Yesterday it was the plagiarized speech tomorrow it will be Cruz doesn't endorse Trump

Nice going Cruz, you just gave the MSM all the ammunition they need for all day tomorrow.
Damn asshole !

Cruz did more to help Trump than any other speaker I've heard, he drew a clear contrast of what the two parties stand for. If Trump does half as good a job tomorrow, he'll get my vote a bit less begrudgingly.

The problem is he took all the oxygen out of the room, and now his main message will be lost because all the focus will be on what he DIDN'T say.

Trump knew in advance Cruz wouldn't endorse, and according to focus groups Cruz had a very positive effect and helped sway undecided voters. It only the ignorant that think this is a big deal.
One year ago Lyin' Ted made a pledge.

He promised to support the eventual GOP nominee.

Last night Lyin' Ted broke his pledge.

Surprised? Anyone?

What did you expect?

He's Lyin' Ted!

Fortunately, Lyin Ted's "big reveal" has not shattered the party- it has actually reunited the GOP. It reminded us why we loathe career politicians like Lyin' Ted.

Thanks Lyin' Ted!!
I predict going forward Cruz has hurt himself politically. He should have been the bigger man, swallowed his pride, bit his lip, and endorsed him at the end of his speech and walked off stage.

Lyin Ted tried to outmaneuver the Donald and use the convention for a campaign speech. The line about his father with $100 sewn into his underwear pretty much grossed out any potential support he has left. Lyin Ted should become a mortician...he's done in politics.

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