Yesterday near where I live - Only Fatality was the "good guy" with a gun

why does the NRA (congress) block research into gun violence? If the facts are on their side why block it? Why are they so against smart gun technology?
It's been taken care of, moved to Current Events. Easiest way to do that is to click "Report" (even if it's your own thread) and send a message to the Mods.

I woulda done it for you earlier but I got busy and I guess somebody else got 'er done.
It's been taken care of, moved to Current Events. Easiest way to do that is to click "Report" (even if it's your own thread) and send a message to the Mods. there is no delete option? I was going batty looking for it
It's been taken care of, moved to Current Events. Easiest way to do that is to click "Report" (even if it's your own thread) and send a message to the Mods. there is no delete option? I was going batty looking for it

Not a user option, no. They have to do it. You could also send one of 'em a PM requesting it, but you may or may not see action.

Wouldn't want this thread deleted anyway. It's a worthy point. Just move it to the appropriate forum, as has been done, and ignore the whiners. When all they have is whine, you know you hit paydirt.


Yer off to a fine start, IMHO. :beer:
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

And how do you know that the guy emerging from the building where a hostage situation is taking place - with a gun in his hand - is the "good guy"?
I always say, that mindless mantra of "the answer to a bad guy with a gun is --- more guns!" is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
I always say, that mindless mantra of "the answer to a bad guy with a gun is --- more guns!" is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
Guns are for protection, that's why so many die protected.
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

And how do you know that the guy emerging from the building where a hostage situation is taking place - with a gun in his hand - is the "good guy"?

He could have been in shock...Its not everyday some nut comes in your bike shop spraying bullets
That gun didn't get him killed................The decisions of the police got him killed in that incident..............I don't openly blame the police as they were in a hostage situation............but the guy running out may have only gotten out because he had a gun.........and was too busy hauling as from the perp to notice that the police were trained down on him................

It's a sad deal, but in no way is a reason to say...........NO MORE GUNS.................

I support the 2nd Amendment..........the NRA..........and believe gun control is the ability to hit what they are aiming at...............This is the police shooting in an instant instead of hitting the pause button before opening fire.
The fastest way for a cop to become a dead cop is to hit the pause button before firing.
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home

If someone had been armed at that party the death count may have been much lower, you'll notice the shooter disregarded the gun free zone and brought his weapons
Could have been much higher as they shot innocent people instead of the 2 shooters.
as I've just posted - this "good guy" was the one killed - in a tense situation where chaos reigns - how are you supposed to know who the "good guy" is? make all america a gun happy zone is a horrible idea in my opinion- most people in my town cant operate a car much less a weapon

Is everyone from wisconson this ignorant?
well terrorists and nutters should not have the right to legally purchase weapons of war to use on the public - common sense - nowhere does it say terrorists and nutjobs have the same rights as law abiding Americans - sorry - do you want your fellow Americans to keep dying? please dont start regurgitating all the NRA talking points of gun free zones ect....I think a disabilty home or a christmas office party is a place you should be comfortable enough to leave your AR at home
So tell me how do you know a person is a terrorist before they buy a weapon?

I don't have all the answers but I know this...My step - father had a history of domestic violence before he murdered my mother and my friends sister was killed by a certifiable nutjob who killed her with a legally purchased gun.

When you figure out how to predict the future then you tell me how aside from banning and confiscating all guns to stop random acts of violence

BTW people will still kill people for all you know if a gun was not available the psycho who killed your relative and friend would have just used a bat or a knife or his bare hands to kill
So we hear from the far right wing crazy people that the only solution to a "bad guy" with a gun is a "good guy" with a gun.

Well a "good guy" had a gun and it didn't stop the "bad guy." All it did was get the "good guy" killed.
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -

Not sure what you're referring to, the ban in Australia ?
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.
Remember the movie black hawk down? That's what Republicans would love in America. If the shit went down they'd love for every American to be able to go run and grab their assault rifles if they weren't already carrying them.
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?
funny the people I know that actually live and work there say its been a great thing and we are coo coo for cocoa puffs...the RWNJ's will do anything to keep whacko's shooting -
My British boss thinks we're nuts too. Now I don't want to ban guns and I don't know what the happy medium is but I suspect it's a combination of things.

You can't stop crazy. If it's not guns will you prefer bombs? Remember Boston and Oklahoma city?

Yet your boss is living here ?

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