Yesterday Made Me Reflect That...

....being a father is perhaps the greatest honor possible in life. Spending the day with my father, and my brothers who are fathers, and of course my children was humbling in significance. No more important function for a man in life.

... and don't forget to keep horse-whipping them kids of yours to pay their Social Security taxes ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

Happy Father's Day ... "A father is someone who has pictures where his money used to be" ...
....being a father is perhaps the greatest honor possible in life. Spending the day with my father, and my brothers who are fathers, and of course my children was humbling in significance. No more important function for a man in life.
Are you teaching your childen to love and respect others?
You're not conveying that message with your comments here!
Who are you?
I'm a Canadian citizen who cares and I don't lean toward socialism, I'm representative of the majority of Canadians who are leftist leaning as compared to Americans. What more specifically would you like to know?

I use my real Christian name and initial for my surname. I live in B.C., Canada and on Vancouver Island.

If you're really a teacher then I think we can come to more agreeable terms with each other.
....being a father is perhaps the greatest honor possible in life. Spending the day with my father, and my brothers who are fathers, and of course my children was humbling in significance. No more important function for a man in life.

I say focusing on God takes priority

We are all destined to meet Him some day, and you never know which day..
....being a father is perhaps the greatest honor possible in life. Spending the day with my father, and my brothers who are fathers, and of course my children was humbling in significance. No more important function for a man in life.
Happy Father's day, you toxic masculine Patriarchal monster you.

Take some of that evil testosterone and flick a Leftist upside the head just for me.

Happy Father's day, you toxic masculine Patriarchal monster you.

Take some of that evil testosterone and flick a Leftist upside the head just for me.


You know I will!

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