Yesterday near where I live - Only Fatality was the "good guy" with a gun

Americans don't know this because they live in a fucking bubble.

What's your nationality, fish?

So, you're a Greek citizen?
I may or may not have been born in Detroit .......

Doesn't sound like your nationality is Greek, fish.
My great great great great grand grandmother may have been raped by a turk Persian or moor.
What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.
The vermin who want to take the lives of innocent people have nothing to do with it in Leftardia. It's inanimate objects that are the root cause of the problem.

What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
Better start listening then. I would never say something dumb like that.

You can lose your license if you have a bad driving record - NEWS 1130

You say all kinds of dumb things.

We put drunks on the road all the time and they tend to wipe out about 15,000 people per year.
What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
Better start listening then. I would never say something dumb like that.

You can lose your license if you have a bad driving record - NEWS 1130

You say all kinds of dumb things.

We put drunks on the road all the time and they tend to wipe out about 15,000 people per year.
You may put drunks on the road all the time but no one else does. Cars werent made to kill people and you didnt address the fact that people do get their licenses taken away. Stop being so dumb.
I know - Nobody on either side will learn one thing and the same thing will happen year after year...absolutely nothing except an ever-growing body count....I support the bravery of those willing to take on the NRA - theyre fighting a battle they know they will lose but care enough to do it anyway - Both sides throw out tons of propaganda that their sheep followers spread without thought or reason....Its kinda like religion...Christians believe God created man so any evidance to the contrary is immediately dismissed - nothing learned nothing gained - ignorance is bliss...they call it faith

Ignorance is anything but bliss! Ignorance is crippling.
What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
Better start listening then. I would never say something dumb like that.

You can lose your license if you have a bad driving record - NEWS 1130
Yea but what gives you a bad gun record.

One drunk driving you eventually get your licence back. One gun incident (felony) you can never get a gun again.
I in no way shape or form do I believe law abiding citizens should have to give up anything...Neither do most people...The only ones saying that are paranoid types...I see a push for some sensible restrictions but nowhere a "gun grab" from law abiding folks.....Think alot of that is fact, I know it is.
Tell that to the Canadians then. They agreed to go along with people like you. Enacted gun laws, created a registry..............Then the Gov't went Far Left and banned the guns...........With everyone registered the Gov't knew who had the guns and demanded they be turned into the Gov't.

Worked with a guy a long while back. From Ontario. He refused to turn them in and was sitting there watching t.v. and they kicked in his door and pointed guns in his direction. Took his registered guns and took him to jail. He paid bail. Paid a large fine and that was the end of it. He tried to get his guns back to put them in the armory where citizens could store guns for hunting legally. They refused.

He bought more guns and legally put them in the armory. For hunting season. Told me he has to get a permit to get his gun. Get an approved route to the hunting area, and then turn the guns in immediately after the hunt. He pays storage fees.

He told us..........Never register them............that's how they did it here.

It was a while back. In the 90's.........but his message is clear to me. And it is clear to me when some, unlike you don't try to hide their final attempt to ban guns in America.

Many liberals make no bones about their intent........Others hide behind........that's not our true agenda.

This post contains so much false information I have to comment.

There is no record of police or RCMP confiscating legal registered guns from gun owners and arresting them. There have been gun placed in the restricted list and owners are asked to hand them in when they are reclassified.

Canadian guns nuts tell lots of paranoid stories like this one but in reality it doesn't happen.
What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
Better start listening then. I would never say something dumb like that.

You can lose your license if you have a bad driving record - NEWS 1130

You say all kinds of dumb things.

We put drunks on the road all the time and they tend to wipe out about 15,000 people per year.
You may put drunks on the road all the time but no one else does. Cars werent made to kill people and you didnt address the fact that people do get their licenses taken away. Stop being so dumb.

Thanks for confirming my earlier assertion.
What was the point of this thread.

You have a nation of 330,000,000.

Things always work perfectly ?

When we start taking licenses away from stupid drivers, I'll listen to an argument for restrictions on guns.
Better start listening then. I would never say something dumb like that.

You can lose your license if you have a bad driving record - NEWS 1130

You say all kinds of dumb things.

We put drunks on the road all the time and they tend to wipe out about 15,000 people per year.
You may put drunks on the road all the time but no one else does. Cars werent made to kill people and you didnt address the fact that people do get their licenses taken away. Stop being so dumb.

Thanks for confirming my earlier assertion.
Youre welcome.
Send ten thousand NG into every inner city shit hole in the country and confiscate every illegal gun. Watch the murder rate using a firearm drop faster than Madonna's panties at a latino wedding reception.
One man dead, one arrested after shootout with Neenah police

sad...America is the laughing stock of the world it seems. My friends in Australia can't fathom why we refuse to inact sensible restrictions.

Maybe you should point out to your Australian friends that after they enacted their ban that their rate of violent crime INCREASED.

"Even Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun-involved crime:

In 2006, assault rose 49.2 percent and robbery 6.2 percent.
Sexual assault -- Australia's equivalent term for rape -- increased 29.9 percent.
Overall, Australia's violent crime rate rose 42.2 percent."

that's because when a gun wants money it wants money
funny how you folks are clairvoyant - have crystal balls - and everything you say comes right out of the RWNJ book of debunked talking points - good little soldiers -
And your points do not mimic the talking points of those who are against guns?

I own guns. I do not use them for evil things. They are there if I need them, and there if I don't need them. It's my right to own them, and I firmly believe that it is a right guaranteed to me by the 2nd Amendment. I should not be punished for the acts of criminals, and in a nation of well over 300 million people there will ALWAYS be criminals with guns. Pardon me if one shows up to do harm to me or my family that I would like to have something more than my dick to fight back with.
Must really suck not having one original thought - and to be so scared must be exhausting - FEAR FEAR FEAR keeps the sheep at bay
Right out of the liberal playbook. We are all afraid...................posted from under my bed while pissing myself out of fear...............

OMG...........Lion's and Tigers and Bears....................
That gun didn't get him killed................The decisions of the police got him killed in that incident..............I don't openly blame the police as they were in a hostage situation............but the guy running out may have only gotten out because he had a gun.........and was too busy hauling as from the perp to notice that the police were trained down on him................

It's a sad deal, but in no way is a reason to say...........NO MORE GUNS.................

I support the 2nd Amendment..........the NRA..........and believe gun control is the ability to hit what they are aiming at...............This is the police shooting in an instant instead of hitting the pause button before opening fire.
The fastest way for a cop to become a dead cop is to hit the pause button before firing.
Did you see me attacking the police in my post. I said I understood how it went down. And do not blame them for taking the shot given the situation.
Seriously...where does this paranoia come from? I've never heard a single word about "disarming the public" that's Alex Jones type crap....But, by all means keep believing copious amounts of ammo and stock up on bottled water
Tactics used in Europe and Canada..........Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me..............

Some from your side openly admit the real goal, which is eventually banning guns as was down in other areas of the world...........

We just choose to stop you from taking the baby steps towards that agenda.

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