages in default after 2007. Taken together, the evidence in the paper suggests that there was no decoupling of mortgage growth from income growth where unsustainable credit was flowing disproportionally to poor people."

"...the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of high-cost loans -- a proxy for subprime loans -- had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law."

Sorry, man, it wasn't poor people who fucked it up. It was your neighbor building that gaudy McMansion hoping to flip it.
Actually, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted on CNN that the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the other originators of “Al Qaeda” in the 1970s to fight the Soviets.

But it was Reagan who escalated military support to these nuts, even when it was obvious they were nuts, and even after Gorbachev BEGGED Reagan to stop because it would cause a lot of misery down the road.

Sorry, you shits OWN Bin Laden. Embrace him.

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