Yesterday near where I live - Only Fatality was the "good guy" with a gun

funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -

Not sure what you're referring to, the ban in Australia ?
Australia isn't a superpower dealing with terrorists and I don't think Australia has large aboriginal ghettos with the ability to easily buy weapons.

The NRA doesn't own the Australian government.
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?
Yes. He even thinks we are crazy for having pitbulls. Britain got rid of pitbulls too.
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?
Yes. He even thinks we are crazy for having pitbulls. Britain got rid of pitbulls too.

Why does he live here ?
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?
You don't have to love every aspect of America to live here.

If you spent any time abroad you'd find you miss a lot but there are things you don't miss.

My bro went to Switzerland where everyone has a gun or two but its obvious America has a gun obsession and a lot of nuts. Why do we have so many nuts and what's making them angry?

Or don't you think we do anything wrong ever? Not saying we are wrong but are we always right?

But I'd like to know what's making people so angry?

And why is it always either crazy white religious racists, muslims or blacks?
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home

in California the islamonazi terrorists did not obtain the rifles "legally"

also "nutters" can not obtain firearms legally either
as I've just posted - this "good guy" was the one killed - in a tense situation where chaos reigns - how are you supposed to know who the "good guy" is? make all america a gun happy zone is a horrible idea in my opinion- most people in my town cant operate a car much less a weapon
Look where you live. It's too cold to come out of the house 8 months out of the year. No time to practice either skill ! It would be like a welder not having electricity for 3/4 of the year.
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water

tell us what sensible gun law would stop all this happening without full confiscation of guns. And of course as we've seen all that would do is LEAVE the majority of civilians at the mercy of all criminals because they DON'T FOLLOW or abide any laws.

You can do whatever you want to protect yourself and your family, but we have a SECOND amendment that millions of people abide by and that override your hatred for guns. that incident didn't even happen to you and you're on some rampage on why people want to have their guns for protection. seriously that is warped
Google - man shot by crazy man with a gun and dies lol
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Obama is never going to say it openly until it's too late. He believes in slow implementation of abuses designed to rob us of our rights so as not to alarm us. He's counting on useful idiots to ridicule anyone who can see through his plan. He'll placate you suckers by continually talking about saving the planet so he'll appear harmless, and talking about slavery through other channels so he'll appear victimized.
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Obama is never going to say it openly until it's too late. He believes in slow implementation of abuses designed to rob us of our rights so as not to alarm us. He's counting on useful idiots to ridicule anyone who can see through his plan. He'll placate you suckers by continually talking about saving the planet so he'll appear harmless, and talking about slavery through other channels so he'll appear victimized.

Yep, unfortunately these same people he can dupe, on guns, saving Mother earth by changing it's climate or something. they vote for the rest of our lives. that should scare us just as much.
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Obama is never going to say it openly until it's too late. He believes in slow implementation of abuses designed to rob us of our rights so as not to alarm us. He's counting on useful idiots to ridicule anyone who can see through his plan. He'll placate you suckers by continually talking about saving the planet so he'll appear harmless, and talking about slavery through other channels so he'll appear victimized.

Yep, unfortunately these same people he can dupe, on guns, saving Mother earth by changing it's climate or something. they vote for the rest of our lives. that should scare us just as much.
Well, he nudged same-sex marriage his direction and got full credit for it, even though he did nothing other that nominate two Dykes to the SCOTUS. Now gays never question a thing he does. I call this mass insanity.
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Obama is never going to say it openly until it's too late. He believes in slow implementation of abuses designed to rob us of our rights so as not to alarm us. He's counting on useful idiots to ridicule anyone who can see through his plan. He'll placate you suckers by continually talking about saving the planet so he'll appear harmless, and talking about slavery through other channels so he'll appear victimized.

Yep, unfortunately these same people he can dupe, on guns, saving Mother earth by changing it's climate or something. they vote for the rest of our lives. that should scare us just as much.
Well, he nudged same-sex marriage his direction and got full credit for it, even though he did nothing other that nominate two Dykes to the SCOTUS. Now gays never question a thing he does. I call this mass insanity.

those who voted for him helped us all to commit : Obamacide . and it's been the most miserable seven years in my political life. Clinton was an embarrassment but he didn't act like a lowlife street thug who hates the very people he's suppose to represent.

I've never felt anything other than how Obama hates us and our country. he's been itching to take away our second amendment rights and find anyway he can to DENY us owning weapons to protect ourselves and our family's.
and he's also been a Muslim sympathizer and it's now coming back to kill us for him being one. he duped a lot of people in this country. that's scary enough
It appears Wozzy has revealed herself as another BRAIN FROZEN liberal from Wisc. Wozzy, you do realize the YOUR president in his supposed speech yesterday dallied on a NO FLY LIST issuing guns to those peopele, and that THAT BULLSHIT had NOTHING to do with the shooting he was supposed to be talking about and that Calf. Senator Boxer, after the shoot in her state stated ......
Barbara Boxer: 'Sensible gun laws work; we've proven it in California'

Which seems to be a LIE perpetrated by another brain dead California DemocRAT.... What YOU want, is confiscation, come on Wozzy, admit your anti-Constitution, and a shill for the Socialist/Commie agenda of your leftist friends!
steph - your paranoia is off the charts...ask your doctor about xanax
Hi Woz, and belated welcome to the board. Has anyone asked you your personal views on guns yet, and had a conversation with you from a non argumentative embrace? I guess, Im asking then if noone has.

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