Yesterday near where I live - Only Fatality was the "good guy" with a gun

I have several business contacts in Spain and Bangalore that at least once a month ask me WTF is wrong with american culture.
Americans don't know this because they live in a fucking bubble.

You mean Spain and Bangalore...who stood by while the rest of Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and small children into German gas chambers.......yes...why should we care what they think again?
They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

You do realize that the countries of Europe, almost all of them, handed over their citizens to the Germans knowing they were going to be murdered.....and did nothing to stop it...because they were all disarmed....
Americans don't know this because they live in a fucking bubble.

You mean Spain and Bangalore...who stood by while the rest of Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and small children into German gas chambers.......yes...why should we care what they think again?
They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

You do realize that the countries of Europe, almost all of them, handed over their citizens to the Germans knowing they were going to be murdered.....and did nothing to stop it...because they were all disarmed....
No I dont realize that. Do you have something other than your word for me to look at?
You mean Spain and Bangalore...who stood by while the rest of Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and small children into German gas chambers.......yes...why should we care what they think again?
They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

You do realize that the countries of Europe, almost all of them, handed over their citizens to the Germans knowing they were going to be murdered.....and did nothing to stop it...because they were all disarmed....
No I dont realize that. Do you have something other than your word for me to look at?

Here you go.....

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were about eight to ten million Jews in the territories controlled directly or indirectly by Germany (the uncertainty arises from the lack of knowledge about how many Jews there were in the Soviet Union).

The six million killed in the Holocaust thus represent 60 to 75 percent of these Jews.

Of Poland’s 3.3 million Jews, about 90 percent were killed.

At the beginning of World War II, the Jewish population of the Baltic States was around 350,000: 250,000 in Lithuania, 95,000 in Latvia, and 4,500 in Estonia.

By the end of 1941, close to 230,000 Jews in Latvia and Lithuania had been murdered during the previous six months.

Of 4,000 Jews in Estonia before the German invasio;n, some 3,000 fled to the Soviet Union. The remaining 1,000 were all murdered by the SS killing squads.[352]

Of the 750,000 Jews in Germany and Austria in 1933, only about a quarter survived.

Although many German Jews emigrated before 1939, the majority of these fled to Czechoslovakia, France or the Netherlands, from where they were later deported to their deaths.

In Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Netherlands, and Yugoslavia, over 70 percent were killed.

50 to 70 percent were killed in Romania, Belgium and Hungary.

It is likely that a similar proportion were killed in Belarus and Ukraine, but these figures are less certain.

Countries with notably lower proportions of deaths include Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, and Norway. Albania was the only country occupied by Germany that had a significantly larger Jewish population in 1945 than in 1939.

So......excuse me if I don't take the laughter of these countries seriously as they allowed themselves to be disarmed...again...even knowing how they allowed so many innocent people to be murdered...
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They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

You do realize that the countries of Europe, almost all of them, handed over their citizens to the Germans knowing they were going to be murdered.....and did nothing to stop it...because they were all disarmed....
No I dont realize that. Do you have something other than your word for me to look at?

Here you go.....

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holocaust was conducted by Germany. Its not the only country in europe.
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

I don't have all the answers but I know this...My step - father had a history of domestic violence before he murdered my mother and my friends sister was killed by a certifiable nutjob who killed her with a legally purchased gun.

When you figure out how to predict the future then you tell me how aside from banning and confiscating all guns to stop random acts of violence

Funny, I've been telling everybody that for exactly three years to the day, since I arrived here right after Jacksonville and Jovan Belcher and right before Sandy Hook and Webster. It was the hot issue of the time then too. Yet nobody wants to listen to me, y'all immediately fall back on whining like toddlers getting your pacifiers taken away.

Three years ago it was the collective echobubble trying to make Bob Costas' Monday Night Football commentary into a "gun control rant" even though he never mentioned anything about gun control. Y'all with the bizarre gun fetish just can't handle anything outside the standard parameter of the baby's pacifier. Can't figure out that the question is not whether or not you can have the pacifier but whether and why you need it -- and crave it -- in the first place.

And so begins year four of slamming one's head against the wall while the toddler-mentality gun fetishists continue to go :lalala: ...

BTW people will still kill people for all you know if a gun was not available the psycho who killed your relative and friend would have just used a bat or a knife or his bare hands to kill

And again --- been telling you this for three years as well -- "random acts of violence" is a different animal from "murder". Murder is targeted and personal. Random is impersonal and targets whoever's available. Two different motivations means two different approaches.

People need to stop thinking like a four year old and put on their grownup pants.

So people walking into a public place and randomly shooting people they don;t know is not a random act of violence?

How in the wide world of fuck do you get that out of my post? What is it, Opposite Day today?

You need to review there, Evelyn Wood.
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
weapons of war-don't you banoids understand that single shot bolt action rifles were weapons of war for more than 100 years? ANYTHING CIVILIAN POLICE HAVE other CITIZENS should own

and besides we need to be well armed. The creeping crud of banoid collectivization will ultimately only be stopped by force of arms. This country is going to need a surgery if the cancer of collectivism continues
Americans don't know this because they live in a fucking bubble.

You mean Spain and Bangalore...who stood by while the rest of Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and small children into German gas chambers.......yes...why should we care what they think again?
They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

Actually, the nazis were left wing socialists....more in common with the democrats......I am a modern American conservative, the exact opposite of the markets, free people, the rule of law, all men are created equal.....the Bill of Rights....all those things that I support but you and your nazi buddies hate.
Funny because the neo nazi party in Greece sounds a lot like trump.
Here ya go OP:

Gunman and Two Others Dead in Sydney Hostage Crisis

A gunman who burst into a Sydney chocolate shop and took hostages has been killed, along with two of the hostages, Australian police said.

The suspect was identified by police as Man Haron Monis. He was declared dead at the scene, New South Wales Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said. Tori Johnson, a manager of the store, was killed, according to Lindt Chocolate Cafe Australia. The other hostage who was killed was identified as attorney and mother of three Katrina Dawson, 38, according to the New South Wales Bar Association. Six people at the scene were treated for injuries.

Burn said that “from what I have heard, there were shots fired and an emergency plan was followed” but she could not confirm whether the gunman fired shots at the hostages. She said that Monis was on bail for another crime and police believe he was mentally unstable.

Police stormed the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in the early hours of Tuesday morning, ending the siege.

New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said that the decision to enter the premises came after they heard gunshots coming from inside. Scipione also confirmed that, in total, Monis had been holding 17 people hostage, though up to 12 of those individuals had been able to get out of the store before police began their assault.

Scipione and New South Wales Premier Mike Baird said that Monis was a "lone gunman" and no explosives had been found in the area surrounding the Lindt Chocolat Cafe.

"We have lost some of our own in an attack we never thought we would see here in our own city," Baird said at a news conference Tuesday morning, local time.

Explosions of what were believed to be flash bang grenades were heard when police stormed the shop and while there were many loud noises, it is not clear if or how many shots were fired by either police or Monis during the face off.

At 10:19 a.m. ET, a group of at least seven heavily armed police officers went into the Lindt cafe under the cover of loud bangs of what local news Channel 9 is calling stun grenades. Shortly after the police stormed the café, at least two hostages emerged, looking visibly shaken.

A few minutes later, a few paramedics were seen entering the café behind police officers with medical packs -- followed by at least two stretchers. The explosive police action came shortly after a new wave of hostages emerged from the shop.

Monis was believed to be a self-proclaimed Islamic "sheikh" who is known to Australian police because he was allegedly involved in dozens of counts of sexual assault, according to Australia's 9News.

He was born in Iran as Manteghi Bourjerdi and migrated to Australia in 1996, according to the station.

Gunman and Two Others Dead in Sydney Hostage Crisis
You mean Spain and Bangalore...who stood by while the rest of Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and small children into German gas chambers.......yes...why should we care what they think again?
They are both white guys originally from Britian.

So......again.....Europe sent 12 million innocent, unarmed, men, women and even small children into German gas chambers and allowed them to fill mass a time of grand universities, philosophy, the sciences.....the rule of law...

And they allowed a small minority to murder all of those people.......
I thought your friends the Nazi's did that?

Actually, the nazis were left wing socialists....more in common with the democrats......I am a modern American conservative, the exact opposite of the markets, free people, the rule of law, all men are created equal.....the Bill of Rights....all those things that I support but you and your nazi buddies hate.
Funny because the neo nazi party in Greece sounds a lot like trump.

Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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