Yet another Biden feat: spending bill agreement reached

Another feather in Biden’s cap. Worked with reasonable Republicans to secure a budget that keeps us solvent and working. Go Biden!

Congress unveils $1.7 trillion deal to fund government, avert shutdown

Democratic and Republican negotiators early
Tuesday unveiled a roughly $1.7 trillion deal to fund the U.S. government through most of 2023, setting up a last-minute sprint on Capitol Hill to approve the sprawling package and avert a potential shutdown.
The 4,155-page measure, known in congressional parlance as an omnibus, included funding for key elements of President Biden’s economic agenda, new boosts to defense programs and an additional $44.9 billion in emergency military and economic assistance for Ukraine.
A feather??

Each president just keeps adding to the debt. America is gonna go pop.
Both sides play chicken and reach a deal at the last minute to avoid a shutdown in other breaking news water is wet.
This just shows you that we really only have one party. The Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch while the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

The Republicans could have told the Democrat filth to shove it and not do anything until they take power in January and then come up with a more reasonable budget without all that Democrat sponsored wasteful bullshit.

But they didn't do it. They went along with the Democrat assholes and the American people got screwed once again. Whenever the Democrats screw America they usually get some Republican help along the way and this is a great example.
Another feather in Biden’s cap. Worked with reasonable Republicans to secure a budget that keeps us solvent and working. Go Biden!

Congress unveils $1.7 trillion deal to fund government, avert shutdown

Democratic and Republican negotiators early
Tuesday unveiled a roughly $1.7 trillion deal to fund the U.S. government through most of 2023, setting up a last-minute sprint on Capitol Hill to approve the sprawling package and avert a potential shutdown.
The 4,155-page measure, known in congressional parlance as an omnibus, included funding for key elements of President Biden’s economic agenda, new boosts to defense programs and an additional $44.9 billion in emergency military and economic assistance for Ukraine.
4000 plus page bill that nobody read.

Awesome, huh Simp?
Another feather in Biden’s cap. Worked with reasonable Republicans to secure a budget that keeps us solvent and working. Go Biden!

Congress unveils $1.7 trillion deal to fund government, avert shutdown

Democratic and Republican negotiators early
Tuesday unveiled a roughly $1.7 trillion deal to fund the U.S. government through most of 2023, setting up a last-minute sprint on Capitol Hill to approve the sprawling package and avert a potential shutdown.
The 4,155-page measure, known in congressional parlance as an omnibus, included funding for key elements of President Biden’s economic agenda, new boosts to defense programs and an additional $44.9 billion in emergency military and economic assistance for Ukraine.

As he continues to give billions to foreign countries while we need that money here at home.
  • Inflation Reduction Act
  • CHIPS & Science Act
  • PACT Act for veterans
  • First major gun safety legislation in decades
  • Took out the leader of al Qaeda
  • Historic job growth
  • Historically low unemployment
  • Expanded the NATO alliance
  • American Rescue Plan led to fastest jobs recovery in history
  • Confirmation of Justice Ketani Brown Jackson
  • Rallied our allies in support of Ukraine
  • Once-in-a-generation infrastructure investments
  • Largest ever deficit reduction
  • Best midterm for a President in half a century
Your delusions are cute, Simp.
Please keep under estimating him..

He has passing far more legislation and winning wars while you are thinking you are winning...

You see for the last four presidents a Democratic President last approval poll has been 59%+ the last two GOP didn't break 35%... GOP Presidents have been proven failures...

And the bigger laugh, Biden hands the MAGA crew there ass in the midterms and you still think he is a looser and underestimate him... Keep it up...

LOL...biden doesnt even know where he is half the time.
Winning wars? What wars?
Are you high,bidens approval numbers aren't even close to 59%.
I don’t see any reference to the current spending bill… and I have a bachelors and masters in economics.
And you are still economically illiterate.

You do know the gas price is exactly inverse to the employment line right? If you want $2 gas we can go back to the 16% unemployment that went with it. There is no oil policies in place that restricted oil output. Oil output is UP from when Biden took over. You get what that means right? There is more oil produced now than when Biden came into office.
$44.9 billion MORE to Ukraine to protect their border, while we totally neglect our own!!!

What's wrong with this picture??
The billions to Ukraine isn't to protect their border. It's to pay the handling charges to funnel that money back to democrats.
Progs have perfected the art of winning federal elections. Honed from local elections they have stolen over the decades as they changed Democratic regions into Liberal regions into current Progressive Socialist ones that are moving to Communism.
Yes, it is.

You are just too fucking stupid To figure it out, Simp.
Not being able to read isnt the fault of the author. It’s the reader. You all can’t read. What was the last book you read?

An expected juvenile deflection on your part.
I didn't know that Dr. Seuss wrote a 4,000+ page children's book written in legalese??

You F'in idiot!!!
What does the length of an appropriation bill have to do with anything? Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees. Your dumbass can read 12 one page fact sheets or 12 five page summaries? Right dumbfuck?

Sample of fact sheet:

Sample of summary:

What does the length of an appropriation bill have to do with anything? Here is a one page summary of each section from the subcommittees. Your dumbass can read 12 one page fact sheets or 12 five page summaries? Right dumbfuck?

Sample of fact sheet:
View attachment 740515
Sample of summary:

View attachment 740514

It's lengthy, it's rushed, and Dimm's are cheats and liars!!
No need to say more.
It's lengthy, it's rushed, and Dimm's are cheats and liars!!
No need to say more.
So you haven’t read them? Wasn’t rushed. Been written for weeks, most of it for months. The final edits were agreed upon and tiny virtue signaling things of no consequence were adjusted for the Pubs.

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