Yesterday near where I live - Only Fatality was the "good guy" with a gun

well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

I don't have all the answers but I know this...My step - father had a history of domestic violence before he murdered my mother and my friends sister was killed by a certifiable nutjob who killed her with a legally purchased gun.

When you figure out how to predict the future then you tell me how aside from banning and confiscating all guns to stop random acts of violence

Funny, I've been telling everybody that for exactly three years to the day, since I arrived here right after Jacksonville and Jovan Belcher and right before Sandy Hook and Webster. It was the hot issue of the time then too. Yet nobody wants to listen to me, y'all immediately fall back on whining like toddlers getting your pacifiers taken away.

Three years ago it was the collective echobubble trying to make Bob Costas' Monday Night Football commentary into a "gun control rant" even though he never mentioned anything about gun control. Y'all with the bizarre gun fetish just can't handle anything outside the standard parameter of the baby's pacifier. Can't figure out that the question is not whether or not you can have the pacifier but whether and why you need it -- and crave it -- in the first place.

And so begins year four of slamming one's head against the wall while the toddler-mentality gun fetishists continue to go :lalala: ...

BTW people will still kill people for all you know if a gun was not available the psycho who killed your relative and friend would have just used a bat or a knife or his bare hands to kill

And again --- been telling you this for three years as well -- "random acts of violence" is a different animal from "murder". Murder is targeted and personal. Random is impersonal and targets whoever's available. Two different motivations means two different approaches.

People need to stop thinking like a four year old and put on their grownup pants.
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steph - your paranoia is off the charts...ask your doctor about xanax

my paranoia is. good grief you're on here ranting and raving over something that wasn't even any of YOUR BUSINESS. so call your doctor
Funny, I've been telling everybody that for exactly three years to the day, since I arrived here right after Jacksonville and Jovan Belcher and right before Sandy Hook and Webster. It was the hot issue of the time then too.

RE the (apparent) peaks of mass random shooting incidents in December --- I gotta say, walking around in public stores and offices while they're blaring the SOS please-make-it-stop trite Xmas music.... I can begin to understand why somebody already on the edge might flip out. :puke:
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Obama is never going to say it openly until it's too late. He believes in slow implementation of abuses designed to rob us of our rights so as not to alarm us. He's counting on useful idiots to ridicule anyone who can see through his plan. He'll placate you suckers by continually talking about saving the planet so he'll appear harmless, and talking about slavery through other channels so he'll appear victimized.
He better hurry up because his term is coming to an end. What will he do if a republican is elected? Wouldnt that throw a cramp in his plans? The paranoia exhibited by those of low intellect is amazing.
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.

We have a bunch of sensible restrictions…if you commit a crime with a gun you go to jail. If you are a convicted criminal caught with a gun you go to jail.

Ask your Australian friend why gun ownership levels in Australia are back up to where they were before the confiscation….and ask about the increasing gun crime in New South Wales…and in the Port cities of Australia…

And how exactly did the immigrant guy get the gun he used to take the hostages in the Coffee shop in Australia…

If he had a gun, the only thing that stopped him from murdering more people… a school, is his decision not to…since their extreme gun control didn't keep him from getting a gun…right?

And how did the underage, teenage immigrant kid get the gun that he used to murder the police employee in Australia…….

If he had a gun, the only thing that stopped him from murdering more people… a school, is his decision not to…since their extreme gun control didn't keep him from getting a gun…right?
as I've just posted - this "good guy" was the one killed - in a tense situation where chaos reigns - how are you supposed to know who the "good guy" is? make all america a gun happy zone is a horrible idea in my opinion- most people in my town cant operate a car much less a weapon

Do you realize that Americans use guns in those tense situations about 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack…according to bill clinton…..and that you can read a bout many of these cases at "thearmedcitizen" and gunssavelives….where they show normal gun owners, not Navy SEALs using guns responsibly to end threats……and surviving…and even on many occasions being thanked by police…..

Do you realize that our cities with the strictest gun control laws are also the ones with the most gun violence…..

And that almost all mass shootings already occur in legally mandated gun free zones?
I know - Nobody on either side will learn one thing and the same thing will happen year after year...absolutely nothing except an ever-growing body count....I support the bravery of those willing to take on the NRA - theyre fighting a battle they know they will lose but care enough to do it anyway - Both sides throw out tons of propaganda that their sheep followers spread without thought or reason....Its kinda like religion...Christians believe God created man so any evidance to the contrary is immediately dismissed - nothing learned nothing gained - ignorance is bliss...they call it faith

Do you realize that the NRA teaches gun safety to millions of people each year…and that through a large part of their efforts at shooter education, in 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths out of a country of over 320 million people with over 320 million guns in private hands and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense.

You really should do some actual research into the topic…you are sadly uninformed and have no idea what you are posting about.
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.

Do you realize that the world….in particular, Europe…allowed 12 million innocent, unarmed men, women and small children to be marched into German gas chambers……those are the people who are laughing at us…….
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

I don't have all the answers but I know this...My step - father had a history of domestic violence before he murdered my mother and my friends sister was killed by a certifiable nutjob who killed her with a legally purchased gun.

Yeah….sad…but no bearing on guns. It was used by someone to commit a crime…did he drive to the scene… you blame his ability to get there on the car?
I in no way shape or form do I believe law abiding citizens should have to give up anything...Neither do most people...The only ones saying that are paranoid types...I see a push for some sensible restrictions but nowhere a "gun grab" from law abiding folks.....Think alot of that is fact, I know it is.

Okay….what are sensible restrictions to you? And please, if you have the time, explain how they would stop or prevent criminals from getting and using guns and how they would stop mass shooters from getting and using guns…

Keep in mind you will have to explain the recent crimes and terrorist attacks in France…the place that already has all the "reasonable" gun control you will bring up….
Why is this in the firearms forum?

Is the OP just trying to stir things up on a hobbiest forum?

my bad...I'm new...Perhaps I thought this had to do with firearms? How do I delete the thread? I'm not seeing the option anywhere? Sorry I bothered you so much...You must be a very miserable person

No…it is current events….there was a public shooting so this issue becomes current...
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.

Maybe you should point out to your Australian friends that after they enacted their ban that their rate of violent crime INCREASED.

"Even Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
Sexual assault -- Australia's equivalent term for rape -- increased 29.9 percent.
Overall, Australia's violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent."

no effect on violent gun crime except the fact there hasn't been a mass shooting since the ban - which was the entire point - wow you really discredited that one! whew!

That is wrong…there have been at least 2….and the only thing stopping more mass shootings is that the shooters, who had guns despite the confiscation, ban and extreme gun control laws…did not decide to shoot a lot of people…

You just had two cases of immigrants in Australia who had guns and could have walked into any public space and shot lots of people…the guy at the coffee shop, the muslim, and the teenage immigrant who murdered the police employee…….another muslim….so please explain how gun control stopped them from committing a mass public shooting…and those aren't the only two cases either….
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.

I know it really bums you out that you live in the land of the laughing stock, maybe you should consider doing something about it, like move.

I guess you find these mass killings acceptable....sad

Not at all…we find gun free zones unacceptable…you guys find gun free zones..where all the mass shootings happen to disarmed good guys acceptable because you want more gun free zones.
as I've just posted - this "good guy" was the one killed - in a tense situation where chaos reigns - how are you supposed to know who the "good guy" is? make all america a gun happy zone is a horrible idea in my opinion- most people in my town cant operate a car much less a weapon

Is everyone from wisconson this ignorant?

So you're saying the "good guy" got shot because he was acting intelligently? :wtf:
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

I don't have all the answers but I know this...My step - father had a history of domestic violence before he murdered my mother and my friends sister was killed by a certifiable nutjob who killed her with a legally purchased gun.

When you figure out how to predict the future then you tell me how aside from banning and confiscating all guns to stop random acts of violence

Funny, I've been telling everybody that for exactly three years to the day, since I arrived here right after Jacksonville and Jovan Belcher and right before Sandy Hook and Webster. It was the hot issue of the time then too. Yet nobody wants to listen to me, y'all immediately fall back on whining like toddlers getting your pacifiers taken away.

Three years ago it was the collective echobubble trying to make Bob Costas' Monday Night Football commentary into a "gun control rant" even though he never mentioned anything about gun control. Y'all with the bizarre gun fetish just can't handle anything outside the standard parameter of the baby's pacifier. Can't figure out that the question is not whether or not you can have the pacifier but whether and why you need it -- and crave it -- in the first place.

And so begins year four of slamming one's head against the wall while the toddler-mentality gun fetishists continue to go :lalala: ...

BTW people will still kill people for all you know if a gun was not available the psycho who killed your relative and friend would have just used a bat or a knife or his bare hands to kill

And again --- been telling you this for three years as well -- "random acts of violence" is a different animal from "murder". Murder is targeted and personal. Random is impersonal and targets whoever's available. Two different motivations means two different approaches.

People need to stop thinking like a four year old and put on their grownup pants.

So people walking into a public place and randomly shooting people they don;t know is not a random act of violence?

So that begs the question how do you stop intentional acts of violence' oh Great Karnak
as I've just posted - this "good guy" was the one killed - in a tense situation where chaos reigns - how are you supposed to know who the "good guy" is? make all america a gun happy zone is a horrible idea in my opinion- most people in my town cant operate a car much less a weapon
Name one gun free Zone that is actually free of guns.
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?
You don't have to love every aspect of America to live here.

If you spent any time abroad you'd find you miss a lot but there are things you don't miss.

My bro went to Switzerland where everyone has a gun or two but its obvious America has a gun obsession and a lot of nuts. Why do we have so many nuts and what's making them angry?

Or don't you think we do anything wrong ever? Not saying we are wrong but are we always right?

But I'd like to know what's making people so angry?

And why is it always either crazy white religious racists, muslims or blacks?

What does he like about America ?
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?
You don't have to love every aspect of America to live here.

If you spent any time abroad you'd find you miss a lot but there are things you don't miss.

My bro went to Switzerland where everyone has a gun or two but its obvious America has a gun obsession and a lot of nuts. Why do we have so many nuts and what's making them angry?

Or don't you think we do anything wrong ever? Not saying we are wrong but are we always right?

But I'd like to know what's making people so angry?

And why is it always either crazy white religious racists, muslims or blacks?

What does he like about America ?
The money and all the food. He's the President of the company. He likes being rich in America.

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